The Moon square Saturn in a chart creates emotional fulfillment through control. This can cause problems in relationships.
Gaining control might feel satisfying at first, but being overly controlling will lead to interpersonal issues and may result in loneliness, rejection, and unhappiness.
What does the Moon square Saturn mean? This aspect can create a challenging dynamic between emotions and self-control. This can create emotional distance, controlling tendencies, and issues with healthy expression.
This square can cause a complete lack of emotional expression or destructive outbursts. A person might vacillate between these two states, or a relationship might involve partners who express themselves on opposite ends of this spectrum.
There is a lack of emotional control, and that can lead to controlling behavior in other areas of life. A person will control everyone around them. A couple will control one another.
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Moon Square Saturn Natal
The Moon square Saturn in a Natal Chart typically creates controlling tendencies in a person.
Depending on how this is expressed, people might be more self-controlled and gain fulfillment by controlling their emotions and behaviors. They may also try to control everything around them, including other people.
This square comes with many emotional challenges. How a person deals with those emotional challenges will vary based on their upbringing and the examples of emotional expression they saw growing up.
Someone who receives a lack of emotional support might retreat emotionally and feel like they are solely responsible for dealing with and controlling their own emotions. Someone with a lot of emotional support might still need to be in control but won’t express that negatively.
If you’ve got a Moon-Saturn square in your Natal Chart, you might feel like you must always be in control of yourself. You may feel intense guilt and shame when expressing “negative” emotions, even if you do so healthily.
Your intense desire to control yourself and your surroundings may also cause you to control other people. Your controlling behavior will likely alienate you and push people away, which will cause more guilt and shame.
You might feel abandoned and lonely, even if you have people around you who care. You may feel like you are unlovable and will further try to repress your emotions and control yourself because of this.
The key to working with this square is understanding that emotional repression is immature, not mature. Hiding your emotions, only to explode when you can’t control them any longer, is unhealthy and destructive.
It might be hard, but learn how to express all your feelings healthily. Do not isolate yourself from others, but don’t try to control them either. Giving up some control can be liberating and help you get closer to others.
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Moon Square Saturn Transit
The Moon square Saturn in a chart can bring restrictions, especially regarding emotions. When this shows up in a Transit Chart, that could bring some depression or loneliness during this time.
If you’re dealing with the Moon square Saturn during a transit, you may feel disconnected from the people around you. You may feel like you cannot control your emotional reactions, which will cause you to retreat or push people away.
If you’ve got some insecurities or issues with self-esteem, those will be highlighted during this time. If you feel out of control at work or in your relationship, that will also increase during this time.
If you have a secure and healthy relationship, you might experience a bit of conflict during this time, but your relationship will survive. However, if your relationship is already toxic or unhealthy in some way, that will be highlighted, and you may want to end it.
Many of the problems you experience during this time might be directly caused by you. You’ll be in a bad mood and take that out on others by lashing out or ignoring them altogether.
The key to working through this square is to express your emotions healthily. Don’t hide them or ignore your support system. Don’t lash out and make the people in your life miserable, either.
Instead, you may want to talk to a therapist or another unbiased third party about any negative emotions you’re feeling, especially if you’re feeling them toward specific people. Writing things down will help you express your feelings without resorting to unhealthy behavior.
Try to remember that others are likely not purposely causing your bad mood. Your feelings are coming from you or the circumstances you’ve found yourself in. Be patient with others and yourself during this time.
Moon Square Saturn Synastry
The Moon square Saturn in a Synastry Chart usually means that there are problems with control in this relationship, particularly on the Saturn partner’s end. The Moon partner’s emotional needs and the Saturn partner’s boundaries might clash.
The Moon partner in this relationship wants to nurture and be nurtured in return. The Saturn partner might lack some of the warmth they’re looking for, which may make them feel rejected and unloved.
The Saturn partner in this relationship wants stability. They like to feel like they are in control of what happens around them and may become controlling to get the desired stability.
The Saturn partner probably thinks they are supportive of the Moon partner when, in actuality, they are controlling. They may bring certain restrictions into the relationship, making the Moon partner feel unfulfilled.
The Moon partner might start hiding their emotions or go along with the Saturn partner’s controlling behavior to keep the peace. They might try to show support by allowing the Saturn partner to have the control they desire.
This dynamic will typically lead to emotional instability, and that is one of the Moon square Saturn cons. The Moon partner will eventually resent the Saturn partner and lash out, triggering the Saturn partner and causing them to respond negatively to the Moon partner’s emotions.
The Moon square Saturn pros will only be seen when the Saturn partner gives up some of their control and the Moon partner is more open and honest about their needs.
These two can have a strong bond, but they need to be patient with one another. The Saturn partner can bring stability to the Moon partner’s life and make them feel secure, and the Moon partner can bring out the Saturn partner’s emotional side in a positive way.
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Moon Square Saturn Composite
The Moon square Saturn in a Composite Chart typically indicates that a couple may have trouble expressing their emotions and may both have control issues.
This couple will likely struggle to give up control to one another. They might both be highly independent and have trouble relying on each other, asking for support, or taking time to do things together instead of alone.
This might be a relationship where each partner has controlling tendencies, but that isn’t always true. One or both of them may try to control the other, but it’s more likely that they’re both just trying to control themselves.
This focus on control means that both will struggle with vulnerability and emotional connection. Even if they genuinely care about one another, they’ll find it challenging to open up and discuss their feelings.
Both partners in this relationship likely think of themselves as being mature, which might be part of why they are attracted to each other. They are not emotionally mature, though. They will usually need to work on that together.
This couple likely wants to care for one another, but if neither of them speaks up about their needs and feelings, that will be difficult. This inability to care for one another might be a catalyst for change.
This couple will learn to open up because they want the other to. They will challenge each other to be vulnerable and give up some self-control. Once they’ve done that, they can genuinely bond.
Moon Square Saturn Solar Return
When the Moon squares Saturn in a Solar Return Chart, this typically means there will be some lessons to learn surrounding control and repression in the upcoming year.
This solar return might highlight the loneliness you’ve been feeling. You might feel emotionally disconnected from the people around you or realize you’ve always felt that way. You won’t always know what to do about this lack of connection, at least at first.
This might be a year where you have to give up some of the control you’ve had over yourself and your emotions. You will likely be tempted to exhibit more control, but that’s the last thing you want to do.
You may struggle with relationships in the upcoming year because of your desire for control. Something might happen this year that is out of your control, and that will increase your desire to control everything around you.
The lesson you need to learn this year is that giving up control and accepting that you can’t make the world or the people around you act the way you want will make you happier and more emotionally fulfilled.
If you lose your job or a partner breaks up with you in the upcoming year, you’ll be tempted to shut down. You might want to repress your feelings, but that’s the opposite of what you should do.
Use this year to open up and become more emotionally expressive. Stop trying to repress your feelings. Learn how to express those feelings without lashing out or becoming controlling.
You will learn that having control over everything and everyone isn’t healthy and won’t make you happy. Once you learn that lesson, you will be able to have better, closer relationships with people, and you’ll end this year on a high note.
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