Venus quincunx the Vertex creates a disconnect between romance and fate. Compromise and sacrifice are vital components of this quincunx.
When the Vertex is triggered in this chart, it can create relationship and interpersonal issues. However, working through those can bring incredible blessings.
What does Venus quincunx the Vertex mean? This aspect indicates tension between Venus’ values, affection, and materialistic side and the Vertex’s tie to fate and destiny.
There can be insecurity related to karma and relationships. A person might feel they’re not meant for healthy, beneficial partnerships. A couple may bring out the worst in each other and believe they deserve that.
Working through this quincunx can bring healthier relationships into someone’s life. Finding where the disconnect between relationships and fate is and reconnecting these things can truly change someone’s course in life.
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Venus quincunx the Vertex in a chart typically indicates that a person will experience a lot of tension and dissatisfaction in their relationships due to ignoring or denying their true destiny.
People with this quincunx in their charts might feel like they have bad luck in relationships or bad karma that blocks them from developing healthy, fulfilling connections with others.
If you’ve got Venus quincunx the Vertex in your Natal Chart, the relationships you desire and the ones you are destined for may be incompatible. You might have trouble connecting with the people who are meant to be in your life.
If you’ve got blocks related to your values, indulgence, or a focus on material goods, those blocks may prevent you from seeing the people you’re destined to meet. You’ll ignore potentially positive influences if you’re too focused on your satisfaction.
If you express the more materialistic, vain side of Venus, you might turn off the people who are meant to come into your life. They may meet you at the wrong time. Though they are destined for you, you won’t be able to connect.
A negative self-image and low self-esteem can also cause you to get into relationships that do not serve you. You may frequently end up in toxic relationships because you genuinely believe that is what you deserve.
To work through this quincunx, you need to work on yourself. You must focus on becoming a better version of yourself. Free yourself from your insecurities, bad habits, and negative self-image.
When you can do this, you’ll be able to see your fated encounters for what you are. When you believe you’re worthy of something better, the people you’re meant to find will come into your life, and you can connect with them.
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Venus quincunx the Vertex during a transit can highlight any disconnects between your current relationships and the relationships you are meant to have.
If Venus transits your natal Vertex, you might have some bad karma come back to you. You might regret pushing someone away in the past. You may face the consequences of past bad behavior toward others.
If the Vertex transits your natal Venus, you might doubt certain relationships. If you’re single, this might focus on a friendship or ex. You might feel insecure about your relationship if you’re with someone.
The Venus-Vertex quincunx can sometimes indicate that someone will come into your life that causes you to doubt your current relationship. You might meet someone you feel a connection with. That will create conflict if you’re already with someone else.
This transit can also highlight your own insecurities with your appearance or ability to connect with others. Your self-image can impact your relationships negatively, especially if you push others away because you feel unworthy of them.
Don’t make any impulsive decisions during this time. If you’re doubting a relationship or friendship, examine why. Are you having legitimate issues in these relationships? Do you no longer feel a connection?
If you meet someone during this time that you feel a connection with, pay attention to that, but don’t do anything reckless. If you’re already in a relationship, you shouldn’t entertain a new one.
To work through this quincunx, self-reflect. If you’re experiencing conflicting emotions, talk to a trusted loved one or journal to get the feelings out. You may need to reexamine some of your relationships, but now is not the time for ending any or entering new ones.
Venus quincunx the Vertex in synastry can create a tense and challenging dynamic in a relationship due to the way each partner thinks of this relationship. There may be a disconnect between one partner’s idea of fate and the connection the other desires.
This couple may feel powerfully attracted to one another. This relationship might begin very quickly. While this can feel good initially, each partner will start to feel the areas where they are out of alignment very quickly.
The Venus partner in this relationship may love being in love. Even if they are usually not like that in other relationships, something about this relationship can cause them to ignore issues just because they want things to be harmonious and joyful.
The Vertex partner in this relationship might feel like the Venus partner is their soulmate or like they were destined to meet them. They may fall in love very quickly with the Venus partner.
If the Vertex partner was going through a difficult time when they met the Venus partner, they might feel they saved them somehow.
While all of this might feel good for these partners, and their instant attraction might be something others desire, these things can lead to some of the Venus quincunx Vertex cons.
This couple cannot maintain a high level of intensity. The Venus partner may realize their values don’t align. The Vertex partner may start to question whether they are soulmates.
The Venus and Vertex partners must acknowledge that no relationship is perfect, including theirs. They will have conflicts and disagreements. They won’t see eye-to-eye about everything, and that is okay!
When this couple is more realistic and willing to address conflict, they’ll discover more of the Venus quincunx Vertex pros. They’ll be able to have a loving, affectionate, healthy, and sustainable relationship.
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Venus quincunx the Vertex in a Composite Chart can indicate that a couple feels a strong, magnetic pull toward one another. However, they are not always suitable for each other. They might bring out the worst in each of them when together.
This relationship is meant to teach both partners some lessons. This relationship will likely be complicated, but both partners can grow from it, even if they don’t stay together.
The lesson will depend on their personalities, faults, and what they can teach one another. Where Venus and the Vertex are in their specific chart can also give some insight into what these lessons might be.
When this couple first meets, they may be drawn to one another. This relationship can initially be loving and exciting. However, many issues will arise once the “honeymoon phase” ends.
This relationship could be emotionally demanding. Even if both partners think they have realistic expectations, they won’t be able to live up to each other’s expectations. This disconnect in expectations will lead to frustration and conflict.
These partners may have differing values. They might also have specific ideas about relationships or love that are not entirely healthy. They will clash because of these ideas.
This quincunx can highlight any bad habits, negative traits, or flaws these partners have. They might double down on their flaws, bring out the worst in one another, or refuse to acknowledge their roles in their relationship problems.
This relationship doesn’t have to be terrible, though. Each partner has what the other needs to heal and better themselves.
If these two can be open-minded and self-reflect, they can discover how they each make this relationship unhealthy. They can reexamine their values and expectations.
This couple can help one another grow. Even if these partners eventually break up, they can use what they learn in this relationship to have healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future.
Solar Return
Venus quincunx the Vertex during a solar return typically indicates that you will experience some intense relationship issues in the upcoming year. These issues will be necessary for your growth, though.
These issues won’t necessarily be within a romantic relationship, so do not think of this as a bad omen. This quincunx does not signal that you will break up with your current partner, especially if you have a genuinely healthy and loving relationship.
Venus inconjunct the Vertex could highlight issues you are already experiencing or bring people into your life that cause new ones. You may also face problems related to your relationship with yourself.
If you are already in an unhealthy relationship of any kind, you will no longer be able to deny that in the upcoming year. You might meet someone who shows you how terrible your current relationship is, or your partner might have a similar experience.
If your relationship issues are related to your self-esteem and how you view yourself, someone who can help you work through those may come into your life. This could be a new friend, a therapist, or even someone from your past.
If your relationship ends, that will allow you to grow. Working through the pain of that loss can help you transform and figure out how to have healthier relationships in the future.
You may feel the universe is trying to teach you a lesson in the upcoming year. Listen to that instinct!
Figure out what the lesson is and then work on it. This will allow you to move on from relationship issues and have healthier, more satisfying relationships in the future.
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