Saturn quincunx Eros makes it challenging to connect to inner desires and sexuality. There is a lot of repression in this aspect.
Denial of sexual desires will lead to stress and general dissatisfaction with life. It can be challenging to overcome shame and unleash those desires, though.
What does Saturn quincunx Eros mean? This aspect typically leads to Saturn suppressing the sexual, erotic energy of Eros. It creates tension between desires and obligations. There are many limitations and fears in this quincunx.
People with this quincunx in their charts may completely ignore or feel ashamed of their inner desires. Couples will struggle to open up, connect sexually, and create stability.
Repressing sexuality and desire will lead to stress and emotional issues. Focusing too much on appearing disciplined and responsible will often just lead to suppressed emotions exploding out eventually.
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Saturn quincunx Eros in a chart disconnects self-discipline and control from sexuality, needs, and desires. It can be difficult for a person to acknowledge their sexuality and need for intimacy because they don’t want to give up control.
People with this quincunx in their charts may struggle with feelings of shame surrounding their sexuality. They might feel they have embarrassing desires or are wrong for wanting what they want.
If you’ve got Saturn quincunx Eros in your Natal Chart, you may be sexually repressed. You will feel disconnected from your inner desires, emotions, and needs. Even if you know what they are, you will hide them.
You might maintain strict control over your emotions and how you express yourself. You may refuse to talk about sex or your fantasies. You won’t be able to unleash your inner passions and may ignore them entirely.
Connecting to others emotionally and sexually may feel impossible to you. You might not want to open up due to fears of being vulnerable. You may believe you’ll be rejected if you express your true desires.
You may also feel certain desires and emotions will tarnish your image or make others believe you aren’t as disciplined or responsible as you want them to think you are. You may have intense fears over revealing your sexuality and passions to others.
To work through this quincunx, you have to face those fears. You must self-reflect and connect to your desires. You should work on acknowledging your passionate, sexual side and stop seeing it as something shameful.
You must be willing to be uncomfortable if you want to develop a healthier relationship with sex. You may not like being vulnerable with others or acknowledging your inner desires, but these things are necessary to living a fulfilling and satisfying life.
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Saturn quincunx Eros during a transit can make it difficult for you to bond with your current partner or to develop new connections with people. You may feel restricted or ashamed of your sexuality during this time.
If Saturn transits your natal Eros, you might want to leave your comfort zone and explore your inner desires, but something will hold you back. You may be afraid of opening up or fear judgment.
If Eros transits your natal Saturn, you may feel cut off from your fantasies and desires. You might become disconnected from your emotions, sexuality, and the intimate connections in your life.
The Saturn-Eros quincunx can put a strain on your current relationship with your sexuality. Even if you’re usually a liberated and sexually free person, something might change your views of your desires.
A new partner might make you feel judged for your desires or ways of expressing yourself. You might be experiencing some relationship issues and feel disconnected from a long-term partner.
You may discover a new fantasy or desire but won’t respond well to it. You may be worried that others will judge you. If you’re a more traditional or vanilla person, you might be shocked by some of the urges lurking within you.
To work through this transit, you need to be patient with yourself. You must self-reflect and focus on connecting, or reconnecting, to your desires and passions.
Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality. If others are judging you, re-evaluate those relationships. Remind yourself that you’re not wrong for wanting things or desiring pleasure.
Saturn quincunx Eros in synastry creates tension between one partner’s sense of stability, responsibility, and limitations and the other partner’s desires and emotional needs.
The Saturn partner in this relationship may be more repressed than the Eros partner, but either of them may have an unhealthy relationship with sex and desire. If the Saturn partner isn’t repressed, the Eros partner might be too wild and may push boundaries instead.
These two might have different views about their sexualities or sex in general. They may have very different needs and desires, and reconciling them will be a struggle for both.
The Eros partner in this relationship might feel limited by the Saturn partner. They may believe they can’t fully express themselves and will be frustrated.
The Saturn partner in this relationship may also have trouble expressing themselves. They might think the Eros partner will judge them, or they may be insecure about their sexuality and desires.
This couple will struggle to connect sexually and emotionally, which is one of the Saturn quincunx Eros cons. They will both feel limited and restricted by the other, even if neither tries to exert control or make the other feel that way.
It can also be difficult for this couple to balance responsibilities with their relationship’s more primal, exciting side. Even if they want to open up to one another and connect, obligations may get in the way.
Both partners can learn to open up and connect more intimately and authentically, though. This is one of the Saturn quincunx Eros pros.
Each partner has to communicate more effectively with the other. They must be willing to open up about insecurities and share their desires. If they feel something is unbalanced, they should work together to find balance and support each other even when their desires don’t align.
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Saturn quincunx Eros in a Composite Chart typically indicates that a couple will struggle to balance their responsibilities with their sexual and emotional bonds within their relationship.
This couple may struggle to set boundaries without feeling they are limiting each other or repressing their desires. They might struggle to open up emotionally, discuss fantasies, or experiment sexually.
Connecting emotionally and forming a stable bond will be difficult for this couple. One may maintain strict control over their emotions, while the other is more emotionally volatile. One may be far too sexually open, while the other is repressed.
Each partner in this relationship likely wants to connect to the other, but they may not know how. If either of them feels shame over their inner desires and needs, they won’t want to share them.
This couple may ignore certain aspects of their relationship for others as well. They will struggle to balance the various things they want and need and the things they must do.
They might neglect household chores and other responsibilities to do more exciting things. They may go the other way and completely neglect their sex life and emotional bond due to outside obligations.
This couple likely needs to communicate more to work through this quincunx. If they are having trouble managing their responsibilities or their needs aren’t being met, they need to talk about that.
This couple needs to trust each other more as well. They must open up about their inner desires and listen to one another.
These two may discover they have a lot in common and can form a bond, but they must be willing to be vulnerable first. Once they do that, they can form a stronger, more intimate connection.
Solar Return
Saturn quincunx Eros during a solar return can indicate you’re in for a bumpy ride in your relationships. You may experience some setbacks emotionally or sexually in the upcoming year. You might need to take some time to reconnect to your sexuality.
You may feel limited in some way in the upcoming year. If you are already shy, repressed, or ashamed of your sexuality, that will come to a head this year. You’ll need to learn how to express your desires and get out of your shell.
You will feel distant from others in the year following this solar return. If you are repressing your desires or refusing to acknowledge your needs, you won’t be able to connect to others in the way you’d like.
Saturn inconjunct Eros will show you how you limit yourself emotionally and sexually. You must balance Saturn and Eros’ energies to form a healthier relationship with your desires.
Self-reflect and think about your relationship with sex. Do you repress your desires out of fear or insecurity? Are you instead overly sexual, to the point that you make others uncomfortable and push them away?
Whatever your issues are, you need to work through them in the upcoming year. If you don’t, you won’t be able to have satisfying and fulfilling relationships with others.
Allow yourself to open up to people in healthy ways this year. Don’t be afraid to discuss your desires with your partner or ask them to meet specific needs. Respect their boundaries and listen to their needs as well.
You can end this year feeling more connected to yourself and the people around you. You can figure out how to see your desires more positively and express them healthily.
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