
Asteroids in Astrology

Updated March 4, 2025

Asteroids play a role in the astrological calculations. They bring nuance to your Natal Chart.

Yet these celestial bodies are often overlooked. Analyze the most common asteroids in astrology.

The asteroids are minor planets within the solar system. The asteroid belt is also not considered a planet. But in astrology, they accentuate a chart reading.

Consider the importance of asteroids when analyzing an astrological chart. The asteroids are not as crucial to understanding personality. Yet they give depth.

Asteroids enhance your understanding of life events. They add depth to your astrological interpretations.


Ceres in Astrology: Nurturing & Fulfillment

Of the asteroids, comets, and meteors, astrologers prioritize asteroids. Ceres is one of the asteroids astrologers often analyze. Named after the goddess of grain and harvest, Ceres is associated with nurturing and maternal instincts.

This asteroid’s meaning relates to nurturing and fulfillment. Ceres can indicate your potential to understand your maternal instincts. Ceres trigger your potential as a caretaker.

Your Ceres sign and house placement indicate what and how you nurture. You may have many children if Ceres is in Sagittarius or the Ninth House in your Natal Chart.

If Ceres is in Capricorn, you may nurture numerous businesses. Ceres in Aquarius can make you supportive of others through breakthroughs and epiphanies. Study this asteroid’s facts to learn to find comfort.

Compared to Earth, asteroids are small. They can add influence and enhance your understanding of your potential. When asteroids like Ceres are activated, specific parts of your personality are amplified.

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Chiron in Astrology: Trauma & Blessings

Comets and asteroids may seem similar. But asteroids have more significance in astrology. They are more influential over personality and life path.

Chiron is the asteroid named for the wounded healer in mythology. Chiron was a centaur renowned for healing others. Yet when wounded with an arrow, Chiron could not heal himself.

This asteroid points to your core wounds. When you understand your Chiron sign and chart placement, you can address ongoing wounds that give you exceptional insight.

Chiron helps you understand the unique gifts derived from loss or trauma. When Chiron in your Natal Chart is activated, you may have enhanced perception and help others as a healer.

Your perspective is based on firsthand experience. Chiron in Aries indicates wounds related to self-acceptance. Your core insecurities can impact your physical energy.

Chiron in Gemini may indicate struggles communicating, reading, or learning. Wounds related to rejection by your peers may also be an issue. Chiron in air signs relates to wounds of alienation and being misunderstood.

Chiron in water signs can relate to emotional wounds or traumas related to family. When Chiron is in Pisces, you may feel compassionate to others who share your experience of being disillusioned or betrayed.

Chiron in earth signs can indicate wounds related to financial insecurity. You may experience poverty at a young age, and this helps you understand others who struggle financially.


Eros in Astrology: Passion & Seduction

Not all asteroids relate to difficulties. Eros, the asteroid’s definition, is all about pleasure. Eros helps you understand your sexual nature. This asteroid can make you obsessed with specific sexual encounters.

You may have fetishes related to desires. Eros may lead you to objectify aspects of your sexuality. When Eros is in Pisces, you love role-play and disguises as part of your sexual encounters.

Eros in Virgo can remove emotion from your sexual desires. You may be obsessed with the details of your love interest. You may find chores and mundane work arousing.

When Eros is in a water sign, you are aroused by an emotional connection to others. Your sentimental memories may also trigger your sexual interests.

Eros in Cancer can make you aroused by domestic matters. You are aroused by fetishes related to your home or past. When this asteroid is in Capricorn, you may fantasize about wealth.

Your sexual fantasies may involve an office affair. Sexual role-plays involving employer and assistant dynamics can also turn you on. This placement can make you serious, but emotionally detached.

Eros in Sagittarius can make you obsessed with exotic sexual fetishes. You may be attracted to hedonism and excess. Gambling and adrenaline can lead to your sexual enticement.

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Hygiea in Astrology: Health & Wellness

Asteroids and meteoroids differ in astrology. Hygiea is the asteroid named for the goddess of hygiene and health. This asteroid describes your potential to maintain your body. Hygiea in the astrological chart shows your attitude toward health.

Hygiea is the archetype of the healer. This asteroid points to how proactive you are in maintaining your health. Hygiea can trigger an interest in learning about herbs and healing plants.

When Hygiea is activated, you may become more self-conscious about your diet. This asteroid can awaken your desire to help others heal. Prominent aspects of Hygiea can accentuate your talents for medicine.

