Venus opposite Pluto has a lot of magnetism to it. This is a beautiful yet intense aspect to have in a chart.
A person with this aspect might quickly draw others to them. A relationship may involve love at first sight, though issues may arise later.
What does Venus opposite Pluto mean? There is both charm and danger in this opposition. Emotions can be overwhelming, and love can turn into obsession.
A person with this aspect in their chart might be attracted to people who are exciting yet dangerous. A relationship might be intensely romantic and sexually charged but have deep-seated issues with jealousy and possessiveness.
This opposition can be painful, but working through it will bring rewards. It allows for the ability to love deeply and without shame. Getting through the dark side of love will be the main challenge of this opposition.
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Venus Opposite Pluto Natal
Venus opposite Pluto in a chart creates intensity regarding romance, attraction, and relationships.
There is also a darkness in this opposition. The intense love and attraction someone with this aspect feels can lead to jealousy and possessiveness. Manipulation is also common with this aspect, though it doesn’t always come from the person with this in their chart.
If you’ve got Venus opposite Pluto in your Natal Chart, your emotions might sometimes overwhelm you. You might instantly be attracted to people and will fall hard and fast for them.
Sometimes, you feel like someone is meant to be in your life, even if you can’t explain why. You won’t just feel strong romantic connections to people, either. You’ll feel strong emotional and spiritual connections as well.
It’s easy to get into toxic relationships with this opposition. You might go after people who don’t love as strongly as you do, but you may also end up with people who are just as jealous and possessive, creating an intense and challenging dynamic.
You might manipulate partners into doing what you want, but they are just as likely to manipulate you. You must be careful of how you treat people, but don’t let others step all over you.
The key to working with this opposition is understanding that it’s okay to feel things deeply and intensely but that you must control how you act and treat people.
You cannot control the people around you. You can’t stifle them and make them do everything you want. You can’t expect them to be with you 24/7, either. You must give them freedom and independence and allow yourself to be independent.
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Venus Opposite Pluto Transit
Venus opposite Pluto during a transit will create a strain in your relationships. Feelings will run high during this time, and you’ll be more likely to give in to dark desires or toxic emotions.
If Pluto transits your natal Venus, you may become more suspicious and paranoid about your relationship. You may start to see signs that your partner is cheating, even if those signs are all in your head.
If Venus transits your natal Pluto, this may ignite deep, subconscious thoughts related to love. You might find yourself attracted to someone you know isn’t good for you, or you may even want to return to a toxic ex.
The Venus-Pluto opposition can be challenging to deal with during a transit. You will experience intense emotions that you don’t know how to handle. Even if you’re usually more relaxed, you’ll feel some dark emotions.
If you’re in a relationship, it will feel strained. You might become obsessed with minor faults in your partner or even believe they’re disloyal. Sometimes, this is unfortunately true. Other times, they genuinely aren’t doing anything wrong.
If your relationship is already toxic or strained somehow, this transit will worsen it. Something might come to a head during this time. You and your partner will fight and may have issues with control.
If you’re single, you might meet someone during this time and instantly fall in love. Be careful, though. This person might be attractive and magnetic, but they likely won’t be good for you. Be wary and get to know them before making any decisions.
Do some self-reflection and get to the root of your dark emotions. If you’re having problems with your partner, be honest with them, but don’t be accusatory. Channel your negative energy into shadow work and get to the bottom of why you’re experiencing issues with control or obsession.
Venus Opposite Pluto Synastry
Venus opposite Pluto in a Synastry Chart can create a passionate and loving dynamic between two people, but it has a volatile side. These partners likely feel a strong attraction and love for each other, but this relationship can quickly turn dark.
The Venus partner in this relationship might be the more light-hearted of these partners. They will want to bring balance and harmony to the relationship. They desire romance, affection, and security.
The Pluto partner in this relationship is likely more intense and passionate. They may love the Venus partner with all their heart and will be incredibly loyal.
The intensity of the Pluto partner might make the Venus partner feel loved and secure. If the Pluto partner constantly showers them with attention and affection, they’ll feel like they’re getting what they want.
This relationship can quickly become dark, though. This is one of the Venus opposite Pluto cons. The Pluto partner might become possessive and jealous. The Venus partner may resort to people-pleasing to keep things harmonious.
These two love one another but aren’t always good for each other. This couple will likely have an intense sexual relationship and feel connected emotionally as well. They might feel like they are soulmates, but their bond is not always positive.
To discover the Venus opposite Pluto pros, these two have to acknowledge the dark side of their relationship and transform it.
The Pluto partner must learn to control their jealousy, but the Venus partner may also have to accept that jealousy does not equate to love. The obsession of the Pluto partner isn’t necessary to have stability and a long-lasting relationship.
These two need to build a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. They can have the powerful connection they desire but must learn to express themselves healthily and work through any control issues.
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Venus Opposite Pluto Composite
Venus opposite Pluto in a Composite Chart creates the potential for profound transformation through this relationship. This couple can bond physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They can learn from each other and become better through being together.
However, this couple has to work through the challenges of this opposition first. When they initially come together, they may clash or bring out the darker side in one another.
This might be a relationship where both partners struggle with control, jealousy, and possessiveness. Both partners might try to manipulate each other to get what they want and create the change they desire.
These two will have intense feelings for one another. When they love each other, they will love with all their hearts. When they argue or experience conflict, they will likely feel like they hate each other.
These two can potentially uncover some ugly parts of each other, but they can use that to their benefit. Through being together, they can discover their dark sides and learn how to work through them.
This couple can transform one another. They can create a harmonious relationship filled with love, affection, and trust. They must both be willing to give up some control and put in the work.
Both partners must realize they want the same things. They don’t have to manipulate or force each other to change. By working together, they will change in beneficial and healthy ways.
Once these two work through their issues and the dark side of their relationship, they will emerge as better people. They will strengthen their bond and their inner selves.
Venus Opposite Pluto Solar Return
Venus opposite Pluto during a solar return typically indicates that you will experience intense emotions in the upcoming year. You may become aware of certain things within your psyche you’ve been ignoring, or a difficult situation might bring out your dark side.
Your relationships may suffer in the year following this solar return. Infidelity is common with this opposition when it appears in a Solar Return Chart. You may be tempted to find fulfillment elsewhere if you are already unhappy.
You may be cheated on instead, though. If you’ve been ignoring the decline of your relationship, that will come to a head in the upcoming year. You’ll no longer be able to deny its toxic or dark aspects.
Insecurities may also come up during this year, and they will further strain your relationships. You might start acting jealous even though your partner has given you no reason not to trust them. You may become possessive or controlling as well.
You might become obsessed with a crush or close friend if you’re single. You might feel like you’re drawn to someone and be unable to stay away from them, even if they don’t return your feelings or you know they’re not good for you.
You will have to confront your dark side and uncomfortable feelings in the upcoming year. If you behave poorly in a relationship or are unfaithful, you must take responsibility.
If your partner is the one behaving poorly, acknowledge that. Stand up for yourself and be willing to walk away from the relationship if it can’t be fixed. Learn when to fight for something and when to stop holding on so tight.
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