
Charts • Page 25

Chiron Conjunct South Node: Insecurities & Development

What does Chiron conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction combines Chiron’s wounds, healing, and mentorship with the South Node’s ties to the past. This can indicate intense wounds from past lives or childhood. This aspect calls individuals and couples to examine their pasts and any anxieties that might come from them. There may be […]

Capricorn in 1st House: Traditional & Wise

Capricorn in the First House makes you patient. Others see you as practical and down-to-earth. The First House in astrology is associated with ambition, appearances, and identity. You are generous and feel responsible for others. You are an old soul with a gift for creating security and stability for others. You appear older than your […]

Gemini in 12th House: Spirituality & Illusions

Gemini in the Twelfth House makes you insightful and creative. You have a vivid and active imagination and use your gifts to inspire others. You are encouraging and bring compassion and empathy to others. You have a gift for understanding others and can be generous and loyal. You are affectionate and can be sincere and […]

Eros in Aquarius: Wild & Imaginative

Aquarius Eros is an ideal placement for wild and kinky sexual desires. You are obsessed with new ideas and love shocking others. You balk at tradition and have a unique vision. You insist on doing things your way and can be open to pushing boundaries. You are wild in the bedroom and can have unconventional […]

Ceres in Aquarius: Independence & Innovation

Aquarius Ceres is a generational placement that brings dramatic changes to your perspective. Your generation pushes boundaries and breaks from tradition. Your generation finds comfort and security despite turbulent changes. You can break barriers and nurture innovations. Your generation helps society explore new ideas and embrace radical change. You find humanitarian causes fulfilling. Aquarius Ceres […]

Chiron Conjunct North Node: Discovery & Potential

What does Chiron conjunct the North Node mean? This conjunction teaches lessons related to trust, emotional wounds, and self-discovery. It aligns Chiron’s wounds with the higher path of the North Node. Growth and healing will be essential to reaching the full potential of the North Node. Individuals will need to overcome their past and heal […]

Aries in 2nd House: Determination & Creativity

You are romantic and seductive, thanks to your Aries in the Second House placement. You pursue your ambitions and can be business-savvy and creative. You are insightful and understand what others need to feel secure. You are persistent and can be spontaneous and daring. Aries in the houses indicate your individualistic and willful nature. You […]

Sagittarius in 11th House: Rebellion & Individuality

Sagittarius in the Eleventh House makes you erratic and daring. You take risks to pursue wealth and power and can be volatile yet optimistic. You are attracted to unique subcultures involving authentic, daring people. You crave growth and can inspire others with your creativity and innovation. You are passionate about your friendships and can be […]

Chiron Opposite North Node: Journeys & Trauma

What does Chiron opposite the North Node mean? This opposition puts Chiron’s inner wounds at odds with the North Node’s life path and destiny. Individuals might struggle to heal because, in some ways, they are comfortable with their wounds and their lives. Couples may sabotage themselves out of fear and insecurity. It might be easy […]

Chiron in Libra: Partnership & Advocacy

Libra Chiron is an ideal placement for sensitivity and compassion. You strive to bring balance and harmony to others. You seek empathy and understanding. You bring beauty and romance to relationships that help you heal past wounds. You can be gentle and accommodating. You help others fulfill their higher mission. Chiron in Libra is an […]

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