Hygiea in the signs and houses can also influence your judgment. This asteroid shows your potential to be a wise guide for others. Hygiea aspects to Venus or Neptune blend sensibility with compassion.

When Hygiea is in a conflicted aspect to other significant planets, you may disregard your health. When you attempt preemptively protecting your health, unexpected events can make this challenging.

Hygiea in a square to Uranus can bring dramatic and upsetting events that make it challenging to maintain your health and hygiene. You may be meticulous about your health and hygiene routines when this asteroid is in aspects with Saturn.


Juno in Astrology: Commitment & Home

Juno is named for a prominent goddess of marriage, devotion, and home life. This asteroid determines your potential for commitment in relationships. Yet Juno can also show your potential for marriage.

When Juno is well-aspected, you have no trouble finding a mate for life. You may marry and enjoy a long relationship. Juno describes your household and faithfulness.

When you have Juno in aspects to Uranus or Aquarius or the Eleventh House, your household is unpredictable. You may be distant or obsessed with emotionally unavailable men.

You can be caring and devoted to your spouse when Juno is in Cancer or aspects to Venus. Your Juno placement indicates your potential for faithfulness in love.

You may marry into an influential family when Juno is prominent in your chart. Your partnership can launch your career or bring status and recognition.

Juno can also create jealousy and insecurities in your marriage. This asteroid can make you unquestioningly loyal to someone who doesn’t return your devotion. You may attract a jealous partner or question your partner’s intentions.

Juno in water signs can make you compassionate and loyal. You may maintain fidelity to a love interest because of emotional ties. This asteroid in a water sign gives you an intuitive link to your partner.

Juno in earth signs makes you traditional in love. You crave stable partners and can be nurturing and attentive. You crave a partner who shares your values. You avoid drama in love.

Juno in air signs can make you articulate in love. You may promise your partner the world. You are devoted and loyal to a partner who stimulates your mind and inspires you.

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Pallas in Astrology: Clever & Inspiring

Pallas is another name for the goddess Athena. This asteroid is named for the clever goddess who served as a mentor for others. Pallas is a master strategist and inspires your abilities to influence groups.

When Pallas is in aspects to Mercury, you may be sharp and witty. You can easily communicate your ideas and have a mission related to helping others understand each other.

Pallas in aspects to Neptune can give you a strategic nature regarding healing, spirituality, and compassion. When Pallas is in an easy aspect to the Moon you can lead from the heart and nurture others through your grand vision.

This asteroid in water signs can make you instinctive and savvy about family and emotional matters. Pallas can enhance your creative thinking abilities and in a water sign, this asteroid helps you express your intuitive instincts.

Pallas in an air sign accentuates your intelligence and drives you to communicate your ideas openly. You may connect the dots and see patterns others miss.

For this asteroid placement, game theory is fun for you. Pallas can indicate how you make connections and your intellectual processes. You can be clever based on this placement.

You can thrive in business by leading others and creating innovative strategies when Pallas is in an earth sign. Pallas in this placement can bring your best game plans to the forefront in your career and finances.

Your investment strategies may lead to wealth and prosperity. But Pallas in an earth sign doesn’t lead you to hoard riches for yourself. You thrive in humanitarian work with this placement.

Pallas in fire signs helps you express your strategies with passion. You always have a battle plan ready. You aren’t afraid to confront difficulties and you have a strategic approach to every problem.


Vesta in Astrology: Devotion & Self-Sacrifice

Vesta is an asteroid of devotion and sacred purpose. Study this asteroid to discover how you sacrifice your desires in honor of a higher mission. Vesta relates to your daily spiritual devotions and routines.

Vesta can also indicate how you find divine bliss. This asteroid in air signs can make daily creative and meditative routines essential. You thrive when your visualization and imagination are put to use.

When this asteroid is in a fire sign, you may be passionate and dogmatic. You are self-sacrificing and find pleasure and spiritual fulfillment by advocating for others.

Vesta can make you devoted to the family when in water signs. You may give up your desire to care for your loved ones and family. Vesta in aspects to the Moon can make you devoted to helping children as part of your spiritual mission.

When Vesta is in an earth sign you may use sacred fasts or strict diets to feel closer to the Divine. Your physical comfort or asceticism helps you focus on your spiritual path. Of the types of asteroids, Vesta can bring the most spiritual devotion.

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