
Chiron opposition

Chiron Opposite Vesta: Self-worth & Gifts

What does Chiron opposite Vesta mean? This opposition puts Chiron’s wounds and healing potential at odds with Vesta’s dedication, spirituality, and connection to the inner flame and hearth. Individuals might have wounds that make them feel they don’t belong. They may have low self-worth or crave external validation instead of finding it within. Couples may […]

Chiron Opposite Juno: Vulnerability & Trust

What does Chiron opposite Juno mean? This opposition puts Chiron’s pain and the potential to heal at odds with Juno’s focus on commitment, partnership, and attachment. Individuals might struggle to have healthy relationships because of their inner wounds. They may hold themselves back from committing or connecting due to fears and insecurities. Couples will let […]

Chiron Opposite South Node: Mentorship & Clarity

What does Chiron opposite the South Node mean? This opposition puts Chiron’s inner wounds and trauma at odds with the South Node’s comfort zone and past karma. It might be difficult for individuals to acknowledge they have trauma because they may feel they have led comfortable lives. Couples have the opportunity to heal one another […]

Chiron Opposite Midheaven: Sabotage & Integration

What does Chiron opposite the Midheaven mean? This opposition creates tension between Chiron’s wounds and the potential to heal from them and the Midheaven’s ties to image and professional success. Individuals may have trouble going after their career goals because of their wounds. Couples might struggle to balance their relationship and careers because of the […]

Jupiter Opposite Chiron: Risks & Limitations

What does Jupiter opposite Chiron mean? This opposition calls for education and new experiences that will create opportunities for healing. Overcoming past trauma and integrating inner wounds will involve going out into the world and taking risks. Individuals may need to shift their perspectives and gain new insight to heal. Couples must be open-minded and […]

Moon Opposite Chiron: Healing & Sensitivity

What does the Moon opposite Chiron mean? The past and present will be at odds when this aspect is in a chart. It creates a tug between inner wounds and emotional needs. Individuals and couples typically have to learn how to be more compassionate about the wounds they carry. Being vulnerable may be difficult, but […]

Saturn Opposite Chiron: Limits & Insecurities

What does Saturn opposite Chiron mean? This aspect creates tension between Saturn’s caution, discipline, and boundaries and Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal and integrate them. Individuals may feel limitations get in the way of their healing. They might find it challenging to work on career goals and manage responsibilities. Couples may let […]

Mercury Opposite Chiron: Disconnection & Misunderstandings

What does Mercury opposite Chiron mean? This opposition creates an imbalance between Mercury’s communication style and Chiron’s wounds and the potential to heal them. Wounds could revolve around feeling alienated and disconnected from others. Individuals may struggle to communicate or open up about their inner wounds. They might feel misunderstood. Couples might be overly triggered […]

Mars Opposite Chiron: Confidence & Resentment

What does Mars opposite Chiron mean? This aspect can make it difficult to confront fears and insecurities. It puts Mars’ courage at odds with inner wounds and trauma, making healing difficult. Individuals might feel defeated and struggle to connect to the power of Mars because of their wounds. They might become angry, resentful, and restless […]

Uranus Opposite Chiron: Change & Pain

What does Uranus opposite Chiron mean? This opposition calls for some in-depth reflection on Chiron’s inner wounds. Working through past pain might be a wild, unpredictable, and transformative journey. Individuals may have trouble making changes and embracing the unknown when their wounds are unresolved. Couples might be detached from their wounds and refuse to make […]

Sun Opposite Chiron: Healing & Empowerment

The Sun opposite Chiron challenges you to look past your hardships and past wounds. You can be reluctant to embrace your strengths. Your ego and sense of identity are at odds with pain from your past. You don’t want to accept defeat, which may undermine your success. You must work to tap into your creative […]

Pluto Opposite Chiron: Evolution & Repression

What does Pluto opposite Chiron mean? This aspect creates a dynamic tension between Pluto’s power, rage, and destruction and Chiron’s role as the wounded healer. Overcoming fears and insecurities can be an intense journey. Individuals may have deeply repressed emotions that hold them back from healing. Couples may struggle to balance personal evolution and opportunities […]

