
Charts • Page 134

Sun Opposite Pallas: Problem Solving & Collaboration

The Sun opposite Pallas makes you turn away from your insights and mission. You are insecure about your ability to lead others. You may play small until you can express your unique vision. With effort, you find the confidence to stand up for your ideals. You may fear rejection and stifle your unique wisdom. Don’t […]

Neptune Quincunx Hygiea: Deception & Solutions

What does Neptune quincunx Hygiea mean? This quincunx signals there are some incompatibilities between Neptune’s dreams and Hygiea’s health consciousness. It isn’t easy to focus on the metaphysical and physical worlds. Individuals might escape from health problems by retreating into fantasies. Couples may struggle to understand how each copes with their issues and might lack […]

Moon Sextile Venus: Tenderness & Comfort

Relationships with this aspect are comfortable, secure, and filled with an effortless sense of trust. What does a Moon-Venus sextile mean? This is a beautiful and emotional aspect. It brings a lot of love and sensitivity to any chart you find it in. People with this aspect in their charts typically need their loved ones […]

Neptune Sextile Eros: Transcendent & Passionate

What does Neptune sextile Eros mean? This aspect creates a beautiful connection between Neptune’s fantasies and imagination and Eros’ passion and deepest desires. Love can be powerful, intimate, and unconditional. Individuals may utilize their intuition to guide them toward people they can form genuine connections with. They might find their fantasies become reality when they […]

Mars Sextile Chiron: Self-respect & Strength

What does Mars sextile Chiron mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Mars’ passion and courage and Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal from and integrate them. Individuals tend to be outspoken and assertive. They have a warrior’s energy and will push to heal not just their wounds but those of others. […]

North Node Sextile Vertex: Breakthroughs & Destiny

The North Node sextiles the Vertex, making you ambitious and fortunate. When you pursue your higher mission, you experience dramatic breakthroughs. Lucky milestones help support your growth and evolution. When you are open to exploring new things, you are determined to thrive and can break through barriers. You are passionate about your higher mission and […]

Neptune Sextile Pluto: Visions & Rebirth

What does Neptune sextile Pluto mean? Neptune’s dreamy, ethereal nature harmonizes with Pluto’s life, death, and rebirth cycle. This aspect can have an intense, powerful energy, but the transformation it creates is more gradual, not sudden. Individuals can tap into their intuition more easily. They might feel a strong connection with the universe and participate […]

North Node in Libra: Justice & Harmony

You are passionate about creating fairness, and you strive to ensure everyone is heard and understood. You can be attentive and empathetic to others. You are considerate and use your creative gifts to bring beauty and fairness. You move toward a destiny related to your creative talents and artistic potential. You can be romantic, and […]

Sun Opposite Pluto: Resistance & Authority

The Sun opposite Pluto can break you down, yet this aspect eventually empowers you. When the Sun is opposite Pluto, you must confront illusions. You can’t deceive yourself or others when this aspect is at play. The Sun opposite Pluto challenges you to face the music. This aspect is associated with wake-up calls. Hardships push […]

Neptune Sextile Ceres: Fulfilling & Compassionate

What does Neptune sextile Ceres mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between spiritual attainment, sensitivity, nurturing, and caregiving. Caring for others can lead to spiritual growth. Individuals may be highly compassionate when caring for others. They may have an innate understanding of what people need, and can be incredibly comforting. Couples can connect spiritually […]

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