
Charts • Page 107

Moon Sextile Vesta: Domesticity & Purpose

What does Moon sextile Vesta mean? This aspect allows the Moon’s feelings to flow with Vesta’s sacred flame and sense of devotion. There is a comforting and warm energy in this sextile. Individuals might be emotionally fulfilled because of their dedication to the things and people they are devoted to. Spirituality can play a crucial […]

Moon Sextile Ascendant: Loving & Sensitive

What does the Moon sextile the Ascendant mean? This aspect allows the Moon’s feelings and how it finds inner contentment to work together in harmony with the Ascendant’s image, appearance, and sense of identity. Individuals will likely appear emotional, sensitive, and compassionate. Couples will find it easier to understand one another’s emotions and share their […]

Moon Sextile Black Moon Lilith: Darkness & Resilience

What does Moon sextile Black Moon Lilith mean? This aspect creates insight into the psyche, especially regarding emotions and intuition. It can help bring clarity in even the darkest of situations. Individuals will feel more comfortable with their shadow side. They will have a deep understanding of their emotions and those of others. Couples can […]

Moon Sextile Vertex: Reliance & Understanding

What does the Moon sextile the Vertex mean? This aspect blends the Moon’s sensitivity and intuition with the Vertex’s destiny and the fated encounters and experiences it brings into someone’s life. Individuals may quickly form emotional bonds with people meant to come into their lives. They might intuitively feel drawn toward fated encounters. Couples will […]

Moon Sextile Neptune: Imagination & Artistry

What does the Moon sextile Neptune mean? This aspect can create a strong and positive emotional connection. It also indicates sensitivity, creativity, and a rich imagination. People with this aspect in their chart might have a certain magnetism that draws others in. Relationships with this aspect have deep emotional bonds, and partners tend to enjoy […]

Moon Sextile Pluto: Intimacy & Transformation

What does the Moon sextile Pluto mean? With this aspect, the regenerative and intense nature of Pluto works harmoniously with the sensitive and nurturing nature of the Moon. The inner self and the unconscious mind work together when the Moon is sextile Pluto. This typically creates a deep sense of empathy and an instinctual feel […]

Moon Square Jupiter: Extravagance & Growth

What does the Moon square Jupiter mean? This aspect can create a tie between emotional fulfillment and growth, extravagance, and optimism. A person or relationship with this square in their chart will likely seem positive, outgoing, and social. They may have a lot of material goods and will gain emotional satisfaction from them. There is […]

Moon Square Saturn: Support & Control

What does the Moon square Saturn mean? This aspect can create a challenging dynamic between emotions and self-control. This can create emotional distance, controlling tendencies, and issues with healthy expression. This square can cause a complete lack of emotional expression or destructive outbursts. A person might vacillate between these two states, or a relationship might […]

Moon Square Neptune: Compassion & Delusions

What does the Moon square Neptune mean? This aspect brings a focus on fantasies and dreams, and emotional fulfillment might be tied to those. There is a lot of sensitivity in this aspect as well. When this is expressed healthily, that sensitivity becomes compassion and sympathy. When it is expressed in an unhealthy way, it […]

Moon Square Venus: Disappointment & Self-Indulgence

What does the Moon square Venus mean? This square may not always be challenging initially, as it typically creates a desire for love and affection. There is a focus on harmony, but achieving that harmony is difficult. A person with this aspect in their chart might expect a relationship to meet all their emotional needs, […]

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