
Charts • Page 44

Mars Quincunx Part Of Fortune: Accomplishments & Happiness

What does Mars quincunx the Part of Fortune mean? This quincunx causes Mars’ drive and dedication to be out of alignment with the sense of luck and abundance that comes with the Part of Fortune. This aspect can create tension between someone’s genuine desires and the path they should be on to gain true fulfillment. […]

Sun Opposite Pallas: Problem Solving & Collaboration

The Sun opposite Pallas makes you turn away from your insights and mission. You are insecure about your ability to lead others. You may play small until you can express your unique vision. With effort, you find the confidence to stand up for your ideals. You may fear rejection and stifle your unique wisdom. Don’t […]

Sun Sextile North Node: Expression & Advancement

The Sun sextile North Node is an ideal placement to help you follow your purpose. You are creative and optimistic. You are willing to take risks to grow. You are charismatic and entice others to support your growth. You channel your instincts and pursue your destiny. You move toward your dreams this year. This is […]

Uranus Quincunx Midheaven: Eccentricity & Authority

What does Uranus quincunx the Midheaven mean? This quincunx calls for exploring the relationship between rebellion and public image. Is conformity and a strict idea of professionalism needed to move up in the world and succeed? Individuals might be considered rebellious and stubborn by others. They may have issues with authority, even if they are […]

Mercury Sextile Chiron: Self-expression & Release

What does Mercury sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between logic and healing. There is a profound potential to understand and gain insights about inner wounds. Individuals might initially struggle to communicate because of their wounds, but they have the knowledge and understanding to overcome them. Couples have the potential to express […]

Part of Fortune in Libra: Romance & Pleasure

Libra Part of Fortune makes you a loving and receptive partner. You thrive when a partner inspires you. You can be attuned to your artistic and empathetic side. You can be gentle and diplomatic, using your gifts to help others. You are luckiest when you advocate for your loved ones. You can be diplomatic and […]

Pallas in 2nd House: Integrity & Vision

Pallas in the Second House makes you passionate about bringing others together to rally around a shared mission. You can be a source of stability for others. You are encouraging and can be a source of growth and prosperity. Others look to you for guidance and warmth. You help others find strength and self-confidence. You […]

Moon Trine Mars: Success & Desirability

When the Moon trines Mars, this can bring success or the potential for success. A person with this trine will be charismatic and persuasive, and their passion will draw others in. A relationship with this trine will be based on mutual attraction and a desire to see each partner succeed. This aspect also brings determination […]

Vesta Opposite Part Of Fortune: Chance & Purpose

What does Vesta opposite the Part of Fortune mean? This opposition creates tension between Vesta’s devotion and the Part of Fortune’s luck. It can make it feel like dedication is not enough to create fulfillment. Individuals might feel they don’t come across the opportunities they need. They may devote their time and effort to certain […]

Saturn Conjunct Juno: Dedication & Discipline

What does Saturn conjunct Juno mean? Saturn’s need for structure combines with Juno’s need for partnership in this conjunction. It can create a need for long-term, stable connections in all areas of life. When expressed healthily, this conjunction can create a strong work ethic, dedication to family, friends, and romantic partners, and responsibility within relationships. […]

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