
Charts • Page 47

Jupiter Opposite Hygiea: Anxiety & Consciousness

What does Jupiter opposite Hygiea mean? This opposition can create an imbalance between the belief systems and optimism of Jupiter and Hygiea’s health consciousness. This can lead to pessimistic views about public and personal health. Individuals might be easily depressed or worried about the state of the world. They might become unhealthy due to overextending […]

Sagittarius in 8th House: Passion & Transformation

Sagittarius in the Eighth House brings intense focus and obsession with philosophy and spirituality. You are open-minded and can be expressive and passionate. You are daring and eager to embrace adventure. Releasing past wounds makes you feel more confident in your potential. You are a natural leader encouraging others to delve beneath the surface, seeking […]

Leo in 6th House: Creative & Nurturing

Leo in the Sixth House is a creative and inspiring placement. You are encouraging and can be charming and motivated. You use your unique talents to help others take their health seriously. You can be generous and affectionate with a dramatic approach to your work and daily routines. You can be determined to perfect your […]

Black Moon Lilith Square South Node: Stubbornness & Inhibitions

The Black Moon Lilith square of the South Node makes you passionate and determined to fulfill your mission. You are ambitious, yet you become distracted by stubborn whims. Your vengeful nature can surface, blocking you from fulfilling your destiny. You find empowerment when you work through subdued anger and resentment. You must work to overcome […]

Jupiter Conjunct Juno: Connection & Growth

What does Jupiter conjunct Juno mean? This aspect combines Juno’s loyalty and desire for commitment with Jupiter’s expansive, optimistic nature. It can bring out the positive traits of both these celestial bodies. People with this aspect in their charts tend to be loyal and committed. They might be attracted to people from other cultures but […]

Hygiea Quincunx North Node: Compulsion & Evolution

Hygiea quincunx the North Node creates strain and stress in health matters. You might initially feel delayed and distracted by health issues and ignore your body’s needs. When you focus on hygiene, health, and self-improvement, you can become more successful and evolve toward your higher mission. You can grow to appreciate your higher strengths. Your […]

Ascendant Opposite Part Of Fortune: Obligations & Control

The Ascendant opposite the Part of Fortune causes you to clash with your desires. You may experience inner turmoil and be unsettled. You seek pleasure but don’t know how to enjoy your accomplishments. Your ambitions and destiny don’t fit with your reputation and image. You project an image of confidence and may stubbornly resist growth. […]

Jupiter Sextile Vertex: Perspectives & Opportunities

What does Jupiter sextile the Vertex mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Jupiter’s desire for improvement and the Vertex’s destiny and connection to fated events in someone’s life. Individuals may be optimistic about their destiny, even when they don’t entirely understand it. They will see all fated encounters as opportunities for learning, even […]

Black Moon Lilith Opposite South Node: Passion & Independence

Black Moon Lilith opposite the South Node makes you rebel against tradition. You are impatient and may follow your impulses. You can be bold and independent. You move toward your higher mission and can be eager to break from the past. You are creative and can passionately make your point. You move toward your destiny […]

Moon Square Vertex: Upheaval & Responses

What does the Moon square the Vertex mean? This aspect creates disharmony between the Moon’s instincts, feelings, and ties to family and the Vertex’s fated encounters and life purpose. Individuals may struggle with fated encounters because they bring up uncomfortable memories and emotions. Couples may have wildly different emotional responses and must learn how to […]

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