Pluto opposite Pallas creates tension between transformation and creative wisdom. This opposition calls for a deep exploration of the mind and psyche.
This aspect can be empowering, but the ego can get out of control when unbalanced. It’s essential to embrace outside ideas.
What does Pluto opposite Pallas mean? This opposition can put Pluto’s empowerment and shadow at odds with Pallas’ wisdom, strategy, and drive.
Individuals can sometimes be overly assertive or egotistical in expressing their ideas and making decisions. Couples can struggle to compromise and solve problems without letting their pride get in the way.
Compassion and self-awareness are crucial to balancing this opposition. Being willing to transform and let go of the ego will be empowering and enlightening. Wisdom and power can be utilized without arrogance or an inability to collaborate.
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Pluto Opposite Pallas Natal
Pluto opposite Pallas in a chart calls for someone to explore their ego and psyche. They must constantly examine themselves and how they express their power, wisdom, and sense of strategy.
People with this aspect in their charts may have manipulative or controlling tendencies. They might let the darker aspects of both Pluto and Pallas get the best of them. Their power and wisdom don’t always blend well together.
If you have Pluto opposite Pallas in your Natal Chart, you may have trouble reflecting on your ideas and determining if they genuinely are as insightful and beneficial as you initially think they are.
You might let your ego get out of control. You may believe you are empowering yourself or expressing your opinions, but you’re pushing your ideas onto others and behaving in a controlling manner.
You might be wise and quick-witted, but you can also be manipulative. You might see yourself as persuasive, but you go beyond persuasion when trying to get your way.
You must be willing to listen to others if you want to balance this opposition. You must accept that sometimes, you don’t know best. If you’re going to grow and transform, you must hear outside perspectives.
If you want true empowerment, you cannot control others. You must allow them their freedom, even if you disagree with their ideas. You can share your solutions to problems, but accept that not everyone will listen to you.
Self-awareness and compassion for others can help you control your ego. Once you are willing to listen to ideas other than your own, you can bring light to the darker aspects of this opposition.
Be willing to re-examine your ideas and view of yourself constantly. If you feel yourself becoming too controlling, or you start relying only on your solutions to problems, step back and gain more insight from others.
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Pluto Opposite Pallas Transit
Pluto opposite Pallas during a transit can create issues with authority, compromise, and empowerment. You might feel your ego and rational mind are tearing you in two different directions, or you might have trouble connecting to your mind and inner power.
If Pluto transits your natal Pallas, insecurities or the darkness within you can get in the way of problem-solving. You may be unable to make decisions due to self-destructive behavior.
If Pallas transits your natal Pluto, you can become incredibly defensive during this time if you feel someone is questioning your ideas. You will more likely get into arguments and have trouble collaborating with others.
The Pluto-Pallas opposition can bring up repressed feelings of anger. It can also cause you to feel self-righteous or resentful. You might become obsessed with certain ideas or solutions, and you won’t listen when others offer a different point of view.
Though it may be difficult, you should not let your ego get in the way during this time. Don’t convince yourself that your ideas are the only valid ones. Be willing to ask for outside opinions and listen when others share their views.
If you feel disempowered or believe your voice isn’t heard during this time, you must speak up without going overboard. Don’t talk over others or let them talk over you. Find a balance so everyone is heard.
When you implement a solution to a problem, be willing to give up some control to others. If you are working with other people, you need to trust them.
You can end this transit with a better connection to your wisdom and power. You can empower yourself without disempowering others. You can share your views and listen to those of others.
Pluto Opposite Pallas Synastry
Pluto opposite Pallas in synastry creates tension between one partner’s potential for transformation and inner power and the other partner’s decision-making and problem-solving skills.
The Pluto partner in this relationship might push back against some of the Pallas partner’s ideas. They might be intolerant of some of their views or have trouble letting go of their own.
The Pallas partner in this relationship will likely try to persuade the Pluto partner to see things their way. If their ego is not checked, they can become manipulative or stubborn in their views.
Both partners may try to control the other. The Pluto partner might become obsessed with being right. The Pallas partner may believe they always know best and develop arrogance about their intelligence.
This couple often has trouble compromising and listening to one another, which are some of the Pluto opposite Pallas cons. Even if they could develop better solutions together, they won’t because they refuse to collaborate.
The Pluto and Pallas partners will not grow or transform if they remain stubborn. The Pluto partner must constantly ask themselves why they need to fight with the Pallas partner. The Pallas partner must examine why they need so much control.
When these two self-reflect and get to the root of their issues, they can discover the Pluto opposite Pallas pros. If they try to understand one another, they can.
Each partner should be willing to hear the other’s point of view. They should encourage each other to grow and transform but never try to force change on one another. They should focus on connecting and sharing ideas, not on being right.
When this couple finds balance, they can explore their minds in powerful ways. They can connect to their psyches, wisdom, and power without letting their egos get the best of them.
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Pluto Opposite Pallas Composite
Pluto opposite Pallas in a Composite Chart creates the potential for intellectual growth in a relationship, but ego and uneven power dynamics can get in the way of that potential.
This couple might have explosive arguments when they disagree about something. Certain views can bring up repressed emotions or negatively trigger each partner’s ego.
Each partner may be passionate about their views, but that can be their downfall. They may have trouble listening to one another, preventing them from truly connecting and sharing their ideas.
Power struggles may be common in this relationship. If neither partner is willing to back down, they may end up trying to manipulate and control one another instead of attempting to compromise.
Compromise is necessary to make this relationship work, though. This couple’s growth will stagnate if they refuse to listen to one another. Neither will be able to fully convince the other to see things their way, at least not all the time.
This couple should want to empower each other, not just themselves. They should share their thoughts and emotions freely and should not be worried about a genuine exchange of information causing a fight.
Neither partner should let the darkness of Pluto hinder Pallas’ rationality. They shouldn’t let arrogant beliefs about their wisdom get in the way of transformation, either.
When this couple is willing to change, they can. They can face the parts of themselves that hinder their growth and connection. They can collaborate and develop new ideas and patterns that allow them to thrive.
This can be a difficult opposition, but working through it can help this couple form a powerful bond. They can gain unique insights from one another and work to improve.
Pluto Opposite Pallas Solar Return
Pluto opposite Pallas during a solar return typically indicates that you must address how your ego and wisdom are out of balance. You must learn to solve problems and make decisions without letting intolerance or harmful old patterns get in the way.
If you typically have trouble listening to others, the year following this solar return is a great time to change that. Be willing to transform your mind in the upcoming year. Don’t assume you always know best because you don’t.
If you instead constantly feel disempowered and others don’t listen to you, you can learn how to speak up and find your power. You can dive deep into your psyche and examine why you never stand up for yourself or your views.
You can learn to control your ego in the upcoming year. You can empower yourself without letting it get the best of you. You can embrace your wisdom and inner power without controlling others.
This can be a transformative year for you. You can connect to your hidden gifts and subconscious mind in ways that inform your intelligence and make you feel more powerful. You can learn to trust your wisdom without ignoring the wisdom of others.
You can become truly assertive in the upcoming year. You can exert your power while also honoring the power of those around you. You can share your ideas and blend them with those of others instead of only relying on yourself.
By the end of the year, you may have very different views or ways of expressing them. You can evolve and let go of old views and patterns that hold you back.
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