
Charts • Page 120

Neptune Quincunx Vesta: Visions & Rituals

What does Neptune quincunx Vesta mean? This aspect creates an incompatibility between spirituality’s more imaginative, sensitive side and the practical realities of showing devotion and serving others. Individuals might feel too many disparate obligations, responsibilities, and dreams vying for their attention. Couples will struggle to show devotion and explore fantasies in ways that leave them […]

Neptune Quincunx North Node: Intangible & Unfinished

What does Neptune quincunx the North Node mean? This aspect creates a disconnect between the North Node’s full potential and Neptune’s visionary qualities. Learning more about dreams, spirituality, and compassion is necessary. Individuals may have an emotional intensity they don’t know yet how to manage. They might feel detached from their current existence because they […]

Neptune Quincunx Hygiea: Deception & Solutions

What does Neptune quincunx Hygiea mean? This quincunx signals there are some incompatibilities between Neptune’s dreams and Hygiea’s health consciousness. It isn’t easy to focus on the metaphysical and physical worlds. Individuals might escape from health problems by retreating into fantasies. Couples may struggle to understand how each copes with their issues and might lack […]

Neptune Quincunx Eros: Infatuation & Yearning

What does Neptune quincunx Eros mean? This aspect indicates that imagination and passion are misaligned. It can be difficult to discern mere fantasies from desires that can realistically be fulfilled. Individuals might dream of a specific type of intimate connection, but those dreams won’t match their physical desires or the intimate experiences they have. Couples […]

Neptune Quincunx Pallas: Illusions & Clarity

What does Neptune quincunx Pallas mean? This quincunx calls for a balance between rationality and imagination, but it can make finding that balance incredibly difficult. Inspiration and practical knowledge won’t align. Individuals may be unable to connect to their logic and intuition. They might feel disconnected from certain aspects of their minds and souls. Couples […]

Neptune Quincunx Juno: Romanticizing & Reality

What does Neptune quincunx Juno mean? This aspect can make it difficult to form stable connections with others. Neptune’s illusions can cloud judgment and make forming realistic relationship expectations challenging. Individuals may feel their dreams are incompatible with the practical realities of forming a solid partnership. Couples might lack spiritual and emotional connections, making them […]

Neptune Quincunx Chiron: Escapism & Mentorship

What does Neptune quincunx Chiron mean? This aspect can cause struggles between fantasies and the realities of healing from inner wounds. Showing compassion for others and caring for unhealed pain can be incredibly difficult. Individuals might be unable to turn their compassion inward. They might escape from and refuse to acknowledge their wounds. Couples may […]

Neptune Quincunx Ceres: Boundaries & Illusions

What does Neptune quincunx Ceres mean? This aspect creates challenges related to self-care, supporting others, and setting healthy, realistic boundaries. It can be easy to get lost in caring for others. Individuals will feel their dreams and how they conceptualize compassion, nurturing, and sensitivity don’t align with the realities of caring for someone and being […]

Neptune Quincunx Pluto: Empowerment & Escapism

What does Neptune quincunx Pluto mean? This quincunx can bring complicated power dynamics, fanaticism, and a desire to escape from life’s shadow and darker side. The empowering side of Pluto and the uncertain, insecure of Neptune will be out of alignment with this quincunx. It is essential to acknowledge both of these sides and learn […]

Neptune Quincunx South Node: Discomfort & Uncertainty

What does Neptune quincunx the South Node mean? This aspect indicates that someone is not fully working toward Neptune’s energy, but they have some lessons to learn about it before they can begin working toward their full potential. Individuals may not fully understand their dreams or know how to be inspired by them. Couples might […]

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