
Charts • Page 62

Jupiter Quincunx North Node: Destiny & Discomfort

What does Jupiter quincunx North Node mean? This quincunx often makes individuals and couples feel stifled in some way. They may feel like life is trying to teach them a lesson, but that lesson is uncomfortable or challenging to learn. Confidence, fulfillment, and reaching one’s true potential will all feel blocked when this aspect is […]

Moon Square Juno: Volatile & Misunderstood

What does the Moon square Juno mean? This aspect creates disharmony between the Moon’s emotional responses and instincts and Juno’s focus on partnerships and commitment. Individuals might fear commitment or believe they can’t meet their emotional needs in a relationship. Couples may have a volatile energy that makes it difficult to bond and express their […]

Moon in Gemini: Creativity & Intuition

The Gemini Moon makes you open about your subconscious. You are playful and can appeal to others because you are playful and charming. You use your empathetic skills to relate to others and can be supportive. Your communication skills and subconscious desires align and you can share your intuitive ideas openly. You are gentle and […]

Pluto Sextile Midheaven: Power & Success

What does Pluto sextile the Midheaven mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Pluto’s transformative and evolutionary power and the Midheaven’s public image and professional aspirations. Individuals can sometimes have a powerful or authoritative image, but they have the potential to be leaders and mentors who will help others become just as successful as […]

Mars Opposite Neptune: Deception & Insecurity

What does Mars opposite Neptune mean? This opposition can create an internal lack of confidence and false bravado. Any person or relationship with this aspect might appear self-assured, but that’s an illusion. There is a lack of honesty in this opposition and the potential to be deceived. It can be challenging to determine whether someone […]

Mercury in 1st House: Communicative & Adaptive

The Mercury in the First House placement makes you outgoing and social. You are creative and quick to say what is on your mind. You express yourself freely and can be flexible and adaptive. You are charming and can be flirty and talkative. You are outgoing and use your gifts to help others thrive. You […]

North Node in Leo: Creativity & Fate

With the North Node in Leo, you are destined for advancement and fame. You crave recognition and move toward gaining attention and prominence. You learn to accept praise and you desire fame an dstatus. Yet you must overcome Karmic issues related to status and glory. You are determined to pursue your passions and your spiritual […]

Moon Square Hygiea: Conditioning & Tension

What does the Moon square Hygiea mean? This aspect creates disharmony between the Moon’s feelings and sensitivity and Hygiea’s health consciousness and habits. Individuals may lack a sense of emotional security, leading to mental health issues or even physical manifestations of negative emotions. Couples will need to work together to emotionally mature and learn how […]

Neptune Conjunct Pluto: Evolution & Discoveries

What does Neptune conjunct Pluto mean? This conjunction can bring powerful spiritual transformation and a deep connection to the unseen and unknown aspects of the world. The unconscious mind is a major component of this conjunction. Any person or relationship with this in their chart might be focused on self-discovery or uncovering the meaning of […]

Mercury Conjunct Uranus: Shocking & Futuristic

Mercury conjunct Uranus makes your perspective odd and eccentric. You love unusual theories and can be attracted to conspiracies. You are interested in learning about taboo topics. You have an odd perspective and get attention through dramatic exclamations. You have a shocking communication style and can be full of surprises. You can’t conceal your ideas […]

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