
Black Moon Lilith sextile

Sun Sextile Black Moon Lilith: Creativity & Sexuality

The Sun sextile Black Moon Lilith makes you eager to share your range of emotions. You are rebellious and passionate, channeling your instincts creatively. You have a wild nature that you unleash openly. You are authentic and show your true nature. You can be intense and have a strong personality. You have a dramatic flair […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile Vertex: Transformation & Autonomy

Black Moon Lilith sextile the Vertex makes you rebellious and individualistic. Your unique style attracts people who can change your life. Others strive to lead you toward your destiny, and you are open to their help if they don’t infringe on your boundaries. You need freedom and space to explore your potential. You are carefree […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile South Node: Comfort & Creativity

Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node makes you eager to assert power and express your unique talents. You are comfortable expressing your Shadow side. You may lash out over unresolved past wounds. Your Karmic lessons involve learning from the past and integrating your dark fantasies so you can move on. You are stuck in […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile North Node: Destiny & Power

Black Moon Lilith sextile the North Node makes you ambitious and eager to fulfill your purpose. Your deep desires support your Karmic mission. You are attuned to your subconscious emotions and dark fantasies. Integrating your Shadow side helps you succeed. You are most successful when you find creative ways to channel your inner desires. You […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile Part Of Fortune: Creativity & Pleasure

The Black Moon Lilith sextile of the Part of Fortune makes you dramatic and assertive. You are willful and push boundaries, though you succeed by being uninhibited. You are sensual and have a deep desire to express your hidden frustrations. You find power and security in your intense desires. You have a powerful drive to […]

Ascendant Sextile Black Moon Lilith: Passion & Independence

The Ascendant sextile Black Moon Lilith makes you attractive because of your empowered and bold nature. Your seductive style helps you get attention. You are true to yourself, and others admire you for showing your strength. You are transparent about your desires and flaunt your dark side. Rather than alienating you, being open about your […]

Black Moon Lilith Sextile Midheaven: Rebellion & Fame

The Black Moon Lilith sextile the Midheaven creates a friendly connection between your public nature and your Shadow side. You are open about your dark desires and follow your secret ambitions. You are attuned to your creative instincts and find prosperity and abundance when true to your mission. Your dark desires help you achieve your […]