

Pallas Conjunct Vertex: Clarity & Discoveries

What does Pallas conjunct the Vertex mean? This conjunction aligns Pallas’ creative intelligence and decisiveness with the meaningful encounters and experiences the Vertex brings when activated. Individuals might have fated encounters because of the strategies they utilize to reach their goals. They may also make more informed decisions after having these encounters or other important […]

Venus Quincunx Chiron: Triggers & Romance

What does Venus quincunx Chiron mean? This aspect creates issues related to self-worth and the ability to give and receive love and affection. There is sometimes a desire for relationships and connection but also a fear of them. If Chiron’s inner wound is already related to relationships, abandonment, or rejection, this quincunx will be more […]

Mercury Quincunx Uranus: Eccentricity & Rule-breaking

What does Mercury quincunx Uranus mean? This aspect can create contrary and erratic energy. It can be impractical, frustrating, and unable to connect with societal norms. There may be a desire to blend in and follow the rules when the Mercury side of this quincunx is expressed, but extreme disobedience is present when the Uranus […]

Pluto Conjunct South Node: Shadows & Talents

What does Pluto conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns Pluto’s destruction, evolution, and darkness with the South Node’s innate talents and karmic lessons. There may be a natural pull toward darker emotions such as anger, envy, or jealousy. This conjunction can sometimes be a violent one. Individuals and couples must learn to control […]

Pluto in Leo: Drama & Leadership

Pluto in Leo is a generational placement that relates to how society views power and creativity. Your generation is eager to promote individuality. Your generation prioritizes materialistic goals. You are driven to seek status through wealth and self-expression. The Pluto in Leo generation transforms the arts, humanities, and business. You contribute to dramatic shifts in […]

Vertex in Pisces: Healing & Evolution

Pisces Vertex is an ideal placement for an artist or guru. You have a gift for influencing others, and your knack for disguises can help you excel in the arts. You are imaginative and have powerful, intuitive instincts. You are a sensitive soul who easily attracts people. You are intriguing and can use your gifts […]

Ceres in Aries: Protection & Passion

Aries Ceres is an ideal placement for a generation that brings passion and comfort to society. You are eager to share enthusiasm and find an optimistic solution for every problem. You are sincere and find unique ways to express your compassion. You are generous and can be comforting and encouraging. You are creative and feel […]

Moon in Taurus: Prosperous & Nurturing

The Taurus Moon makes you practical and emotionally grounded. You are empathetic, yet you don’t lose control of your feelings. You are cautious and avoid drama. You have a gift for reassuring others, and can be romantic and validating. You are down to earth and nurture others using your perceptive and pragmatic nature. You are […]

Pluto Conjunct Black Moon Lilith: Freedom & Control

What does Pluto conjunct Black Moon Lilith mean? There is a lot of passion in this conjunction. It aligns Pluto’s obsessive nature and Black Moon Lilith’s desire for freedom and liberation. A person with this conjunction in their chart may push back when others try to assert control or dominance. A couple may have power […]

Venus Conjunct Mars: Romance & Passion

Venus conjunct Mars makes you crave attention and admiration. You can easily get the praise and adoration you desire. You are attractive and passionate. You have a gift for sharing your warmth and affection. You are protective and loving. You exude sexuality and seduction. You have a gift for showing your love and sensual energy. […]