
Charts • Page 117

Pluto Quincunx Vesta: Service & Control

What does Pluto quincunx Vesta mean? Pluto’s shadow and Vesta’s flame will seem incompatible because of this aspect. Answering higher callings while finding empowerment and connecting to the collective unconscious will be difficult. Individuals may suppress certain parts of themselves to follow spiritual goals or neglect their spirituality due to their shadow. Couples will have […]

Pluto in Gemini: Power & Imagination

Gemini Pluto brings intense focus to new ways to sway the public. Society is obsessed with learning new ways to use communication to be more influential. You are part of a social cohort born to transform how people understand each other. You are part of a movement to re-examine communication, propaganda, and messaging. You can […]

Vesta in 12th House: Unconditional Love & Healing

Vesta in the Twelfth House makes you insightful and intuitive. You are eager to explore your higher mission and spiritual beliefs. You can be an empathetic healer and guide. You are generous and use your gifts to bring love and affection to others. You are encouraging and inspiring others to open their hearts. You inspire […]

Mercury Quincunx Ceres: Nurturing & Logic

What does Mercury quincunx Ceres mean? This aspect indicates the rational, communicative nature of Mercury is out of alignment with the nurturing and caring energy of Ceres. Cycling between the energies of these two planetary bodies can cause a person to appear overbearing at times and utterly detached at others. A couple may struggle to […]

Moon in Libra: Diplomacy & Compassion

The Libra Moon makes you intuitive and artistic. You are sensitive and appeal to others’ desire for balance and harmony. You are passionate about your ideals and motivated to create fairness and justice. You advocate for children, homes, and families. You find emotional fulfillment in the arts and crave beauty and peace. You can be […]

Neptune Sextile Hygiea: Relaxation & Support

What does Neptune sextile Hygiea mean? This aspect creates a harmonious connection between Neptune’s intuition and ethereal nature and Hygiea’s health consciousness and focus on well-being. Individuals will likely view health in a holistic way. They might utilize alternative medicine or incorporate yoga and meditation into their routines. Couples can uplift one another spiritually and […]

Venus in 7th House: Partnerships & Love

Venus in the Seventh House makes you compassionate. You are born to seek connection with others. You are affectionate and can be generous and loving. You are graceful and creative, with a gift for communicating your desires. You value love and romance. You are generous and can be attractive and sincere. You are optimistic in […]

Ceres Quincunx Part Of Fortune: Reservation & Cynicism

Ceres quincunx the Part of Fortune does not make you unlucky, but it can inhibit your ability to recognize opportunities when they arise. You can work to break stagnation. With effort, overcoming doubts can help you manifest your full potential. You can be inhibited initially and shy away from using your insights. Maturity and experience […]

Moon Conjunct Eros: Obsession & Nurturing

The Moon conjunct Eros makes you sexually excited by people who make you feel at home. You need an emotional connection to be aroused. You crave an intimate relationship that helps you feel validated. You are nurturing and can be loving and affectionate in the bedroom. You are aroused by domestic matters. You find pleasure […]

Mars Opposite Juno: Aggression & Compromise

What does Mars opposite Juno mean? This opposition creates tension between Mars’ assertive nature and Juno’s focus on commitment and partnership. It can result in disharmonious relationships and unequal power dynamics. Individuals may have trouble focusing on their partners’ needs instead of only focusing on their own desires. Couples might struggle to compromise and equally […]

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