
Charts • Page 143

Uranus Opposite Chiron: Change & Pain

What does Uranus opposite Chiron mean? This opposition calls for some in-depth reflection on Chiron’s inner wounds. Working through past pain might be a wild, unpredictable, and transformative journey. Individuals may have trouble making changes and embracing the unknown when their wounds are unresolved. Couples might be detached from their wounds and refuse to make […]

Mars Quincunx South Node: Discomfort & Strength

What does Mars quincunx the South Node mean? This quincunx can sometimes make it difficult to move on from the past and the sense of comfort that the South Node gets stuck in. Even if someone does connect to Mars’ confidence, passion, and determination, they will experience discomfort. They might even trigger baggage from their […]

Mars Sextile Black Moon Lilith: Assured & Instinctual

What does Mars sextile Black Moon Lilith mean? This aspect allows Mars’ determination, courage, and initiative to work with Black Moon Lilith’s shadow, rebellion, and authenticity. This aspect also heightens sexuality. Individuals don’t just think about rebelling. They act on that urge. They take decisive action and listen to their intuition. They aren’t afraid to […]

North Node in Aquarius: Visionary & Rebellious

Aquarius North Node is an idealistic placement. You are a visionary with an eye on the horizon. You shock others by spontaneously chasing your higher mission. You can be intense and embrace dramatic changes. You are passionate about seeing new opportunities. You can sense dramatic changes before anyone else. You break from the past and […]

Sun in Aquarius: Shocking & Brilliant

The Sun in Aquarius is an exciting placement combining the power of the ego and identity with the archetype of the Maverick. You follow a unique path to success. You are carefree and use your independent nature to push boundaries. You are innovative and can be carefree and shocking. You are intellectual but can be […]

Midheaven Conjunct Vertex: Expertise & Fame

The Midheaven conjunct with the Vertex is a fortunate placement. This conjunction amplifies your manifestation power. You push boundaries and attain success. You meet people who help you thrive. The Midheaven conjunct with the Vertex is an ideal placement for growth and expression. Others appreciate your expertise. People who believe in your gifts help you […]

Neptune in 1st House: Mysticism & Compassion

Neptune in the First House brings spirituality to the forefront. You are mystical and can be charming and vulnerable. Others immediately notice your sensitive and emotional nature. You are intuitive and can bring healing and understanding to relationships. You are charismatic and can be affectionate and loving. You are optimistic and can fall for illusions. […]

Sun Sextile Part Of Fortune: Inspiration & Manifestation

The Sun sextile Part of Fortune makes you open up to your lucky opportunities. You move toward success and can be confident in yourself. You are instinctive and move toward your destiny with ease. You can draw on your creative instincts to express your purpose and gifts. You are perceptive and know when it is […]

Moon Conjunct North Node: Destiny & Imagination

The Moon conjunct North Node blends your emotional and intuitive nature. You have a gift for sensing the path to your destiny. You can be destined for a path involving nurturing and helping others heal emotionally. Your creativity and instincts are critical to your purpose. You may challenge yourself to accept your deeper feelings and […]

Saturn in 5th House: Restriction & Competition

Saturn in the Fifth House makes you restrained. You hold back and sacrifice fun and pleasure for sensibility. You are rational and can be grounded. You are down to earth and use your gifts to turn your hobbies and interests into a lucrative business. You are reserved and have a cynical sense of humor. You […]

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