
Charts • Page 18

Pluto Opposite Vertex: Disruption & Force

What does Pluto opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition puts Pluto’s transformation at odds with the Vertex’s fated encounters and ability to help someone find significant people in their life. Individuals can experience symbolic deaths and rebirths because of their fated encounters. They may have to face the darkness when they meet certain people. Couples […]

Uranus Opposite Juno: Chaos & Security

What does Uranus opposite Juno mean? This opposition can cause a push and pull between wanting a stable, secure relationship and wanting to rebel and be free from societal norms. Individuals might take a while to decide what they want in a relationship. They may have some unconventional views but might wonder if they will […]

Pluto in Gemini: Power & Imagination

Gemini Pluto brings intense focus to new ways to sway the public. Society is obsessed with learning new ways to use communication to be more influential. You are part of a social cohort born to transform how people understand each other. You are part of a movement to re-examine communication, propaganda, and messaging. You can […]

Mercury Sextile South Node: Analysis & Wisdom

What does Mercury sextile the South Node mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between expression and the past. Past experiences and learning will inform present communication skills. Individuals might have naturally heightened communication skills and mental abilities. They may be analytical and perceptive, and expression may be effortless. Couples can easily open up about […]

North Node Conjunct Part Of Fortune: Innovation & Luck

North Node conjunct the Part of Fortune in astrology motivates you to expand beyond your comfort zone. You are attractive to people who bring lucky breaks and help you succeed. You are ambitious and move steadily toward your purpose. Your destiny helps you heal past life wounds and move toward your soul’s urge for growth. […]

Mars Quincunx Uranus: Individuality & Detachment

What does Mars quincunx Uranus mean? This quincunx makes individuals and couples stand out in some way. It creates intense individuality, uniqueness, and a desire to be different. This quincunx can create frustration and conflict, though. It’s not always easy to go against the grain or to figure out how to achieve success and find […]

Saturn Opposite Ascendant: Impressions & Validation

What does Saturn opposite the Ascendant mean? This opposition creates an imbalance between Saturn’s cautious nature and the appearance of the Ascendant. This imbalance can lead to insecurities about how others perceive someone. Individuals might be drawn to the traits of Saturn when they see them in other people but may have trouble expressing the […]

Saturn Conjunct Vesta: Obligations & Callings

What does Saturn conjunct Vesta mean? This aspect aligns Saturn’s responsibility and stability with Vesta’s sacred flame and sense of devotion. This particular conjunction can be a bit overwhelming to experience sometimes. Saturn’s strict need for structure might help with the responsibilities that come along with Vesta, but this aspect can also create tension between […]

Mars Conjunct North Node: Potential & Progress

What does Mars conjunct the North Node mean? This conjunction brings together the ambition and passion of Mars with the North Node’s full potential. It can make getting on the right path and staying there easier. This aspect makes it easier for people to stand out. They can succeed and grow into who they are […]

Vesta in Cancer: Domesticity & Passion

You can be intense and devoted to your family. Vesta in Cancer makes you passionate about security. You find pleasure in the comforts of home. You are sensitive and can be intuitive. You strive to align with your higher passions and spiritual ideals. Being around family recharges your batteries. You are creative and can be […]

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