Pluto conjunct Pallas combines obsession with strategy. There is a powerful, authoritative energy in this conjunction.
Compromise can be difficult when this aspect is in a chart. Persuasion, manipulation, and even force may be used to get others to agree to a plan or strategy.
What does Pluto conjunct Pallas mean? This aspect combines Pallas’ wisdom and decision-making with Pluto’s darker, obsessive energy. It can create stubbornness but also be incredibly powerful.
Tunnel vision is common with this aspect. Someone might devise a strategy and refuse to see anything outside of it. A couple might have trouble straying from their mutual plans or be unable to compromise if they won’t give up their plans.
This is a persuasive aspect, sometimes overly so. It’s common to become manipulative or overly authoritative. It can be challenging to see other points of view.
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Pluto conjunct Pallas in a chart aligns all of Pallas’ strategy and intelligence with Pluto’s potential for transformation. However, it also brings out Pluto’s obsessive side. People tend to get stuck on their decisions once they’ve made them.
People with this aspect in their charts may be good at honing in on a situation and developing strategies for working toward their goals. It is difficult for them to stray from that strategy, though.
You are likely a resourceful person if you’ve got Pluto conjunct Pallas in your Natal Chart. You know how to work through obstacles that come your way and will tirelessly focus on developing strategies to overcome your problems.
You may be persuasive and charismatic. Others may listen to your wisdom or follow your plans, but be mindful. You might not always listen to other points of view, and it is easy for you to ignore others or manipulate them into doing what you want.
While you should trust your instincts and inner power, you should understand that others also need to listen to their instincts. You must also stop limiting yourself to one strategy or plan, especially if it’s not working out.
Lean into the transformative nature of Pluto, not the obsessive side. Ask yourself why it is so difficult to trust that others have unique insight and wisdom that is just as valid as yours.
When you can balance your wisdom and that of others, you can develop even better strategies. You can transform your life and the lives of those around you.
Do not force others to go along with what you want. You might naturally have an authoritative personality but also show your softer side. Sometimes, you need to take charge and see a particular strategy through. Other times, you should be more flexible.
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Pluto conjunct Pallas during a transit can increase your sense of authority. It may cause you to focus on a particular area of your life or lead you to pursue a specific goal tirelessly.
If Pallas transits your natal Pluto, you will feel powerful and passionate. You might feel you must fix injustices or focus on a specific cause. You can become overly zealous in your pursuits if you aren’t careful.
If Pluto transits your natal Pallas, you have the potential to transform in ways that will help you work toward your goals. Others may see you as an authority figure during this time, but be mindful. You don’t want to become controlling or manipulative.
The Pluto-Pallas conjunction can increase your influence over others. If you are focused on a particular cause or pursuing a specific goal, you can persuade others to help you or see things your way.
This can benefit you, but be mindful of your strategies when convincing others. Using reason and facts to persuade others of the validity of your strategy is not bad. Using force or manipulation is.
You can learn a lot during this time and increase your wisdom. You could look within and connect to your inner power. You may also connect to the collective unconscious and learn that way.
You will be confident in whatever strategies and plans you develop during this time but don’t become overly confident. Do not stubbornly stick to something that isn’t working. Be willing to listen to others and be flexible.
You can fulfill your goals or at least progress toward them during this time. If you are working toward a specific cause, you can create beneficial change. Just be mindful of how you express your inner power and treat others.
Pluto conjunct Pallas in synastry connects one partner’s potential for transformation and the other partner’s sense of strategy and decision-making.
The Pluto partner in this relationship can learn from the Pallas partner and increase their wisdom through being with them. They can transform how they make plans or deal with challenges in life.
The Pallas partner in this relationship can also grow and learn from the Pluto partner. They could connect to their shadow side and transform it. They can gain a deeper, more conscious understanding of their inner self.
However, this relationship will likely have power struggles, especially if neither partner is willing to learn from the other. They have to want to grow and transform to do so.
These power struggles are some of the Pluto conjunct Pallas cons. It is easy for the Pluto partner to become possessive, and the Pallas partner can become manipulative. Both may have trouble giving up control.
Working through these power struggles can help this couple understand one another better. They will see that they clash sometimes because of their similarities, not their differences. They can navigate their control issues and transform themselves if they are willing.
Some of the Pluto conjunct Pallas pros are the potential for learning and beneficial change. Each partner has their strengths and wisdom. Once they both understand that, they can work together in harmony.
This couple can learn to work through challenges as a team. They can blend their individual strategies and inner power to overcome even the most challenging obstacles. They have to be willing to listen to one another.
Both partners can evolve into better versions of themselves in this relationship. They can find empowerment in this relationship and continue to grow the entire time they are together.
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Pluto conjunct Pallas in a Composite Chart blends strategic wisdom and inner power within a relationship. This relationship can be electrifying and transformative.
If either partner has struggled with unbalanced power dynamics in previous relationships or they are dealing with them in this relationship, utilizing the power of this conjunction can help them work through those issues.
Both partners can discover inner wisdom they did not know they had. They can empower themselves and one another. If they work together, they can change how they view power and control and have a more harmonious relationship.
Each partner may discover they have fallen into unhealthy patterns in relationships, and this relationship will make them want to change that. Each partner can develop respect for the other but also learn to respect themselves more.
There will be struggles in this relationship. If each partner has a strong personality, they will butt heads. They might deal with jealousy issues or possessive behavior but can rise above all that.
This conjunction asks a couple to examine the power dynamics in all their relationships. It will allow them to connect to their inner power and share that without exerting control or abusing their power.
Each partner can influence the other healthily and beneficially. When they work together, the strategies they develop will be better than the ones they develop separately.
Both partners can help each other evolve. They can let old habits die and develop new ones. They can look at the darkness within themselves and their relationship and rise above it. They can both be reborn in specific ways.
This will be a powerful and transformative relationship. Each partner will discover things about themselves they never knew. They can have a healthy relationship and use what they’ve learned together to have healthier relationships with others.
Solar Return
Pluto conjunct Pallas during a solar return can ignite your wisdom and inner power. This conjunction will call you to reflect and examine your strategies and how you exert influence and authority over others.
If you do not see yourself as an influential person or others don’t respect your authority even when they should, ask yourself why that is. Do you need to connect to your inner power? Do you lack confidence or wisdom in certain areas?
If you are instead overly authoritative or controlling, ask yourself how you can tone that down. Why is it difficult to give up control or listen to others? How can you lead and work toward your goals without abusing your power?
You should focus on connecting to your inner power and wisdom healthily during the year following this solar return. You can work toward your goals and transform in beneficial ways.
If you are willing to look within, you can discover hidden aspects of yourself. You can face your shadow or deal with insecurities. You can acknowledge unhealthy habits, compulsions, or obsessions that hold you back.
You can evolve and transform yourself in the upcoming year. You can increase your confidence or temper arrogance. You can utilize your powers of persuasion without resorting to manipulation.
You can be more fulfilled and prosperous at the end of this year. You may feel regenerated and restored. You’ll be able to discard old habits that no longer suit you and develop better ones that will allow you to flourish.
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