
Charts • Page 172

Venus Sextile Ascendant: Tact & Attraction

What does Venus sextile the Ascendant mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Venus’ peaceable, loving energy and the Ascendant’s image and identity. Individuals will likely appear kind and charming, though they can also outwardly express Venus’ vanity. Couples will instantly find one another attractive and begin forming a connection based on their first […]

Venus Sextile Vertex: Enjoyment & Relationships

What does Venus sextile the Vertex mean? Relationships will typically play a key role in someone’s growth because of this sextile. It can create opportunities to meet people with transformative and inspiring impacts. Individuals will be pulled toward connections that are essential to their life journeys. Couples will feel they are fated to meet and […]

Venus Sextile Part Of Fortune: Happiness & Satisfaction

What does Venus sextile the Part of Fortune mean? There is a natural ability to attract connections and abundance in this sextile. Relationships and bonds with others can help bring prosperity and create positive growth environments. Individuals may find more fulfillment and success when they are connected to others. However, they must also learn to […]

Venus Sextile South Node: Familiarity & Resolutions

What does Venus sextile the South Node mean? This aspect harmonizes Venus’ relationships, intimacy, and self-worth with the South Node’s comfort zone, ties to the past, and unresolved karma. Individuals might have strong ties to relationships that come from past lives or their childhood. Couples may feel they knew one another in a past life […]

Vesta Trine South Node: Tradition & Preservation

Vesta trine the South Node is an ideal placement for self-acceptance and devotion. You are attracted to opportunities to show your greater strengths. You are devoted to preserving past wisdom and lessons from past lives. You are relaxed and open to allowing others to influence your beliefs. You are impressionable and follow the path of […]

Vesta Trine Vertex: Devotion & Vision

Vesta trine the Vertex is an ideal placement for insight and epiphanies. You are devoted to serving others, which leads to transformation. You pursue your higher mission and can find fulfillment by nurturing your spiritual purpose. You are committed to a unique vision related to spiritual growth and progress. You are passionate about finding your […]

Vesta Trine Part Of Fortune: Luck & Fulfillment

Vesta trine the Part of Fortune is an ideal aspect for wisdom and purpose. You are attractive and find prosperity through your unique talents and spiritual mission. You are eager to fulfill your purpose and find pleasure in your Karmic path. You have a gift for helping others. Although self-sacrificing, you don’t feel deprived. You […]

Vesta Trine North Node: Destiny & Evolution

Vesta trine the North Node makes you eager to pursue your mission. You seek perfection and find pleasure in your spiritual pursuits. You devote yourself to your ambitions, can be independent, and are focused on your higher mission. Your spiritual ideals fuel your purpose. You are passionate about your ideals and strive toward your destiny. […]

Vesta Trine Midheaven: Service & Devotion

Vesta trine the Midheaven is a fortunate placement for success and visibility. You are passionate about promoting your ideas and can persuade others as a leader. You are influential and seek opportunities to use your career and reputation to benefit others. Your career helps you fulfill your obligations to others and express your spiritual ideals. […]

Vesta Opposite Ascendant: Service & Individualism

What does Vesta opposite the Ascendant mean? This opposition puts Vesta’s devotion and inner flame at odds with the Ascendant’s appearance, identity, and sense of self. Individuals might have trouble expressing their devotion. They may not seem as spiritual or dedicated as they are. Couples will have difficulty connecting and showing devotion to one another. […]

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