Venus opposite Mars typically creates wild emotions and an intense dynamic between passion and affection.
The lustful side of Mars and the loving one of Venus can work well together, but you have to balance them when they’re in opposition.
What does Venus opposite Mars mean? This can be an exhilarating dynamic, though it’s challenging to handle. It brings a lot of passion, affection, and physicality to any chart.
A person with this opposition will be a lover and a fighter. They might have a soft side, but they’re also fierce and fiery. They are likely highly sexual, but they need more than the physical side of sex to be happy.
A relationship with this opposition might have some conflict between sexual desires and romantic needs. With work, they can balance those needs and desires.
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Venus opposite Mars in a chart can indicate a person is passionate, dramatic, and affectionate. They are lively and vibrant, though they aren’t always fun.
There is a lot of intensity in this opposition. This person loves with all their heart, but they hate the same way. They can be loving, affectionate, and gentle, but they can also be harsh and may have a quick temper.
You likely have a strong personality if you’ve got Venus opposite Mars in your Natal Chart. You can’t hide it at all when you love someone. You can’t hide it when you hate them, either.
You may seek out friends and partners who are as intense as you are, which has downsides. Arguments may be common in all your relationships when you and the people you interact with are passionate and direct.
You might be quick to anger, but you calm down quickly, too. You can sometimes be overly direct, but you’re all upfront about your feelings for people and will openly show affection when you love someone.
This opposition can increase your energy and make you a highly active person. You might be a party animal, have a high libido, or enjoy physical activity.
You are likely a sexual person. You’re sensual as well, and you typically need some connection with your sexual partners. You might love sex, but casual sex isn’t always your thing.
Some might think you come on too strong, especially when flirting and showing affection. If you have a partner who does not enjoy physical touch as much, you’ll need to adjust to their love language.
Finding healthy outlets for anger is essential when you have this opposition. Luckily, you enjoy physical activity, so that can help! You also need to be careful about your relationships. There is a toxic side of passion, and you’ll find it if you’re not mindful.
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The Venus-Mars opposition showing up in a Transit Chart typically indicates that you will experience an increase in energy during this time. You might feel more sexy, desirable, and confident in romantic and sexual endeavors.
If Venus transits your natal Mars, you might feel some conflict between your sexual and romantic desires. If you’re in a casual sexual relationship, you may suddenly realize you want more than that.
If Mars transits your natal Venus instead, you’ll experience conflict in the opposite direction. You might realize that your long-term relationship has lost some of the spark, and you’ll want to improve your sex life.
It can sometimes be difficult dealing with Venus opposite Mars in a transit, but it’s not all bad. You must be mindful and find healthy outlets for all the increased energy you’ll feel during this time.
If you feel sexually frustrated, go out dancing or increase your exercise routine. Talk to your partner and healthily express your frustrations. If you’re single, work through why you feel frustrated instead of diving into bed with a stranger.
You may also be quicker to anger during this time, so be careful. Don’t pick fights with people in your life. If you feel tense, find a healthy outlet to relieve your anger and discuss things with whoever angered you later.
Don’t make any hasty decisions during this time, especially regarding your relationships. You don’t want to do anything you regret just because you’re frustrated or angry.
If you feel unfulfilled in some way, examine why that is. If you’re unhappy being single, jumping into a relationship won’t fix that. If you’re disappointed in a relationship, immediately ending it might not fix things either.
Venus opposite Mars in synastry typically creates a strong attraction between two people, but they will also have some conflict with their desires and what they want from a relationship.
One common struggle in this relationship is a difference in love languages. Which love language the Venus and Mars partners have can vary, but they likely won’t have the same one regardless.
The Mars partner in this relationship might be more focused on the physical aspects of the relationship. The Venus partner is more focused on romance and their idealized vision for the relationship.
Both partners will likely be physically attracted to one another. The Venus partner might be more focused on aesthetics, while the Mars partner is more focused on sexuality, but the result is the same. They will be drawn to one another.
There is sometimes a disconnect between how these partners show affection, and that is one of the Venus opposite Mars cons.
The Venus partner might need romantic gestures to feel valued in this relationship and will be disappointed if the Mars partner doesn’t focus on romance. The Mars partner might feel love through physical connection and may not realize the Venus partner is showing love in other ways.
These two sometimes have power struggles as well. The energies of Venus and Mars are equal in an opposition, and they will battle for dominance. That will not feel comfortable in a relationship, though.
These two have to learn to communicate their relationship expectations. They have to openly talk about their love languages and how they show affection if they want to discover the Venus opposite Mars pros.
These two have the potential to have a sexually exciting and romantic relationship. This couple can learn to show love in multiple ways and express themselves fully together. They have to make an effort.
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Venus opposite Mars in a Composite Chart typically indicates that this couple has trouble achieving balance and harmony in their relationship, especially when it comes to their individual desires compared to what is necessary to strengthen their relationship.
Both partners in this relationship are passionate and intense. When they see eye-to-eye, that is a great thing! They may passionately pursue one another and have an adventurous sex life.
However, these two will also have fierce arguments when they disagree. If either feels like they’re doing more work in the relationship than the other, that will create conflict and disappointment.
Each partner may have specific desires that aren’t compatible with one another. These might be significant things, such as a difference in values. These may also be differences in how they show affection or what they like in bed.
Sometimes, these partners are overly independent, and that makes bonding difficult. Even if they want many of the same things, they’ll spend too much time apart to connect.
This couple must learn how to balance their needs with their relationship’s needs. They can’t always be focused on what they want. Sometimes, they must consider their partner’s needs and do what is best for the relationship.
These two must deal with conflict in a healthy way, too. If they have different needs when it comes to affection, they should figure out how to speak one another’s love languages. If they disagree about certain things, they can compromise instead of arguing.
This relationship can be passionate, romantic, and incredibly fulfilling for both partners. They need to focus on bonding and be willing to give up a little of their independence to be together.
Solar Return
Venus opposite Mars during a solar return typically indicates you will experience conflicts with your relationships in the upcoming year.
This doesn’t necessarily mean your relationship will end, though that is possible. The challenges you face with your relationships might make them stronger or teach you something about yourself.
If you are in a long-term romantic relationship, something may happen in the year following this solar return that causes you to question it in some way. You might feel like the spark is gone from your sex life or that you only have sex and don’t connect.
You may want space in the upcoming year to consider what you want from your relationship. Are all your needs being met? If they aren’t, is there a way you and your partner can fix that?
If you’re single, you could change that this year. If you’re usually someone who dates casually or has a lot of one-night stands, you might want to settle down. You may consider seriously dating and looking for a life partner.
If you’re someone who jumps from relationship to relationship, you may want to take some time for yourself to reevaluate what you actually want.
The conflict you experience in the year following this solar return can help you grow if you’re willing to deal with it. You can work through issues in your relationship or move on if that’s best.
You can also become more connected to what you want from all your relationships. Whether you want more sex, more romance, or both, you can find that! You must be open about your desires and find someone who can meet all your needs.
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