The Moon opposite Pluto in a chart can complicate things. This is a complex opposition that can be challenging to work through.
Fear and intensity are common themes in this opposition. Emotions will run high when this aspect is present in a chart.
What does it mean when the Moon is opposite Pluto? This opposition can make for some wild and out-of-control emotions. Pluto is an intense planet that shakes things up when it opposes the Moon.
A person with this opposition in their chart might seem intimidating or paranoid. They might have constantly changing emotions, which can be difficult for them and those around them.
A relationship dealing with this opposition will be just as out of control. Feelings of possessiveness are common. Working through all these wild emotions will take time.
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Moon Opposite Pluto Natal
The Moon opposite Pluto in a Natal Chart can create a lot of wild and tumultuous emotions. A person with this opposition in their chart will likely seem temperamental and moody even at the best times.
Someone with this in their chart might be laughing one minute and crying the next. They might be incredibly sensitive to criticism, even if they are the ones who ask for genuine opinions about an interpersonal issue or something as simple as an outfit.
The intensity of someone with a Moon-Pluto opposition isn’t always easy for others. People may be scared off by the intense emotions of this person or intimidated by their behavior.
This emotional volatility can make forming close bonds with others difficult. If you’ve got this opposition in your chart, you might feel embarrassed by your inability to control your emotions and retreat from people.
It’s common for people with this opposition to get taken advantage of by others, unfortunately. They are sometimes so happy that someone wants to stick around that they don’t realize that person is toxic. They may ignore red flags because they don’t think they deserve anything better.
The positive side of feeling emotions deeply is that when you love someone, you really love them. If you’ve got this opposition in your chart, you may be consistently loyal to the people you care about. Your emotional vulnerability doesn’t always have to be bad, either.
Resolving a Moon-Pluto opposition is not something you can typically do alone. Therapy is often required to work through your intense emotions and learn how to deal with them in productive and healthy ways.
Learning to see red flags for what they are will also take time and effort. There are people out there who will love you and appreciate your emotional vulnerability. It may take some time to find them.
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Moon Opposite Pluto Transit
A Moon opposite Pluto transit can stir things up, not in a good way. Even if you’re generally calm or emotionally mature, you might suddenly feel out of sorts and overly emotional during this transit.
Intense emotions and mood swings will be even more pronounced if Pluto transits and opposes your natal Moon. Pluto’s influence will mess with your feelings and make them challenging to handle.
This transit won’t always feel terrible, at least not the whole time. You will feel all your emotions more intensely, not just the negative ones. You will likely have periods of extreme joy and confidence, just like you’ll have ones of loneliness and anxiety.
You might be tempted to withdraw from everyone around you when this opposition is in a Transit Chart. If you are already highly independent or introverted, you may want to wait this out and not bother anyone.
That is the last thing you should do during this transit, though. You should rely on the people who love you to support you. Don’t ignore your partner or push your best friend away. Let them help you and emotionally support you.
A Moon-Pluto opposition is often too difficult to deal with alone. Even if you know it will pass soon, try to reach out to the people you love and trust. You shouldn’t keep your emotions to yourself or attempt to handle them alone.
You may be right to be wary of strangers, and you shouldn’t try to lean on anyone you can’t trust entirely. You should let your loved ones take care of you, though. If you push them away, that could lead to interpersonal issues that last longer than this transit.
Moon Opposite Pluto Synastry
When the Moon is opposite Pluto in a Synastry Chart, there will likely be a lot of jealousy and possessive behavior from both partners.
The Moon partner in this relationship will be wildly emotional, especially when reacting to their Pluto partner’s behavior. The Pluto partner might be controlling or toxic, but they may also give in to the chaotic emotions of their Moon partner.
The partner who is more dominant in this relationship will vary based on the exact Moon and Pluto placements. Someone with a more sensitive Moon might be intimidated by their Pluto partner, but someone with a more grounded Moon can take control.
The Moon opposite Pluto cons include emotional volatility, possessiveness, paranoia, and a lack of trust.
The Pluto partner might be paranoid that their Moon partner will leave or betray them. They will become insecure and might act controlling to respond to that insecurity.
The Moon partner might feel like their feelings aren’t taken seriously. They may lash out, which will make their Pluto partner withdraw.
Their intense emotions can be too much for the Pluto partner to handle. They will likely also become jealous or possessive, especially if the Pluto partner has friends they seem to have a healthier relationship with.
There are also Moon opposite Pluto pros, though. This opposition is difficult, but working through it and making it work for your relationship is not impossible.
These partners are insecure but can make each other feel more secure.
The Pluto partner needs to learn to trust more and offer reassurance when their Moon partner has intense emotions. The Moon partner needs to remember to calm down and express themselves healthily so they won’t push their Pluto partner away.
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Moon Opposite Pluto Composite
When the Moon is opposite Pluto in a Composite Chart, this can indicate a high level of attachment between the people in this relationship, and not always in a healthy way.
Both partners in this relationship are possessive. They do not know how to control themselves or their emotions, so they try to control each other.
There is a lot of neediness in this relationship, which can lead to codependency. This couple seems to be attached at the hip in the most unhealthy and toxic way possible.
This relationship is insecure. Each partner tends to be worried that the relationship will end, and so they will cling harder to one another. If anyone else criticizes the relationship or says it’s not healthy, they will become defensive and might lash out.
The partners in this relationship don’t always see how unhealthy it is. They genuinely love each other and want to be together. That itself is not a bad thing! The people in this relationship need to learn how to have a healthy level of attachment, though.
This couple has the potential to form a solid and lasting emotional bond, but they need to learn how to live their own lives. They need to relax, let go of each other, and trust that the other will always return.
The best way to deal with this Moon-Pluto opposition is to practice being apart. Spend time with friends and have hobbies separately from one another. Try to relax and trust each other more. Focus on the love you share instead of the potential for losing that love.
Moon Opposite Pluto Solar Return
When the Moon is opposite Pluto during a solar return, you should expect some level of emotional upheaval. Pluto can shake up your emotional state, and there is a strong potential for transformation.
This opposition will not feel good at first. You might feel overwhelmed or depressed when this solar return first occurs. Your emotions will feel out of control, and you may be confused by how intense they are.
The emotions you are feeling during this time are likely ones you’ve been ignoring. If you are usually someone who represses their emotions and pushes them down, they need to come out eventually! This opposition will pull them out of you.
You may suddenly find yourself angry with people you usually give a lot of grace to. You might be more sensitive and will become upset or cry about criticism and teasing that you can usually brush off.
It’s common for people to lash out during this time. The year following this solar return can be intense and confusing. It’s not easy to deal with this opposition’s high levels of emotion.
Working with a Moon-Pluto opposition in your Solar Return Chart is the best way to deal with it. Don’t ignore your emotions. Try to find healthy ways to deal with them instead.
Set boundaries with the people in your life, especially if they do certain things that make you feel bad. If you’re used to just ignoring their faults, address them instead. That will help you to feel better.
Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable, either. Find a therapist or a trusted friend to talk through your feelings with if you need help.
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