Venus quincunx the Ascendant can create low self-esteem and a tendency to people-please. Self-worth and self-acceptance can be issues with this aspect as well.
This quincunx can make it difficult to form true intimacy with others due to an inability to express oneself and open up fully.
What does Venus quincunx the Ascendant mean? This aspect indicates a disconnect between a person’s mannerisms and outer appearance and their inner sense of aesthetics, desire for intimacy, and self-worth.
Individuals with this quincunx in their charts may have low confidence in themselves. Couples might struggle to form intimacy, truly open up to one another, and reveal their authentic selves.
There can be a tendency to seek validation and approval from others. Self-worth may come from outside sources instead of the inner self. This can ultimately make it difficult to form genuine bonds with others.
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Venus Quincunx Ascendant Natal
Venus quincunx the Ascendant in a chart can create difficulties with people-pleasing and an overreliance on outside validation.
People with this quincunx in their charts might care far too much about the opinions of others. They may base their values, aesthetics, and how they show love and affection on what they think others want or what they believe will make them look good.
If you have Venus quincunx the Ascendant in your Natal Chart, you may be overly worried about making a bad first impression on others. If you make a good impression upon them, the impression they’ll get of you likely isn’t who you truly are.
You might suffer from low self-esteem, especially if you can’t gain the validation from others that you seek. You may also feel confused over your actual values if you only listen to what others want.
You may put up with toxic or abusive behaviors from others just because they give you the validation you want. If they claim to love you and show you some level of affection, you’ll put up with things you really shouldn’t.
You might feel worthless at times. You may worry too much about others judging you but become restless and nervous when you cannot truly express yourself due to those worries.
To work through this quincunx, you must learn to accept yourself. Seek out people who love you for who you are, not who you pretend to be. Accept that you will not please everyone and need validation from within, not others.
You’ll attract the love you desire when you are more authentic and express your true self. When you worry less about the judgment of others and focus more on discovering your values and desires, you will be happier.
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Venus Quincunx Ascendant Transit
Venus quincunx the Ascendant during a transit can affect your self-esteem, interactions with others, and ability to give and receive affection. You may be overly concerned with how others perceive you or feel unconfident in your appearance.
If Venus transits your natal Ascendant, you might feel unattractive during this time. You may experiment with your appearance but also avoid being around others due to your low self-esteem.
If the Ascendant transits your natal Venus, you may not feel as connected to other people as you usually do. You might have miscommunications or experience difficulties expressing affection for the people you care about.
The Venus-Ascendant quincunx can affect your feelings about your values, appearance, and self-worth. You might have trouble coming across how you’d like to others, leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
If you are tempted to change your appearance significantly during this time, stop and reflect on why that is the case. You are likely experiencing a temporary lack of confidence and don’t want to do anything you’ll regret.
Try not to take miscommunications too personally, either. Your perception of yourself might be clouding your judgment and cause you to feel like others are judging you when they genuinely are not.
Your inner view of yourself does not match how others see you. You may think you’ve made a bad first impression, only to discover you came across better than you initially thought.
Positive affirmations can help you work through this transit. Your lack of confidence likely won’t last. You can clear up miscommunications with some effort. You can also improve your view of yourself without changing your appearance.
Venus Quincunx Ascendant Synastry
Venus quincunx the Ascendant in synastry can create a disconnect between the values and aesthetics of one partner and the appearance and more surface-level personality of the other.
The Venus partner might have an idea of how they want a partner to look and appear to others, and the Ascendant partner may not match that idea.
These two may also have a strong private connection, but other people in the Venus partner’s life might not have the same impression of the Ascendant partner as they do.
The way these two express themselves may be different, especially in front of others. If one is more social, the other may be shy. If one is loud and impulsive, the other might be more calm and reserved.
The Venus partner might find the way the Ascendant partner acts around other people unattractive. The Ascendant partner will have trouble understanding why the Venus partner cares so much about how they appear to others.
Other people often misunderstand this relationship, which is one of the Venus quincunx Ascendant cons. It’s very easy for the friends and family of both partners to influence the connection these two have with one another.
This couple can only discover the Venus quincunx Ascendant pros if they’re willing to be open-minded. They have to try to understand one another and stop assuming the way they do things is the correct way.
This couple has to learn how to communicate and stop judging one another. If the Venus partner doesn’t like how others view the Ascendant partner, that may be an issue they need to get over.
If the Ascendant partner is exhibiting inappropriate behavior or hiding their true self in front of friends, they need to work on that. They need to be open and honest with their Venus partner about why they might seem different around other people.
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Venus Quincunx Ascendant Composite
Venus quincunx the Ascendant in a Composite Chart can create issues related to appearance in a relationship. This couple might appear one way in private but a completely different way in public.
Sometimes, this couple is seemingly so close that they lose their personalities. They may get so wrapped up in one another that they neglect their needs, values, and desires. This will lead to frustration and restlessness.
Other people in this couple’s lives might notice that they aren’t themselves when they’re together. This can create conflict with friends and family outside of this relationship, which will cause stress for both partners.
This couple may have trouble expressing their true selves to one another. One might have low self-esteem, so they will act like who they believe the other wants them to be.
If this couple wants a harmonious, stable relationship, they must learn to be more authentic. They must express their genuine desires, discuss their values, and learn how to compromise instead of giving up who they are.
When they connect to themselves as individuals, this couple might discover that they don’t express themselves the same way or have the same values. That doesn’t have to mean they are incompatible, though.
This couple can learn to appreciate their differences instead of ignoring them. Disagreements can be learning opportunities, not reasons for conflict. They can figure out how to be authentic while maintaining their bond.
Each partner can also learn how to be more authentic in front of others. They don’t have to pretend to be the perfect couple or hide their personalities in front of others. They can express themselves to everyone, not just each other.
Venus Quincunx Ascendant Solar Return
Venus quincunx the Ascendant during a solar return can indicate you will have trouble expressing yourself within relationships or coming across the way you’d like when meeting new people in the upcoming year.
You may struggle with your appearance in the year following this solar return. You might want to change your image, especially if others don’t perceive you how you’d like.
You might feel like you are lacking in some way regarding relationships. If you’re single, you may struggle to connect with the people you’d like to.
You might believe you attract the types of people you want to avoid but that those you find attractive avoid you.
Venus inconjunct the Ascendant can also indicate you will struggle with socializing in general in the upcoming year. You might discover that your social skills are lacking in some way or that how others perceive them doesn’t align with how you believe they are.
To work through this quincunx, you must be mindful. Changing certain things about your appearance can be beneficial. Getting a new haircut or a new style might make you feel good. You shouldn’t change for other people, though.
Working on your social skills this year might also be a good idea. If you’re shy, try to put yourself out there more. If you tend to come on too strong, learn how to calm down and make a gentler first impression.
Taking public speaking classes can improve your confidence. Listening to others when they tell you something is inappropriate will help you, too.
Overall, this can be a good year for self-improvement. Becoming more comfortable and confident in yourself will make it easier for you to connect with others.
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