
Charts • Page 19

Eros Opposite Black Moon Lilith: Untamed & Liberated

What does Eros opposite Black Moon Lilith mean? This opposition puts Eros’ passion and desire for intimate connections at odds with Black Moon Lilith’s wild nature and need for liberation and freedom. Individuals may struggle to form healthy bonds because of issues with boundaries or a desire for freedom. Couples will struggle to connect while […]

Ceres Opposite North Node: Potential & Prioritizing

What does Ceres opposite the North Node mean? This opposition creates tension between Ceres’ nurturing energy and the North Node’s life path and full potential. Individuals might be naturally caring and compassionate, but how they express those traits can hold them back. Couples may struggle to care for one another while trying to fulfill their […]

Ascendant Square South Node: Visibility & Comfort

The Ascendant square in the South Node is a motivating aspect. You may feel strained as you strive for success and experience stress when facing new situations. The Ascendant square of the South Node forces you to confront your past. You must face deeper insecurities and find clarity on your purpose. You are motivated to […]

Jupiter in 12th House: Intuition & Abundance

Jupiter in the Twelfth House makes you encouraging and confident. You are assertive and use your gifts to uplift others. You are mesmerizing and fall for illusions. You follow your fantasies and can be generous and considerate. Your personality is daring and independent, yet you can also be sensitive and impressionable. You are inspiring and […]

Libra in 3rd House: Artistic & Expressive

When your Third House is in the sign of Libra, your learning and communication style are influenced by your desire for beauty and fairness. You are comforting and artistic. You bring beauty and fairness to others by speaking diplomatically about your vision for success. You express your aesthetics through writing and the arts. You are […]

Ascendant Opposite Part Of Fortune: Obligations & Control

The Ascendant opposite the Part of Fortune causes you to clash with your desires. You may experience inner turmoil and be unsettled. You seek pleasure but don’t know how to enjoy your accomplishments. Your ambitions and destiny don’t fit with your reputation and image. You project an image of confidence and may stubbornly resist growth. […]

Chiron Conjunct Hygiea: Mindfulness & Wellness

What does Chiron conjunct Hygiea mean? This aspect aligns Chiron, the wounded healer, with Hygiea, the asteroid of wellness. It combines the potential for healing wounds and for preventing them in the first place. This conjunction often turns up in the charts of healers. Depending on where it is in the chart, it can indicate […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile Midheaven: Rebellion & Fame

The Black Moon Lilith sextile the Midheaven creates a friendly connection between your public nature and your Shadow side. You are open about your dark desires and follow your secret ambitions. You are attuned to your creative instincts and find prosperity and abundance when true to your mission. Your dark desires help you achieve your […]

Ascendant Trine Midheaven: Magnetism & Opportunity

What does the Ascendant trine the Midheaven mean? This aspect can add a self-assured energy to someone’s personality. Image, identity, and appearance will help with professional and personal endeavors. Individuals may have a clear sense of direction in life. They should ensure that they are authentic in everything they do, though. They should express their […]

Moon Square Vertex: Upheaval & Responses

What does the Moon square the Vertex mean? This aspect creates disharmony between the Moon’s instincts, feelings, and ties to family and the Vertex’s fated encounters and life purpose. Individuals may struggle with fated encounters because they bring up uncomfortable memories and emotions. Couples may have wildly different emotional responses and must learn how to […]

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