
Charts • Page 30

Neptune in 6th House: Emotional & Sensitive

Neptune in the Sixth House makes you compassionate and passive. You are undisciplined and follow the flow rather than setting schedules and deadlines. You are encouraging and emotional, yet your health depends on your moods. You can be empathetic and use your gifts to connect with others. Your routines revolve around catering to others’ emotional […]

Neptune Conjunct Eros: Fantasies & Connections

What does Neptune conjunct Eros mean? This conjunction aligns Neptune’s ethereal nature with Eros’ inner desires and ability to connect with others. Sexual encounters can be spiritual when this aspect is influencing them. Romance can be dreamy. Fantasies and inner urges can be explored. The boundary between fantasy and reality can be blurry, though. It […]

North Node in 6th House: Awakenings & Perfection

The North Node in the Sixth House makes you persistent and eager to discover your purpose. You are on a mission to create stability and security for others. You are encouraging and can bring stability and patience to relationships. You are more attuned to your health and can be conscientious and responsible. You become more […]

Midheaven Trine South Node: Fortune & Precociousness

The Midheaven trine the South Node makes you confident with your career choices. You have an intuitive understanding of your mission and can make winning choices. You find unique ways to express your gifts. Your professional mission is part of your nature, and you quickly rise to prominence. You have unique skills from another lifetime […]

Mercury in 10th House: Diplomatic & Rational

Mercury in the Tenth House makes you knowledgeable and understanding. You use your articulate and talkative nature to help others connect. Your career relates to writing, speaking, and teaching. Your gifts for creating a winning public image help you succeed. You are charming, insightful, and intellectual. You are also flexible, and your adaptability helps you […]

Mercury Sextile Black Moon Lilith: Reason & Liberation

What does Mercury sextile Black Moon Lilith mean? This aspect comes with rebellious streaks and a bit of impulsivity, but it also allows for authentic expression, charismatic public speaking, and liberation. Individuals will have no trouble expressing their individuality and discarding social norms that don’t serve them. Couples can explore social and relationship dynamics and […]

Pluto Conjunct Chiron: Regeneration & Rebirth

What does Pluto conjunct Chiron mean? This conjunction connects Pluto’s evolutionary nature and connection to the unconscious mind with Chiron’s inner wound and potential for healing and mentorship. This aspect can make it easier to confront fears and deal with hidden trauma or wounds. Connecting to Pluto’s shadow side and being willing to face the […]

Vesta in Virgo: Devotion & Purity

Vesta in Virgo is an ideal placement for a healer who seeks purity and wisdom. You may embark on a path of extreme self-deprecation. You are dedicated to following your purpose. You crave simple pleasures and can be determined to follow your instincts. You are rational and can be sensitive and analytical. You have a […]

Saturn Quincunx Hygiea: Control & Fear

What does Saturn quincunx Hygiea mean? This aspect creates a disconnect between the controlled side of Saturn and the healing, health-conscious side of Hygiea. People with this aspect often seem incredibly healthy, but they likely hide some unhealthy habits. They may also overly focus on appearance or fitness, leading them to have unhealthy relationships with […]

Uranus in Gemini: Brilliance & Surprises

Gemini Uranus is a generational placement. People born during this transit are part of a cohort born to shatter expectations around communication. You are part of a generation that forever changes learning and brings dramatic shifts to perception in understanding and travel. You help revolutionize education and communication. You are part of a movement to […]

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