
Charts • Page 134

Sun in Sagittarius: Independent & Carefree

The Sagittarius Sun is a marker of individualism and passion. You are carefree and insist on doing things your way. You can be stubborn but are often generous and authentic. You are sincere and curious about the world. You enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures. You are obsessed with expanding your mind and finding […]

Sun in Capricorn: Stable & Traditional

The Sun in Capricorn is associated with work and legacy. The Capricorn Sun makes you punctual and reliable. You are resourceful and use your gifts to establish stability. You crave security and make others feel grounded. You are traditional and concerned with predictability. You value rules and laws and stick to your routines. The Sun […]

Sun in Aries: Bold & Motivated

The Aries Sun is a powerful placement. This transit awakens your energy and makes you more protective and confident. The Aries Sun individual is militant about their beliefs. They are proud of their individuality and eager to show their unique characteristics. The Sun in Aries makes you creative and outgoing. You are assertive and have […]

Sun in Leo: Creative & Proud

The Leo Sun is a placement that brings leadership and charisma. You are excitable and use your passions to motivate you to pursue your dreams. You are passionate about your mission and eager to show off your strengths. You are open and encouraging, helping others to find their gifts. You are eager to show your […]

Sun in 1st House: Radiant & Charming

The Sun in the First House in astrology makes you eccentric and daring. You are intense and can charm others with your dramatic personality. You have a striking and bold appearance. You are attracted to colorful fashions, and your unique style makes you stand out from the crowd. You are self-assured and energetic, projecting strength […]

Sun in 2nd House: Prosperous & Attractive

The Sun in the Second House sheds light on your confidence and values. You are motivated by your ideals. You are practical and have a gift for nurturing others. You are creative and help others feel comfortable. Your presence is healing and can be soothing. Your creative gifts help you prosper, and you can be […]

Sun in 6th House: Service & Health

The Sun in the Sixth House makes you sensitive to others’ needs. You can be caring and affectionate, yet your strengths include being reserved and observant. You are rational and use your pragmatic nature to help others. You are devoted to service and can be responsible and grounded. You are generous and use your skills […]

Sun in 7th House: Attractive & Romantic

The Sun in the Seventh House makes you crave a connection with others. You are encouraging and can be supportive and loving. You seek a partner or friendship to support your ideas. You can be shy and inhibited but thrive with a partner to back your mission. You can be eager to advocate for others, […]

Sun in 9th House: Expansion & Creativity

The Sun in the Ninth House makes you intellectual and good-natured. You have a sense of humor and can be charming. You are persuasive and influence others. You are honest, yet you have a gift for charming others. You are generous and can use your charismatic nature to uplift and inspire others. You are independent […]

Sun in 8th House: Transformation & Seduction

Sun in the Eighth House makes you captivating and intense. You have a dark and edgy nature. You are charming and can be seductive and encouraging. You are confident in your sexual appeal and authority. You seek power and status, waiting for your strategies to come to fruition. You are charming and can find prominence […]

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