Venus square the Part of Fortune puts love and luck at odds. This can create conflict in relationships or difficulty forming connections with others in the first place.
Success and values may also conflict. Specific ways of creating abundance might be disharmonious and uncomfortable.
What does Venus square the Part of Fortune mean? This aspect creates tension between Venus’ charm, beauty, and love and the Part of Fortune’s luck, satisfaction, and abundance.
Individuals might be unlucky in love. They may also be unsatisfied even when they find success or may put aside personal fulfillment for material wealth. Couples might lack connection or be unable to create abundance together.
However, this square can be used to grow and connect to one’s values. Personal satisfaction and abundance can be found by improving and resolving internal conflicts.
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Venus Square Part Of Fortune Natal
Venus square the Part of Fortune in a chart can make someone feel unfortunate with love and romance. They might believe they are unlucky or unable to fulfill specific relationship goals.
People with this aspect in their charts sometimes have self-esteem issues because of their relationship struggles. They might lack fulfillment in and out of relationships and will need to get to the root of why that is.
If you’ve got Venus square the Part of Fortune in your Natal Chart, you may also struggle with sticking to your values when pursuing goals. You might feel you can’t be successful if you follow your heart and do what feels right.
Sometimes, your main issue is your mindset. You might think you are unlucky, so you will constantly see examples of this and miss times when you are lucky. You may only focus on relationship failures and not successes.
You may also believe you must sacrifice your values to pursue your goals, but that might not be true. You can adjust your goals and reach them in different ways that align with those values.
If you feel unfulfilled in a relationship, ask yourself why that is. Self-reflect and get to the root of the problem. Instead of telling yourself that you are doomed never to find love, discover what prevents you from feeling satisfied.
Focus on boosting your self-esteem, too. Your issue might be that you don’t love yourself, so it won’t be easy to see love, luck, and success, even if it exists all around you.
Whatever the problem is, when you learn how to be happy with yourself, you will be happier overall. You will feel more successful in relationships and find opportunities for abundance more often.
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Venus Square Part Of Fortune Transit
Venus square the Part of Fortune during a transit calls you to examine how your relationships influence success and vice versa. You may feel tension between your values and finances.
If Venus transits your natal Part of Fortune, your values could stop you from pursuing a particular goal or change how you pursue it. You might re-evaluate your idea of success and ask how it affects your self-worth.
If the Part of Fortune transits your natal Venus, you may be unlucky in love during this time. You might experience tension in your current relationship because of finances or have miscommunications with someone you’re pursuing.
The Venus-Part of Fortune square can also bring unexpected financial issues. Over-indulgence might catch up to you, but you could also be unlucky. You may not be able to enjoy yourself during this time.
You should ask yourself what is important to you during this time. Is gaining financial success your only goal in life? Are you willing to sacrifice your values for money, or is there a line you won’t cross?
What is important in your relationships? Do you want financial stability and material abundance above all else, or do you need other things to feel truly happy? If you have love, can that get you through financial difficulties?
Something about your current situation might be making you unhappy. You may feel a relationship is hindering your ability to become successful. You might also discover your job or how you pursue your goals pushes others away.
You will be happier when you connect to your values and discover what you truly want. When you are mindful of what is important, you can move on after this transit and be more successful in all areas of your life, including relationships.
Venus Square Part Of Fortune Synastry
Venus square the Part of Fortune in synastry creates tension between one partner’s self-worth and the other’s success. These two may suffer from insecurities. The tension in their relationship can make them both feel unlucky and unsatisfied.
The Venus partner in this relationship might not feel appreciated by the Part of Fortune partner. They may also think that the ways the Part of Fortune partner creates abundance or pursues their goals are not aligned with their values.
The Part of Fortune partner may also not feel valued by the Venus partner. They might believe that nothing they do is good enough or think the Venus partner is demanding or ungrateful for what they provide.
Both partners will likely feel unsatisfied in some way, which is one of the Venus square the Part of Fortune cons. They might also feel unstable, especially if they can’t connect emotionally and create abundance as a pair.
If the Part of Fortune partner believes they are the only one creating wealth or material abundance, they will grow resentful. The Venus partner may feel neglected if the Part of Fortune partner doesn’t share their abundance or try to connect with them emotionally.
Sometimes, how each partner indulges or enjoys success creates conflict, too. The Part of Fortune partner might save more, while the Venus partner indulges. The Part of Fortune partner may also pursue their goals in ways that Venus partner disapproves of.
These two must be patient with one another if they want to discover the Venus square the Part of Fortune pros. They can learn to create abundance together and indulge in moderation.
They can also address the conflict between their values. Sometimes, the Venus partner needs to be more open-minded, but the Part of Fortune partner may also need to change how they pursue their goals.
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Venus Square Part Of Fortune Composite
Venus square the Part of Fortune in a Composite Chart can create a lack of mutual satisfaction in a relationship. This square calls a couple to examine their views of success and how they enjoy the abundance they produce.
These two might not agree on what happiness looks like. One may believe a relationship should be entirely harmonious and conflict-free. The other might focus more on a relationship’s material wealth and financial stability.
Blending finances can sometimes be an issue in this relationship. One partner might overindulge, while the other is reluctant to relinquish any wealth they create.
Sharing and generosity are issues that might arise in this relationship. One partner might be overgenerous, while the other partner hoards their resources. One partner may also demand too much of the other.
Each partner may have trouble appreciating the others’ contributions to the relationship. They might have different things to offer. One may be able to contribute more financially, while the other is better about compromising and promoting harmony or establishing intimacy.
These two will both feel undervalued if they don’t appreciate what they each bring to the table. If one feels they are giving everything they have to the relationship and getting nothing in return, that will lead to resentment.
Both partners must work together to ensure mutual satisfaction. They must try to understand each other’s strengths, values, and how they show affection. They should focus not just on material wealth but also on love and their emotional connection.
When these two learn to appreciate one another more, they will both be happier. They can have love and stability. They can create abundance in multiple ways. They will eventually feel rich in love and affection and lucky to have each other.
Venus Square Part Of Fortune Solar Return
Venus square the Part of Fortune during a solar return typically indicates that you may experience a significant conflict between your values, desire for abundance, and relationship goals.
You might deal with financial issues in your relationship. Your poor choices could cause these issues, as could your partner’s spending habits. You may also just be unlucky. Whatever the reason, these issues will create conflict between you and your partner.
If you are single, the conflict might instead be between your values and goals. You might encounter an opportunity for success that forces you to either go against what you believe or reject the opportunity.
This is an excellent year to reflect on your values, focus on budgeting, and develop better communication within your relationships, especially regarding finances.
You should be patient this year, especially if certain things are out of your control. You or your partner unexpectedly losing a job may strain your relationship, but you can overcome that if you focus on the good things in your life, not just the bad.
Ask yourself what matters to you this year. If you believe accepting a specific opportunity won’t make you happy, don’t accept it, even if you think it might create abundance or bring you success.
Financial stability might be necessary, but so is love and connection. When you balance these things, you’ll be more fulfilled. If you feel something is lacking, focus on finding it for yourself.
By the end of the year, you may not resolve all your problems or instantly become successful, but you may feel better. When you know what you want and have a support system, you can get through the hard times more efficiently.
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