
Charts • Page 24

Venus Quincunx Hygiea: Habits & Overindulgence

What does Venus quincunx Hygiea mean? This aspect indicates a tension between satisfaction and wellness. Over-indulgence is common with this quincunx, and it can be challenging to practice moderation in anything. This quincunx can also indicate that something about love, relationships, and connection needs to be healed. Couples may be unable to bond. Individuals might […]

Venus in Libra: Beauty & Peace

Libra Venus is an ideal placement for romance. You have a sentimental and admiring personality, charm and attractiveness, and a beautiful nature. You are sensitive and can be generous and transparent. You are open about showing your desires for others. You are cooperative and love creating harmony and comfort. You have an endearing and classy […]

Moon Opposite Hygiea: Habits & Responses

What does the Moon opposite Hygiea mean? This aspect causes tension between the Moon’s feelings and instincts and Hygiea’s ability to avoid illness and support well-being. Individuals may struggle to have healthy emotional responses to certain situations. Connecting to the healing energy of Hygiea will be difficult if they are fully listening to their instincts […]

Pluto Opposite Part Of Fortune: Improvement & Ambitions

What does Pluto opposite the Part of Fortune mean? This opposition puts Pluto’s power and destruction at odds with the Part of Fortune’s potential to create abundance, success, and fulfillment. Individuals might feel their need for personal improvement is at odds with what they need to find worldly success. Couples will likely clash over what […]

Vesta Conjunct Black Moon Lilith: Sacrifice & Rebellion

What does Vesta conjunct Black Moon Lilith mean? This aspect aligns Black Moon Lilith’s dark, primal energy with Vesta’s warm, devoted energy. This can be a spiritual and liberating conjunction. Individuals might be devoted to uncovering mysteries or doing shadow work. They may connect to their higher purpose by working with repressed parts of themselves […]

Neptune Opposite Midheaven: Guidance & Self-destruction

What does Neptune opposite the Midheaven mean? This opposition puts Neptune’s desire for oneness and its escapism at odds with the Midheaven’s public image and higher aspirations. Individuals might feel vulnerable in public or professional settings. They may look to authority figures for guidance but won’t be discerning about who they listen to. Couples may […]

Saturn in Scorpio: Magnetism & Power

Scorpio Saturn is an ideal placement for a generation that expects accountability from leaders. You question authority and seek stability. You command respect, and your reliability and precise nature make you magnetically attractive. You attract wealth through cautious and strategic work. You seek power and are comfortable in public service and politics. You are reliable […]

North Node in 7th House: Love & Destiny

The North Node in the Seventh House makes you passionate and charming. You learn to embrace your beauty and flirtatious nature. You crave justice and fairness. You overcome focus on yourself and learn to find the balance between yourself and others. You can be romantic and use your gifts to attract others. You are obsessed […]

Mars Opposite Juno: Aggression & Compromise

What does Mars opposite Juno mean? This opposition creates tension between Mars’ assertive nature and Juno’s focus on commitment and partnership. It can result in disharmonious relationships and unequal power dynamics. Individuals may have trouble focusing on their partners’ needs instead of only focusing on their own desires. Couples might struggle to compromise and equally […]

Mercury Quincunx Part Of Fortune: Success & Intelligence

What does Mercury quincunx Part of Fortune mean? This aspect can create a focus on intelligence and communication as the path to success, but that won’t always lead to contentment or positive achievement. Sometimes, what seems practical and what will create success and fulfillment are not aligned. The intellectual mind may be satisfied, but that […]

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