Neptune Opposite Chiron: Delusions & Integration

What does Neptune opposite Chiron mean? This opposition creates a dynamic between Neptune’s illusions and fantasies and Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal and integrate them. Individuals might try to find healing in mysticism or spirituality but will go down the wrong path and be deceived. Couples might ignore their wounds because of […]

Venus Opposite Chiron: Value & Vulnerability

What does Venus opposite Chiron mean? This opposition creates tension between Venus’ loving, charming, and harmonious nature, Chiron’s wounds, and the potential to heal. Unhealed wounds will likely get in the way of healthy relationships. Individuals may have trouble trusting others and connecting with them. Couples might struggle to open up and be vulnerable. However, […]

Chiron Opposite Ascendant: Hiding & Inauthenticity

What does Chiron opposite the Ascendant mean? This opposition creates tension between Chiron’s inner wounds and healing and the Ascendant’s appearance and the first impressions it makes. Individuals might project their wounds onto others or overcompensate for their wounds by trying to appear more confident or put-together than they really are. Couples likely won’t see […]

Chiron Opposite Black Moon Lilith: Painful & Wild

What does Chiron opposite Black Moon Lilith mean? This opposition puts trauma and healing at odds with rebellion, independence, and authenticity. Individuals might struggle to be their authentic selves because of their wounds. They might feel held back by social norms but be afraid to rebel against them. Couples may have complex and toxic bonds […]

Chiron Opposite North Node: Journeys & Trauma

What does Chiron opposite the North Node mean? This opposition puts Chiron’s inner wounds at odds with the North Node’s life path and destiny. Individuals might struggle to heal because, in some ways, they are comfortable with their wounds and their lives. Couples may sabotage themselves out of fear and insecurity. It might be easy […]

Chiron Opposite Eros: Sexuality & Integration

What does Chiron opposite Eros mean? This opposition creates tension between Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal from them and Eros’ intimate, erotic desires. Past trauma will get in the way of intimacy. Individuals may have trauma related to their desires. They might have difficulty seeking out the intimate bonds they want. Couples […]

Chiron Opposite Part Of Fortune: Possessions & Luck

What does Chiron opposite the Part of Fortune mean? This opposition creates tension between Chiron’s unhealed wounds and trauma and the Part of Fortune’s satisfaction and personal fulfillment. Individuals may feel unlucky and unfulfilled because of their wounds. They must heal and integrate their wounds to find success. Couples may experience instability because of their […]

Ceres Opposite Chiron: Self-worth & Neglect

What does Ceres opposite Chiron mean? This opposition puts Ceres’ nurturing and compassion at odds with Chiron’s inner wounds and potential to heal from them. Individuals will have trouble practicing self-care, nurturing others, and healing from their inner wounds. Couples will struggle to care for one another because of unresolved trauma and inner pain. This […]

Chiron Opposite Pallas: Defenses & Understanding

What does Chiron opposite Pallas mean? This opposition puts Chiron’s pain and ability to heal from it at odds with Pallas’ wisdom and strategic mindset. Individuals might feel they can’t connect to their wisdom because of their wounds. They may also try to push forward and ignore their wounds to focus on other problems. Couples […]

Chiron Opposite Vertex: Triggers & Opportunities

What does Chiron opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition can facilitate healing, but that will often come from confrontation, uncomfortable experiences, and destined meetings that don’t initially seem positive. Individuals will have relationships and meet people who force their wounds to the surface. Couples will have a powerful karmic connection, but they will trigger one […]

Chiron Opposite Hygiea: Mindfulness & Strength

What does Chiron opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition creates tension between Chiron’s wounds and potential for healing and Hygiea’s focus on health, cleanliness, and hygiene. Individuals may struggle with their health because of inner wounds. Forming healthy routines and habits will be challenging. Couples might develop unhealthy bonds because of their past trauma. It can […]

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