Saturn opposite Pluto typically creates disillusionment, destruction, and darkness. There can be difficulty connecting with others and seeing the bright side when this is in a chart.
Control issues are also common with this opposition. It isn’t easy to let go of beliefs, relationships, and individual people.
What does Saturn opposite Pluto mean? There is a lot of darkness in this opposition, and the benefits of this aspect can only be found by working through that darkness.
People with this aspect in their chart might be paranoid and distrustful, so they refuse to listen to anyone. A couple will struggle to bond and will likely fight for control.
Transformation is necessary to rise above the negative influences of this opposition. A person or couple must learn to compromise, build trust, and see the positive side of things.
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Saturn opposite Pluto in a chart typically indicates a person has a connection to the darker side of life. Sometimes, this connection comes out of nowhere, but it can also be due to experiencing hardships growing up.
The way this person responds to trauma and disappointment is typically to become disillusioned and distrustful. If they fail at something, they are unlikely to try again. If a partner lies to or betrays them, they’re less likely to trust future partners.
Someone with this opposition in their chart can become paranoid and assume everyone is out to get them. They may also lose faith in themselves and stop trusting their abilities.
If you’ve got Saturn opposite Pluto in your Natal Chart, you may have an issue trusting people, but you’ll also find it impossible to let go of people once you do form a connection with them.
You might have control issues, too. You may be offended and hurt when others set boundaries with you, even if they’re perfectly healthy boundaries. You’ll also have trouble letting go of relationships when they don’t end on your terms.
You will likely get into many arguments due to your control and trust issues. Friends and partners won’t understand why you can’t just trust them, and won’t react well if you start to exhibit possessive behavior.
You must shift how you see the world to work through this opposition. Some people are legitimately trustworthy and have good intentions. Not everyone is trying to hurt you intentionally.
There are good things in the world. You might have to work to get what you want or have some bad relationships to find a good one, but that’s not unique to you. Everyone has highs and lows throughout their lives.
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Saturn opposite Pluto during a transit typically indicates that you will experience some challenges or disappointment during this time.
Patience is necessary to work through this transit, but it may be in short supply. You might feel frustrated, distrustful, and paranoid about the intentions of everyone around you.
You will likely be hard on yourself as well. If something goes wrong, you’re just as likely to blame yourself as you are to blame everyone around you.
If Saturn transits your natal Pluto, your ability to transform and work through your mistakes will be restricted. You’re more likely to give in to depression and become angry with yourself instead of picking yourself back up.
If Pluto transits your natal Saturn, control, and manipulation will be problems during this time. You might feel like others are trying to control you, but you’re also likely to start exerting control over other people.
The Saturn-Pluto opposition will be difficult to work through. You may act in ways that make you feel guilty. You might question who you are when your frustration or depression makes you do things you usually wouldn’t do.
Sometimes, the best thing to do is take some time for yourself. If you feel like others are controlling you, take a step back and give yourself space from them. If you’re the one being controlling, take a deep breath and focus on your actions, not the actions of others.
If you make mistakes during this time, or you’re dealing with some you made before this transit, don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t ignore them; allow them to help you grow and transform instead of letting them bring you down.
Don’t avoid negative feelings during this time, but don’t let them consume you either. You can find the good side in any situation and use it as a learning experience.
Saturn opposite Pluto in a Synastry Chart will create a lot of conflict between these partners. These two can bring out the worst in each other, but they also have the potential to develop a relationship with stability and healthy growth.
The Saturn and Pluto partners in this relationship might have trouble trusting one another, though their lack of trust may come from different sources.
Control is likely an issue in this relationship as well. The Pluto partner won’t always trust the Saturn partner’s intentions. The Saturn partner might be overly independent and refuse to rely on the Pluto partner.
The lack of trust and issues with control are just some of the Saturn opposite Pluto cons. The intense desire for transformation that comes from Pluto is sometimes at odds with the Saturn partner’s limitations and need for security.
The Saturn partner may feel insecure when the Pluto partner goes through a time of growth and transformation. The Pluto partner might feel stifled when the Saturn partner refuses to leave their comfort zone or accept change.
These two must find balance and give up their controlling tendencies to find the Saturn opposite Pluto pros. These two can have a stable and secure relationship that allows them both to still change for the better.
The Saturn partner needs to get out of their comfort zone, but the Pluto partner needs to learn to be patient and not force the issue. Sometimes, transformation takes time, and that is okay!
The Pluto partner can help the Saturn partner to improve themselves. The Saturn partner can bring more structure to the Pluto partner’s life, making them both feel secure.
These two can also work on their trust issues together. Once they get to the bottom of why they can’t trust one another, they can work past that and start to form a bond that has the potential to be solid and long-lasting.
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Saturn opposite Pluto in a Composite Chart will create some challenges in a relationship. This opposition has an intense energy that may be difficult for this couple to handle initially.
Sometimes, being together will trigger certain insecurities in both partners. This may be because these partners are holding onto past hurt, preventing them from truly opening up and trusting one another.
This relationship has a lot of potential for growth and transformation, but that will seem scary. This couple might fight and shy away from that transformation due to fear of the unknown.
It may feel like something is blocking this couple from forming an emotional bond. They will likely desire an intense and profound connection, but their fears and doubts will keep them from doing so.
This couple has to work on trusting one another. It will take effort, and there will be times when being vulnerable feels terrifying and uncomfortable. It will all be worth it, though.
The Pluto-Saturn opposition does not have to signal doom in a relationship. Instead, it signals that a couple can grow together through overcoming obstacles. They can heal past hurts and move forward to build a stable and long-lasting relationship.
This couple must focus on being open, honest, and vulnerable. If they can talk about why they have trust issues, they can start to fix those issues. They can reassure one another if they can be honest about their insecurities or doubts about their relationship.
This couple can find security in each other. They can heal their inner wounds and the wounds of their partner. This will help them to form that profound bond they’re both looking for.
Solar Return
Saturn opposite Pluto in a Solar Return Chart typically indicates that you may have a challenging year ahead. However, you can experience transformation if you don’t give in to despair.
There will be times in the year following this solar return when you feel disillusioned with the world around you. You might discover a close friend has been lying to you or be betrayed by a partner.
You may also make costly mistakes, either right before or shortly after this solar return. You will be left to deal with the consequences, and it is easy to fall into a depression because of this.
You might feel like the whole world is against you or that everything is falling apart. However, you can rise from the ashes and build a better life if you’re willing to work.
Be patient and focus on one thing at a time. You might feel like you have too many problems to fix and responsibilities to take care of, but it will be manageable if you give yourself some grace and plan things carefully.
Try to find the positive in bad situations, too. If your relationship ends, that opens you up to newfound freedom. Take the lessons you learned in that relationship and use them to have a better one in the future.
If you make a mistake, learn from it. Allow yourself to grow instead of beating yourself up over it. You will make many mistakes in the upcoming year, but they will all allow you to transform and become a better version of yourself if you let them.
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