The Sun Square Eros challenges you to express your passion and overcome inhibitions. You may stifle your sexual nature.
Overcome shame and confusion. Make an effort to spice up your sexual interests.
The Sun Square Eros makes you motivated to get in touch with your sexual nature. You may stifle your passionate side initially.
Your ego clashes with your sexual interests. You may face friction as you work to accept your sexual side.
You may hide your infatuations. But with patience and effort, you can come out of your shell.
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The Sun Square Eros makes you shy and inhibited in the bedroom. You avoid pursuing pleasure and criticize yourself for your hedonistic desires. But with effort, you can be more open to showing your interest in the bedroom.
You may feel uninspired sexually. You hide your genuine desires so you won’t face criticism. You are afraid of judgment or alienation if you open up about your sexual interests.
You can be closed off from your sexual nature because you fear losing control. You seek admiration and approval from others. You fear being ostracized for your sexuality.
Your creative strengths clash with your sexual interests. You may stifle your talents to please your love interests. Your sexual outlets and fantasies don’t align well with your personality.
You may have fantasies that shock others because they clash with your conscious interests and personality. With effort, you can align your outer personality with your sexual fantasies.
You are accustomed to following what others want in bed. If you muster the confidence to assert your desires, you can overcome inhibitions and explore your sexual fantasies.
You must work through shyness and become confident in yourself. With effort, you can show your bold and creative side in the bedroom. You may be ashamed of your sexual interests.
But with work, you can learn to appreciate your sexual nature. You must work on owning your erotic desires. Your sexual desires can overshadow your unique personality.
Sun and Eros square Mercury can make it challenging for you to talk about your sexual fantasies. You stifle your sexual fantasies and avoid talking about your dreams.
The Sun conjunct Eros in a Natal Chart indicates a powerful alignment between your conscious personality and sexual nature. But the square makes you question your sexual side.
Eros conjunct Mercury in a Natal Chart makes you open to expressing your sexual fantasies. If Eros is also square the Sun, you may have an active imagination but prefer sexual talk and fantasies to physical acts.
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The Sun square Eros in a Transit Chart triggers your sexual fantasies. You may smother your passions to avoid embarrassing situations. You feel reluctant to show your sexual nature.
You may be under stress, leading to the loss of your sex drive. This transit has a brief impact, temporarily inhibiting your desires. You may curb your excitement in bed and let your sexual side simmer rather than delve into your fantasies.
With effort, you can overcome an awkward situation and reclaim your sexual confidence. You must work on developing acceptance and pride in your sexual fantasies.
You don’t express your sexual creativity under this transit. Rather than being true to your authentic fantasies, you hide your passion. You may be preoccupied with work or focused on problems.
You aren’t focused on sex or pleasure. During this transit, you can hold back and be reserved. You aren’t as open and direct about your fantasies. You must work to be open to sharing your secret desires.
The Sun Square Eros transit can push you to chase your desires and face conflicts between your personality and taboo interests. You may learn to speak up for your sexual interests.
Eros square the Moon creates tension between your emotional desires and sexual interests. You may seek a friends-with-benefits arrangement without emotional responsibilities.
But the square between the Sun and Eros undermines your confidence in your sexual attractiveness. You may feel inhibited and hide your creativity. With effort, you can overcome self-doubts.
The Sun square Eros in a Synastry Chart indicates a mismatched partnership with different interests in bed. The pair’s sexual chemistry stems from clashing interests.
They play games and avoid being direct about their sexual fantasies. With effort, they learn each other’s sexual fantasies. The Sun person seeks admiration and attention.
They want to be in charge and crave the spotlight. They want a sexual partner to build up their ego and let them initiate. They are confident in bed and want a partner to show warmth and assertiveness.
The Eros partners want to be with someone kinky and exciting. They are not direct with their Sun partner about their fantasies. They hide their desires and frustrate their Sun partner.
The Eros partner may objectify their Sun partner. They must work to adapt their connection to the Sun partner. The Sun partner feels unappreciated by their Eros partner.
The Eros partner may be more interested in sex than an emotional relationship. But the Sun partner wants validation and reassurance in the relationship.
With effort, the Sun partner can warm up to their Eros partner. The Eros person can become conscious of their Sun partner’s unique talents and appreciate their gifts.
The Sun square Eros in synastry brings out the partner’s passions despite challenges. They help each other embrace their unique strengths and explore hidden fantasies.
Eros opposite the Sun in synastry attracts partners based on balancing contradictory tastes. However, the square makes the partners feel attracted to each other but resistant to embracing their connection.
Eros conjunct Eros in synastry can make a couple sexually aligned. They understand each other’s needs and can be aroused by each other. Yet they need other favorable aspects to create an emotional or romantic connection.
The Sun Square Eros can make sexual connection challenging for this couple. They must work to learn to please each other. They are not initially receptive to each other’s style.
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The Sun square Eros in a Composite Chart indicates a couple with intense sexual chemistry. They play hard to get and aren’t an easy match. Resisting temptation is arousing to this couple.
They pretend to be uninterested but this only enhances their desires. They clash with each other and are resistant to accepting each other’s sexual interests.
But with effort, they lower defenses and become open to sharing sexual fantasies. Their desires are unusual or taboo. They may be awkward and want to hide their sexual fantasies.
They are not attuned to each other, but with effort, they learn to turn each other on. They are not initially receptive to each other’s sexual interests. They must work together to create a sustainable connection.
They may enjoy a fling but realize their relationship is not meant to be. They may have different desires and clash with each other. They don’t accept each other’s unique styles initially.
The partners must work to overcome inhibitions. They aren’t on the same page and can overwhelm each other. The Sun Square Eros makes the partners doubt their confidence in the bedroom.
The partners may initially avoid a sexual relationship but can’t ignore each other. They tiptoe around each other but can’t resist each other’s charms for long.
They have a tense path as they overcome inhibitions to connect. They are reluctant to be authentic. They may hide and deny their sexual desires. The partners initially avoid each other’s fantasies.
The Sun square Eros in the composite is a beneficial aspect for excitement and drama in the bedroom. The partners challenge each other. They incite each other’s enthusiasm.
Solar Return
The Sun square Eros in a Solar Return Chart indicates a year that motivates you to be clear about your taboo desires. You may resist seeking pleasure but can’t avoid your passions for long.
During the months ahead, you are tempted by taboo fantasies. You may have a crush on someone unavailable. Your desires are unmet. But with effort, you can indulge in your sensual desires.
You may not accept your sexual nature. You attempt to stifle your sexual side and may hide your desire for pleasure out of fear of judgment. You block yourself from experiencing pleasure.
With work, you may accept your sexual connection to someone special. This is a critical year to work on building the confidence to be true to your hedonistic side.
You may resist a love interest or play hard to get this year. Avoiding temptation won’t make it go away. You must work on balancing your sexual interests with your desire for a holistic relationship.
During the months ahead, you may objectify a love interest rather than embrace their unique talents and sexual nature. You attempt to subdue your passions and deal with your ambitions instead.
But you can find ways to balance your strengths and desires for pleasure. You may challenge yourself to take risks in the bedroom and become comfortable being true to yourself.
The Sun and Eros square Mars makes you feel apathetic toward sex. Your desire for pleasure can be thwarted by a lack of energy. You may be burned out or frustrated.
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