Venus sextile Eros blends passion and love in harmonious and beautiful ways. It brings out Venus’ desire and the softer, more intimate side of Eros.
This is a charming and attractive yet gentle aspect. It comes with magnetism, romance, and emotional depth.
What does Venus sextile Eros mean? This aspect can be very alluring, yet it isn’t overpowering. Eros’ passion can be charming and graceful. Venus’ love and pleasure can be deeply intimate.
Individuals may be romantics at heart and typically have no problem expressing this. They desire intimate, harmonious relationships. Couples may be instantly drawn to one another and feel a magnetic attraction.
Physical desires, relationship needs, and beauty will blend. While this aspect can be charming, it is also important to maintain boundaries with others and never let passion go too far.
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Venus Sextile Eros Natal
Venus sextile Eros in a chart allows someone’s passionate and romantic sides to work together harmoniously. They can express physical desires and build loving, close connections in their relationships.
People with this aspect in their charts tend to have charming, alluring energy that can draw others in. They are often passionate and magnetic and love to explore all of the romantic, sexual, and sensual aspects of a relationship.
If you’ve got Venus sextile Eros in your Natal Chart, you may express the gentler side of passion. Your intimate experiences might be tender, sensual, and indulgent. You are likely focused on emotional happiness just as much as physical pleasure.
Venus’ beauty, affection, and charm blend well with Eros’ passion, intimacy, and desire. Even if you are in a relationship that is entirely sexual, you will still turn the charm up and ensure your partner is properly taken care of.
You can be a generous lover and partner. You enjoy having emotional depth in all your relationships, even ones meant to be casual. Others often find this attractive about you, as they know you will ensure they feel cherished, even if it’s only for a short time.
Don’t let your passion and romantic side get out of control, though. You might love being in love, causing you to assume there is an intimate emotional connection with someone when they don’t feel the same.
Your relationships can benefit from this sextile if you utilize it constructively. You can enjoy gentle, intimate bonds with those you care about. You can explore passion, sensuality, and desire in ways that satisfy you and your partners.
Do not settle for less than you want, either. If you want an emotional and physical connection, look for that. You can have both, and you will easily attract those who are looking for the same connection when you put yourself out there.
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Venus Sextile Eros Transit
Venus sextile Eros during a transit can make it easier to get carried away with romance and desires. This can be pleasurable, and you could form more intimate connections, but be careful not to go overboard.
If Venus transits your natal Eros, infatuation is something to watch out for. You’ll be more likely to be in love with the idea of being in love. Ensure you distinguish between physical or sensual attraction and a genuine bond.
If Eros transits your natal Venus, romance and passion will blend. You will be physically drawn to others who are romantic and tender. You won’t just want a physical relationship, though. You’ll want true intimacy.
The Venus-Eros sextile has the potential to make you feel more connected to your partner or more interested in a profound bond if you are single. You could explore your fantasies in a safe, secure environment during this time.
However, you must be mindful and discerning during this transit as well. You want to explore without losing yourself in your desires. You want to genuinely connect to someone, not assume a connection is there when it isn’t.
If you are in a relationship, open up to your partner more. Tell them about your erotic needs and desires. Let them know what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled as well.
If you are single, you can still express yourself romantically and sexually. Be careful when seeking a new partner, though. You don’t want to jump into something too quickly or settle for less than you want.
Focus on forming authentic connections during this time instead. Stop and think before diving into anything. You can have romance and passion during this time, but only if you don’t get too carried away.
Venus Sextile Eros Synastry
Venus sextile Eros in synastry creates a harmonious connection between one partner’s affection, sensuality, and ideas of romance and the other partner’s passion, intimacy, and desires.
The Venus and Eros partners will likely be highly attracted to one another. The Venus partner will enjoy how the Eros partner expresses their passionate side. The Eros partner will find the Venus partner alluring and magnetic.
This sextile can indicate a couple is very compatible when it comes to sex and romance. The Venus partner will feel entirely comfortable expressing their sensual side. The Eros partner will get the intimacy they desire.
The main Venus sextile Eros cons will arise if this couple mistakes physical attraction for emotional connection. Whether they are looking for a casual or serious relationship, it is common for couples influenced by this aspect to fall in love with the idea of being in love.
However, these two can work through that issue with open communication. If both partners are connected to their emotions and willing to open up about them, they can form a genuine bond that goes beyond their initial attraction.
This relationship will likely be passionate, romantic, and deeply intimate. Each partner can explore their desires, ask for what they need, and feel truly loved when they take the time to connect.
One of the Venus sextile Eros pros is the potential to build a profound, intimate bond. While this sextile doesn’t guarantee a bond, it can gently guide a couple toward it if that is what they genuinely want out of this relationship.
These two can flourish when they ensure they actively work on strengthening their relationship. They can fulfill needs and desires. They can have passion, romance, and an intense sensual relationship that satisfies them both.
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Venus Sextile Eros Composite
Venus sextile Eros in a Composite Chart creates the potential for a couple to form a deep, intimate connection. These two will likely feel a magnetic attraction to one another immediately, and they can grow on that attraction to create a solid bond.
This relationship will likely be highly affectionate and sensual. This couple will feel comfortable asking for what they need and exploring desires together. They will typically be compatible sexually and romantically.
Each partner will have a deep appreciation for the other. This aspect of their relationship might start as a physical appreciation of one another’s beauty. It will evolve into an appreciation for how loved and cherished each of them makes the other feel.
These two can share their deepest, most intimate desires. They can share fears and insecurities as well. This relationship has an element of authenticity and trust that allows both partners to be themselves.
Emotional vulnerability will allow this couple to form an even deeper bond. They should open up emotionally just as much as they do physically. They should discuss desires and emotional needs.
When these two entirely embrace their sensual energy, they can explore pleasure and desire in ways they never have before. They can try new things in a safe, comforting environment where they both feel loved and never judged.
This relationship won’t always be perfect or conflict-free, but it can be harmonious and balanced. The connection this couple forms can help them through the tough times. As long as they never forget how much they love one another, they can work through disagreements and conflict.
These two can explore pleasure and romance together in profound ways throughout their entire relationship. That passion and spark they feel for one another will never entirely be put out so long as they continue to strengthen their bond.
Venus Sextile Eros Solar Return
Venus sextile Eros during a solar return typically indicates that you will feel a more potent blend of passion and love in the upcoming year. You can explore your sexuality, sensuality, and romantic desires more if you are willing to.
You could find yourself magnetically drawn to someone in the year following this solar return. You may also find that others are more attracted to you. Something about your energy will seem more open, sensual, and desirable.
If you are single, you might feel a stronger need for an intimate relationship. You won’t want something purely physical, even if you typically engage in casual relationships. You will want sparks, romance, and genuine connection.
If you are already in a relationship, you can utilize the energy of this sextile to explore more within it. You might find it easier to open up about desires you’ve been holding back. You may feel inspired to explore or be more affectionate with your partner.
Listen to your heart in the upcoming year. If you need or desire something, ask for it. If you want a more fulfilling, intimate relationship with a partner or potential partner, talk to them about it.
You can find fulfillment and joy this year if you are willing to put yourself out there. Stop ignoring your desires and emotional needs. Be open about what you want, and you might get it.
You could end this year with stronger, more intimate connections. You can find the love and passion you want if you look for it.
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