
Ascendant quincunx

Moon Quincunx Ascendant: Authenticity & Projection

What does Moon quincunx Ascendant mean? The emotional, sensitive side of the Moon is out of alignment with the sense of self presented by the Ascendant. How a person feels on the inside might not be what they project to others. This aspect can make emotional expression difficult, and there is a lack of authenticity […]

Ascendant Quincunx Vertex: Alienation & Growth

The Ascendant quincunx the Vertex makes your appearance and reputation clash with people who bring opportunities. You don’t appear open to collaboration which stifles your growth. Through trial and error, you work through limitations. You strive to overcome inhibitions and find your destiny. You face challenges being true to yourself. You may attempt to accommodate […]

Ascendant Quincunx Part Of Fortune: Anhedonia & Frustration

The Ascendant quincunx the Part of Fortune makes you awkward enjoying your favorite activities. You emphasize your ambitions and ignore your fun and recreational interests. You stifle pleasure and appear unlucky despite numerous gifts. You are prosperous and abundant, yet you hide your blessings and embrace hardships. Your appearance and interests are misaligned. You appear […]

Ascendant Quincunx North Node: Insecurities & Adjustments

You frequently shift between various images and appearances before finding your authentic desires. You struggle with your destiny and try numerous paths before finding the right one. The Ascendant quincunx the North Node gives you an unstable sense of identity. You seek validation and are unsure of yourself. You may follow whims as you seek […]

Ascendant Quincunx South Node: Innovation & Growth

The Ascendant quincunx the South Node makes you feel awkward about acknowledging your past. You feel stuck between an outdated identity and your futuristic goals. You feel lost and wander before moving toward your destiny. You may feel conflicted about your purpose and doubt your strengths. You are afraid to face growth and evolution. With […]

Ascendant Quincunx Black Moon Lilith: Adjustment & Revision

The Ascendant quincunx Black Moon Lilith leads you to stifle your sexuality. You hide your power and can be reluctant to pursue your deeper longings. You seek power and control, yet you have a mild appearance. You seem calm, yet you stifle rage that hides beneath the surface. Work to accept your hidden desires. When […]

Sun Quincunx Ascendant: Diligence & Insecurities

The Sun quincunx Ascendant makes you insecure about your gifts. Your appearance and first impressions clash with your identity. You must work to build self-confidence. You downplay your gifts and may shy away from the spotlight. You deny your leadership gifts and may be uncomfortable expressing your artistic talents. You feel awkward when people pay […]

Jupiter Quincunx Ascendant: Growth & Appearance

What does Jupiter quincunx Ascendant mean? This aspect causes tension between Jupiter’s expansive nature and desire for improvement and the Ascendant’s appearance. This quincunx may cause someone to go back and forth between attention-seeking behavior and more reclusive behavior. There might be a desire to hide, especially if opportunities or luck feel blocked. Couples may […]

Mars Quincunx Ascendant: Self-expression & Perceptions

What does Mars quincunx Ascendant mean? This aspect makes it difficult to align inner passion with outer expression. It can make communicating with others, collaborating, and compromising difficult. Individuals will struggle to show their own confidence and inner power properly. Couples may fail to communicate with one another and connect on an authentic level. This […]

Venus Quincunx Ascendant: Self-esteem & Validation

What does Venus quincunx the Ascendant mean? This aspect indicates a disconnect between a person’s mannerisms and outer appearance and their inner sense of aesthetics, desire for intimacy, and self-worth. Individuals with this quincunx in their charts may have low confidence in themselves. Couples might struggle to form intimacy, truly open up to one another, […]

Mercury Quincunx Ascendant: Image & Perceptions

What does Mercury quincunx the Ascendant mean? This aspect causes tension between intellect, communication, and the impressions a person makes. A person may be unable to perceive how they come across. They likely think of themselves as being a certain way, but that does not align with how they appear to others. Couples with this […]