
Charts • Page 158

Moon Sextile Ascendant: Loving & Sensitive

What does the Moon sextile the Ascendant mean? This aspect allows the Moon’s feelings and how it finds inner contentment to work together in harmony with the Ascendant’s image, appearance, and sense of identity. Individuals will likely appear emotional, sensitive, and compassionate. Couples will find it easier to understand one another’s emotions and share their […]

Mercury Conjunct Pallas: Strategic & Witty

Mercury conjunct Pallas makes you thoughtful and creative. You pick up on patterns and see connections others miss. You have a gift for languages and can unite people from all walks of life. You inspire others and develop a rallying call based on your unique perspective. You are expressive and eager to talk to others […]

Moon Quincunx Chiron: Insecurities & Healing

What does Moon quincunx Chiron mean? This aspect showing up in a chart indicates there is a disconnect between the Moon’s sensitivity and instinct and the wounded nature of Chiron. This quincunx can bring out all the insecurities and oversensitivity of the Moon and Chiron’s problematic, hurt, and self-conscious sides. There can be a lot […]

Uranus in 3rd House: Insight & Creativity

Uranus in the Third House makes you friendly and extroverted. You are outgoing and eager to explore new ideas. You are talkative and insightful, with an active imagination. Your mind is always busy, and you enjoy learning about culture, science, and society. You are intense and delve into your interests with an obsessive focus. You […]

Mercury Sextile Juno: Expectations & Communication

What does Mercury sextile Juno mean? This aspect aligns Mercury’s intellect, reason, and expression with Juno’s focus on partnerships and commitment and the relationship expectations that come with it. Individuals may form strong intellectual connections with their partners, and open communication will be essential to their relationships. Couples may have little difficulty discussing their expectations […]

Venus Opposite Uranus: Pleasure & Disruption

What does Venus opposite Uranus mean? When the rebellious and disruptive energy of Uranus opposes the harmonious and loving energy of Venus, this can create many difficulties. A lot of experimentation is necessary with this opposition. A person likely won’t know what they want from a relationship. A couple must determine how to build a […]

Saturn Quincunx Hygiea: Control & Fear

What does Saturn quincunx Hygiea mean? This aspect creates a disconnect between the controlled side of Saturn and the healing, health-conscious side of Hygiea. People with this aspect often seem incredibly healthy, but they likely hide some unhealthy habits. They may also overly focus on appearance or fitness, leading them to have unhealthy relationships with […]

Moon Sextile Neptune: Imagination & Artistry

What does the Moon sextile Neptune mean? This aspect can create a strong and positive emotional connection. It also indicates sensitivity, creativity, and a rich imagination. People with this aspect in their chart might have a certain magnetism that draws others in. Relationships with this aspect have deep emotional bonds, and partners tend to enjoy […]

Saturn Opposite Pallas: Tradition & Innovation

What does Saturn opposite Pallas mean? This aspect creates tension between Saturn’s more cautious, practical nature and Pallas’ wisdom and strategy. This can be a restrictive opposition to have in a chart. Individuals might be unable to connect to their wisdom and creative problem-solving because of Saturn’s limitations. Couples may struggle to make decisions together […]

Part of Fortune in Aries: Independence & Confidence

Aries Part of Fortune makes you active and athletic. You enjoy sports and find pleasure in competition. You love proving yourself to others. You are determined to succeed and can be optimistic. You are confident and use your gifts to empower and uplift others. You can be generous and protective. You succeed when you follow […]

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