The Sun conjunct the South Node is an aspect people often overlook. The North Node gets plenty of attention, while this aspect is overlooked.
But studying the Sun and South Node aspects helps you understand your past lives.
The Sun conjunct the South Node focuses on your identity and ego in the past. You may seem stuck in reflection and struggle with initiative.
You may need to find momentum to go forward. Your Sun and South Node placements help you understand your past-life connection.
You can have breakthrough memories of past lives. You may carry part of your identity from another lifetime.
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The Sun conjunct South Node in your Natal Chart indicates a fusion between your present incarnation and a past life. Your identity aligns with aspects of your past.
You may be proud of traits that come naturally to you. Yet, you don’t push yourself to develop new skills. You are content and sometimes unmotivated.
You may be fascinated with the past in a way others consider quirky. Your fashion sense and interests relate to past eras. These idiosyncrasies are expressions of identities from another incarnation.
You are inhibited and fantasize about experiences that relate to your past lives. You can benefit from past-life regression to explore healing and empowerment.
You are most comfortable with consistency and need stability to feel comfortable. You can be anxious about taking chances and prefer repeating the past to being innovative.
You may be fascinated with history and want to re-live past experiences. You can be attracted to historical re-enactment groups. These experiences help you process strengths and issues from your past lives.
You enjoy reminiscing and can be sentimental. When comfortable, you don’t like to push beyond your comfort zone. You can be hesitant to challenge yourself.
You may be stubborn and stick to your plans. You don’t adapt to changes and can be cautious. You can be stubborn and insistent. You don’t want to rock the boat and can be content with the status quo.
This is an ideal placement for deep healing of past life issues. You may project an image of being an old soul. Others recognize your wisdom and can be attracted to your comforting nature.
The Sun and South Node conjunction can be challenging because you don’t adapt to innovation. You resist movement toward your destiny. You need external catalysts to evolve and break from tradition.
Sun-conjunct South Node celebrities have well-honed skills because they remember past life lessons. They can be comfortable with fame and attention because of a link to past lives involving status and recognition.
The Sun conjunct South Node in the Natal Chart makes you complacent and comfortable. You are introspective and meditate frequently on situations before making a decision.
You question your strengths and may wait for others to validate you before pursuing your desires. You are slow to motivate and ruminate on situations before becoming decisive.
The South Node symbol resembles a horseshoe with a curve down. Most astrological charts don’t include this symbol. Astrologers rely on the placement of the North Node and discern the South Node’s placement opposite.
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When the Sun conjunct South Node appears in a Transit Chart, it is a catalyst to release karma from past lives. You may deal with lessons related to accepting your identity.
This is an essential time to face aspects of your personality you may be hiding. The transit shines a light on insecurities, and you must challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone.
The Sun conjunct South Node transits awaken your gifts and direct your focus to this lifetime. You may challenge yourself to push beyond the status quo.
You can channel your creativity based on wisdom from your past lives. You may overcome ambivalence. This is a perfect time to become comfortable with your unique strengths.
Your individualistic nature can blossom now. You may waver on your ambitions and second-guess yourself. The transit awakens your strengths, and you may recognize new gifts you didn’t previously appreciate.
Self-expression is more critical than usual now. You may need to push yourself to find the confidence to live up to your potential. Challenge yourself to take center stage during this transit.
Unlike the Sun trine North Node, the Sun in a favorable aspect to the South Node doesn’t encourage forward momentum. Rather than awakening your potential, you may bask in comfort and complacency.
The Sun conjunct South Node in a Synastry Chart indicates a relationship infused with karmic lessons. This partnership helps each person understand their gifts and personality.
The couple feels attracted to each other and has a sense of unfinished business. They are attracted together by a desire to comfort each other and maintain security.
They may remind each other of the past or have a karmic romantic connection. They dredge up past wounds and force each other to confront insecurities.
The Sun partner brings charm and optimism to the relationship. They can be upbeat and encouraging. This partner sheds light on the South Node individual’s strengths.
The relationship can frustrate the Sun partner if the South Node partner is inhibited. The South Node partner doesn’t recognize their capabilities. They may be dependent on their partner for approval.
The South Node partner helps the Sun partner learn karmic lessons. The South Node partner can be traditional and make their Sun partner feel validated.
The South Node partner makes the Sun partner feel grounded and comfortable. They are reassured by the South Node partner’s past experiences.
The couple may be comfortable until the South Node person adapts to their strengths and begins advancing. Resentments may ensue when the South Node person embraces their power.
With the Sun conjunct with the South Node in synastry, past lives are the core of your relationships. You have lessons from past lives and must help each other clear karma from past incarnations.
The Sun square South Node in synastry helps these partners challenge each other to break from the past. But the comfortable conjunction can lull each partner into a false sense of bliss and security.
The South Node and Sun conjunct in synastry makes you attracted to each other because of a shared desire for comfort and security. You can entice each other and care for each other’s needs.
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The Sun conjunct South Node in a Composite Chart indicates a relationship based on pleasure and comfort. This pair encourages each other’s hedonistic sides.
They can be supportive and seek pleasure together. This relationship seems playful and romantic. The partners get lost in sentimental encounters and may experience an intense honeymoon phase.
Although this relationship seems a dream come true, the partners may be disillusioned and disappointed when reality sets in. They are likely to get lost in fantasies and illusions.
The relationship is comfortable but not conducive to growth. When one or both partners need to face harsh realities, the relationship may not withstand the disruption.
The couple enables each other and may seem loving and caring. Yet lack motivation. They enjoy pleasure, yet may obstruct each other from growing.
When this relationship must confront changes, the partners may not be able to support each other’s needs. They are dependent on each other and enable each other to remain stuck.
Harsh life lessons emerge in this relationship when both partners must become autonomous. They become jealous or resentful if one partner strives for self-improvement and the other does not.
The Sun and Moon conjunct South Node in a Composite Chart makes you emotionally attracted to someone maternal and comforting. A relationship is romantic and endearing, but both partners can become lazy.
The Sun and South Node conjunction fuses this couple’s identity with their past. They can be nostalgic, but their sentimental nature becomes a distraction if they are not careful.
Solar Return
The Sun conjunct South Node in a Solar Return Chart can be a throwback to the past. This is a time of comfort and relaxation, yet you may be more reflective now.
Look to the past and even past lives for guidance and wisdom. You may realize critical elements of your past life wisdom when you face this conjunction.
You can be more complacent during this time. You are focused on past lives and can learn from epiphanies that help you embrace your unique power and strengths.
This conjunction makes you introspective. You feel comfortable with this change of pace if you are introverted. But if you are typically assertive and outgoing, this Solar Return can make you more reflective and cautious.
This is not a time for risk-taking. Get comfortable with routines and enjoy a break from drama. Take time to reflect on your skills and cultivate your interests.
You may not have as much energy now. This is a time of healing and rejuvenation. Pamper yourself during this time, and you can feel refocused and ready to pursue your purpose.
The South Node conjunct Sun in a Solar Return Chart can make life seem easier. But you aren’t challenged to go the extra mile. You may be too complacent with this conjunction.
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