The Moon square Eros can create a strong desire for emotional intimacy but present challenges when trying to attain that. It can lead to emotional confusion.
Desires and emotional needs can sometimes be at odds. However, they can be balanced with some effort.
What does the Moon square Eros mean? This aspect creates tension between the Moon’s sensitivity and Eros’ erotic desires and intimacy. It may be challenging to align emotional and sexual needs.
Individuals may find it challenging to be fully open in relationships. They might crave intimacy, but something will hold them back. Couples may struggle to balance various aspects of their intimate connection.
This aspect calls for a more authentic expression of needs and desires. Ignoring either of these will lead to discontentment. It can sometimes create intimacy issues, but overcoming them will lead to growth.
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The Moon square Eros in a chart may cause someone’s desires and emotions to clash. They might crave intimacy and emotional connection but feel they aren’t able to express or explore their desires and sexuality in relationships.
People with this aspect in their charts will sometimes feel they can’t find a balance between physical and emotional intimacy. Their emotional and sexual needs may seem incompatible or at odds with one another.
If you have the Moon square Eros in your Natal Chart, the tension this aspect creates will likely show up in your romantic and sexual relationships. You may also struggle with some aspects of your sexuality.
You might feel guilty about specific desires or urges. You might crave emotional connection but believe you can’t open up about your sexual desires. When you do fulfill certain urges, you might feel emotionally unfulfilled.
Your various needs and desires aren’t entirely incompatible, though. You likely have unhealthy beliefs about them that prevent you from seeking the relationships you truly want. You might feel you want too much or that your desires are wrong.
For example, you may have been taught certain things about sexuality growing up. You may feel the expectations that are placed on you aren’t aligned with what you desire. You may feel guilty or resentful because of this.
You might also believe that you must put the needs and desires of others before your own. This belief isn’t true. You should seek partners who want to fulfill your needs just as much as you meet theirs.
When you focus on developing a healthier relationship with your sexuality and acknowledge that your needs aren’t wrong or bad, you can resolve the tension this aspect creates. You can discover how to fulfill sexual and emotional needs equally.
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The Moon square Eros during a transit can make it difficult for you to express emotional needs and erotic desires. You might struggle with intimacy and forming connections during this time.
If the Moon transits your natal Eros, you might feel insecure in a relationship. You may believe your current partner isn’t meeting your needs. If you are single, you might think nobody will ever love you how you want to be loved.
If Eros transits your natal Moon, certain aspects of your sexuality might cause shame or tension. You may feel you can’t open up and be vulnerable because you fear rejection or judgment.
The Moon-Eros square tends to highlight pre-existing fears and insecurities related to your sexuality or emotional needs. Your issue likely isn’t your actual needs or desires. It’s your perspective and how you think of them.
If you struggle with something about your sexuality, you may always feel something is lacking in your relationships. If you tell yourself that you aren’t worthy of acceptance or deny your urges and desires, you’ll never be pleased in any relationship.
Spend this time uncovering the root cause of your insecurities. If you are worried a current partner is hiding something or doesn’t care about you, look at the facts. Are they doing something to make you feel this way, or are your fears clouding your judgment?
You must also remember that relationships aren’t your only source of worth or the only way to meet your needs. You can have deeply intimate emotional connections with friends. You can fulfill your desires by exploring them outside of a relationship.
Spend this transit connecting to your needs and desires more. If you are ashamed of any of them, discover why that is. Someone else likely made you feel embarrassed, and you should work on overcoming that shame.
The Moon square Eros in synastry creates tension between one partner’s emotional needs and the other’s passion and desires. These two might struggle with intimacy or believe they can’t be fully vulnerable with one another.
The Moon partner might have fears of intimacy exacerbated by this relationship. They may feel insecure. They might feel they can’t meet the Eros partner’s sexual needs, or they may be afraid of exploring their own.
The Eros partner will likely struggle with meeting the Moon partner’s emotional needs. They might not fully understand them. They may also find it challenging to ask for their needs to be met.
Both partners may grow to resent one another because of this disconnect, which is one of the Moon square Eros cons. Emotional and sexual needs might be entirely ignored and neglected, even if both of them genuinely want to fulfill one another’s needs.
Poor communication and avoidance of vulnerability are often the root problems behind the tension this aspect can create. Each partner might believe the other is incapable of understanding them, which may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Each partner must be willing to be open and vulnerable. The Moon partner should talk to the Eros partner about their insecurities. The Eros partner should open up about their needs and desires.
These two can eventually grow to understand one another. They can learn to fulfill each other’s desires and meet their needs if they genuinely want to. These are some of the Moon square Eros pros.
Both partners must embrace the challenges this aspect can create. They should see them as opportunities for growth instead of hindrances. They should make more effort to bond and get to know one another instead of letting frustration stop them from connecting.
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The Moon square Eros in a Composite Chart creates challenges related to sexual and emotional intimacy in a relationship. Couples influenced by this aspect may lack emotional stability or have trouble discussing their desires.
One partner might feel guilty because of specific desires or aspects of their sexuality. They might believe these things are wrong, or others will judge them because of their desires.
If one partner refuses to be vulnerable, the other may find them cold or uncaring. That lack of vulnerability will make connecting on any level challenging, which will cause this relationship to feel distant and unstable.
Sometimes, these two have different needs and desires or ways of expressing them. Instead of seeing these differences as opportunities for learning or compromise, both partners might become discouraged.
Each partner may struggle with insecurities, preventing them from fully opening up to the other. They will never form a bond or learn to understand one another if neither is open and honest.
These two must learn to communicate effectively to work through this tension. They should each address their insecurities and discuss them with one another. They may find they are met with patience and understanding, not judgment and rejection.
Even if these two have some seemingly incompatible needs or desires, they can make them work. If both partners are willing to explore more and uncover new sides of their sexuality, they can be fulfilled.
This relationship could heal wounds and insecurities each partner carries with them. They may discover they can freely express their desires and ask for what they need. They might develop a mutual understanding that helps them form an intimate connection.
Solar Return
The Moon square Eros during a solar return typically indicates that you will have opportunities to examine and reconnect to intimate desires and emotional needs you’ve been ignoring.
Sometimes, hidden aspects of your inner self prevent you from being genuinely vulnerable. You might discover that you are somehow holding back in your relationships, preventing you from forming a truly intimate connection.
You might struggle in your relationships this year. If you have a partner, you might feel insecure about some aspect of your connection with them. You might feel they aren’t meeting your emotional needs or believe you can’t fulfill their desires.
You may also feel specific emotional needs, and sexual desires are at odds. You might ignore your needs for someone else or only explore their fantasies and urges and never open up about your own.
This year, focusing on self-acceptance and being more compassionate toward yourself will help you. Instead of telling yourself that you will be rejected and refusing to open up, be more vulnerable and open with the people you love.
You might find that you were entirely wrong, and you will be met with acceptance. Even if you are rejected, it is better to be honest instead of spending your whole life feeling ashamed of yourself.
Explore your desires more this year. Ask yourself how you can have your emotional needs met by your intimate partners. Discover how sex and emotional intimacy can intertwine instead of seeing them as separate things entirely.
You can have more fulfilling connections with others by the end of the year when you’re willing to work on yourself. When you overcome fears and insecurities and learn to accept yourself, others will accept you, too.
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