
Charts • Page 94

Neptune in Libra: Illusions & Beauty

Libra Neptune indicates a generation devoted to spiritual growth and justice. You want the world to be fair and harmonious. You are a peacekeeper and strive to facilitate healing and connection. You are empathetic and can be generous and sincere. You are helpful and can be generous, and eager to advocate for others. You crave […]

Neptune Conjunct Ascendant: Image & Illusions

What does Neptune conjunct the Ascendant mean? This conjunction connects image and illusion. The first impression someone makes likely isn’t their whole identity. However, this aspect has a high level of empathy and sensitivity. There is not an intention or desire to deceive. Instead, individuals and couples seek to blend in and understand those around […]

Sun Quincunx Neptune: Delusions & Addiction

The Sun quincunx Neptune makes you question your intuition. You feel pressure to heal from past wounds but mistrust your instincts. You go to extremes to avoid conflict, even if that means embracing delusions. You may fall for fantasies and don’t have discretion. You may stifle your intuition and hide your compassionate nature. You feel […]

Mars Opposite Part Of Fortune: Restlessness & Initiative

What does Mars opposite the Part of Fortune mean? There is a powerful potential for success and strength in this opposition, but finding balance and achieving that success will be difficult. Individuals might feel torn between their impulses and their desire for success. Their ambitions may be at war with one another. Couples will struggle […]

Pluto Quincunx Pallas: Subconscious & Rationality

What does Pluto quincunx Pallas mean? This aspect calls for an examination of how the psyche and the rational mind work together. They might feel out of alignment, but embracing change and making certain adjustments can bring them together. Individuals might struggle to compromise and make decisions with others because they can’t give up control […]

Eros Quincunx Juno: Commitment & Fascination

Eros quincunx Juno is a tense aspect that can diminish the power of both asteroids. Eros’s influence relates to infatuation and sexual creativity. Juno is obsessed with commitment. You may question a partner’s intentions and feel insecure because of inadequate feelings in the bedroom. This placement can make you feel awkward in romance. You might […]

Pluto Sextile Eros: Captivating & Intense

What does Pluto sextile Eros mean? This aspect creates a harmonious and powerful connection between Pluto’s transformation and Eros’ passion. It can unlock deep, hidden desires and create powerfully intimate experiences. Individuals may require a deeper level of intimacy with their partners. They can transform because of their connections with others and fully explore their […]

Saturn Conjunct Neptune: Cynicism & Idealism

What does Saturn conjunct Neptune mean? When expressed positively, this conjunction can create a strong work ethic and a desire to turn dreams into reality, no matter how difficult that might be. There can be a lot of insecurity in this aspect, though. While Saturn brings stability, it also brings pessimism. It can bring out […]

Uranus Opposite Pallas: Creativity & Confusion

What does Uranus opposite Pallas mean? This opposition creates a dynamic tension between Uranus’ freedom and rebellion and Pallas’ creative wisdom. They will be at odds, but balancing this opposition can lead to positive change. Individuals can rebel without thinking when ignoring Pallas’ wisdom or get stuck in rigid routines when they aren’t connected to […]

Mars Conjunct Part Of Fortune: Willpower & Success

What does Mars conjunct Part of Fortune mean? There is a lot of potential in this conjunction. It comes with decisiveness, assertiveness, and willpower. There is determination and ambition in it as well. This conjunction can come with impulsivity and aggression, too, though. The Part of Fortune’s desire for success blends well with Mars’ ambition, […]

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