
Charts • Page 181

Aquarius in 8th House: Change & Rebirth

Aquarius in the Eighth House makes you insightful and intelligent. You are caring and can be erratic and creative. You are expressive and have taboo fetishes and fantasies. You go to extremes pursuing your desires and can be encouraging and persuasive. You are direct and have an authentic personality. You are endearing and have a […]

Aquarius in 7th House: Creativity & Attraction

Aquarius in the Seventh House makes you passionate and intense. You are eager to explore your higher mission and humanitarian purpose. You fall for scapegoats and underdogs. Aquarius in the Seventh House makes you insightful and intellectual in relationships. You are encouraging and bring optimism and love by helping others break barriers. Aquarius in the […]

Aquarius in 6th House: Innovation & Service

Aquarius in the Sixth House makes you open to communal work and shared responsibilities. You may join a health cooperative or learn organic farming. You are more attuned to others’ practical needs and seek innovative ways to improve society. You are attracted to alternative healing and unconventional routines. You may break from tradition and have […]

Aquarius in 5th House: Rebellious & Empowering

Aquarius in the Fifth House makes you passionate about your higher mission. You are encouraging and can be assertive and loyal. You are unconventional and bring sudden shocking ideas to others through the arts and humanities. You have beginner’s luck in performance, music, and sports. Sudden changes can benefit or deter your success. Unexpected changes […]

Aquarius in 4th House: Intuition & Creativity

Aquarius in the Fourth House makes you insightful and intuitive. You have an uncanny understanding of others’ emotional needs. You inspire and push others to release family expectations. Although you may be the family outcast, you amass a following of devoted friends. You are charismatic and intelligent. You have an understanding of others’ needs for […]

Aquarius in 2nd House: Breakthroughs & Windfalls

Aquarius in the Second House makes you excited and restless to create stability. You find unconventional opportunities related to your finances and self-worth. You are intense and have an unusual set of values. You find beauty and comfort in strange things and keep others guessing. You have a gift for breaking tradition and discovering new […]

Taurus in 6th House: Sensible & Pragmatic

Taurus in the Sixth House makes you patient and grounded. You advocate for health and self-improvement while helping others feel comfortable and validated. You can be encouraging and soothing. You can also help others feel connected to their mission and be predictable. You are intelligent and have numerous creative skills. Your supportive and comforting nature […]

Taurus in 5th House: Creativity & Abundance

Taurus in the Fifth House makes you romantic and sensual. You are attractive and can build a solid connection with people who support your creative goals. You are generous and eager to share your abundance with others. You may also be artistically gifted and have talents for theater, music, and the visual arts. Taurus in […]

Taurus in 4th House: Nurturing & Comfort

Taurus in the Fourth House makes you consistent and loyal. You are committed to following your instincts. You are sentimental and creative. In the privacy of your home, you can be sensual and pragmatic. You crave luxury and seek security in your home and family connections. You are intuitive and sense wisdom through your body. […]

Scorpio in 10th House: Precision & Stability

Scorpio in the Tenth House attracts you to career opportunities involving research, deep thinking, and passion for your mission. You are eager to pursue your mission. You can be insightful and seek careers related to transformation and exposing hidden truths. Careers in rehabilitation, psychology, and auditing can bring success. Your career involves influencing others, and […]

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