
Charts • Page 117

Neptune Opposite South Node: Mysticism & Destiny

What does Neptune opposite the South Node mean? This opposition puts Neptune’s dreamy, ethereal energy at odds with the South Node’s past karma, comfort zone, and natural talents. Individuals may feel disconnected from their dreams, spirituality, or higher purpose. They must embody the positive traits of Neptune to reach their full potential, but can also […]

Neptune Opposite North Node: Ethereal & Lost

What does Neptune opposite the North Node mean? This opposition creates tension between Neptune’s visionary energy and the North Node’s full potential and higher purpose. It teaches lessons about the line between fantasy and reality. Individuals may have an ethereal nature to them. They may feel comfortable with life’s more mystical, fantastical aspects, but they […]

Neptune Opposite Ascendant: Deception & Identity

What does Neptune opposite the Ascendant mean? This opposition creates tension between Neptune’s illusions and the Ascendant’s appearance. Grounding is necessary, or this aspect can create confusion, conflict, and delusions. Individuals might be drawn to others who display Neptune’s visionary, imaginative nature. Others can easily deceive them, though. Couples might struggle to see each other […]

Neptune Opposite Hygiea: Well-being & Spirituality

What does Neptune opposite Hygiea mean? This aspect puts Neptune’s illusions and mysticism at odds with Hygiea’s health consciousness, habits, and wellness. Delusions about health and instability are common with this opposition. Individuals may struggle to discern harmful health practices from beneficial ones, especially if they are into new age or alternative medicine. Couples might […]

Neptune Opposite Part Of Fortune: Pursuits & Disappointment

What does Neptune opposite the Part of Fortune mean? This aspect puts Neptune’s delusions at odds with the Part of Fortune’s luck and potential for success, fulfillment, and happiness. Individuals might struggle to pursue realistic goals because their dreams and fantasies cloud their judgment. Couples may be unable to create success or abundance because they […]

Neptune Opposite Vertex: Development & Awakenings

What does Neptune opposite the Vertex mean? This opposition typically triggers spiritual awakenings and comes with strong intuition. It can put fantasies and delusions at odds with the Vertex’s destiny, karma, and fated encounters. Individuals might feel strong spiritual connections with the people they have fated encounters with. They must be careful not to be […]

Neptune Opposite Black Moon Lilith: Inspiration & Irritation

What does Neptune opposite Black Moon Lilith mean? This opposition puts Neptune’s illusions at odds with Black Moon Lilith’s liberation. This aspect can be free-spirited and creative but can create difficulties with boundaries and healthy expression. Individuals might know how to set clear boundaries but push past those of others. They might romanticize rebellion or […]

Neptune Opposite Pluto: Self-destruction & Rebirth

What does Neptune opposite Pluto mean? This opposition can create both cruelty and people-pleasing. It can bring out the worst in a person, though they may try to hide that. There can be a lot of destruction in this opposition. Neptune brings self-destruction, but Pluto brings destruction of everything. Nothing will be safe if the […]

Neptune Opposite Ceres: Boundaries & Overextension

What does Neptune opposite Ceres mean? This opposition creates tension between Neptune’s sensitive, idealistic nature and Ceres’ focus on self-care, caregiving, and nurturing. Individuals might lose themselves when they care for others. They might think they can handle more than they can and will feel overwhelmed when reality comes crashing in. Couples may feel spiritually […]

Neptune Opposite Chiron: Delusions & Integration

What does Neptune opposite Chiron mean? This opposition creates a dynamic between Neptune’s illusions and fantasies and Chiron’s inner wounds and the potential to heal and integrate them. Individuals might try to find healing in mysticism or spirituality but will go down the wrong path and be deceived. Couples might ignore their wounds because of […]

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