Mercury square Mars in a chart typically creates difficulty with decision-making. The problem is not with a failure to make decisions. Decisions are just made too quickly.
There is a direct and straightforward energy in this square, but also aggression. Misunderstandings are common as well.
What does Mars square Mercury mean? In a person, this can create rushing thoughts and impulsiveness. This person can think quickly on their feet, but they don’t always think things through enough.
In a relationship, this can create a challenging dynamic when it comes to sex and communication. There is a lack of inhibition from one partner while the other overthinks. They need to find balance.
However, there is also a lot of courage and determination in this square. When the positive sides come out, people and relationships can overcome obstacles and gain the skills they lack.
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Mercury square Mars in a Natal Chart typically indicates that a person will struggle with decision-making, feelings of frustration, impulsivity, and arguments caused by their overly direct nature.
Someone with this aspect will likely be a quick thinker, but that won’t always be expressed positively. They are likely to rush their decisions, speak before properly thinking something through, and impulsively do whatever comes to mind first.
When Mercury squares Mars in a Natal Chart, this usually means that a person needs to learn some lessons regarding communication and impulsivity. While quick thinking can benefit some situations, it’s better to stop and carefully consider a decision in other situations.
If you’ve got this square in your chart, you can use logic and rationality, but you might use those skills to rationalize impulsive decisions. Instead of working through a situation first and then acting, you act first and then rationalize it later.
You might sometimes come across as aggressive, even though you usually want to be assertive and direct. You are likely well-spoken, but that will make your harsh words hurt even more.
You are intelligent, but you need to learn to slow down a bit. Your impulsive actions might work out sometimes, but other times, they will put you in danger, hurt the people around you, or have other negative consequences.
Stopping and carefully considering your actions might not come naturally, but you can learn this skill. Once you know your tendency to rationalize bad behavior and act too quickly, you can work through that.
You don’t need to ignore the energy of this square. You need to learn to work with it positively. You can be determined and assertive without being harsh and aggressive. You can be a quick thinker who is energetic and willing to act without being impulsive and reckless.
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A Mercury square Mars transit can cause a lot of impulsivity and aggression. If you’re experiencing this transit, you might feel more frustrated than usual and may not carefully think your decisions through.
You’re more likely to jump to conclusions during this time, especially if Mars transits your natal Mercury. Misunderstandings will be more common during this time, and you’ll likely get into many arguments if you aren’t careful.
A Mars-Mercury square in a Transit Chart indicates that you should avoid important decisions and actions with long-lasting consequences. If you’re faced with a decision, don’t go with the first thought that comes to mind. Carefully think it over, or put it off until later.
If Mercury is transiting your natal Mars, you’ll be more likely to rationalize any bad decisions made during this time. You’ll act first and devise a “reasonable” explanation for it later.
You may feel more energetic during this time, but you’ll also feel restless. You won’t want to carefully consider things because you’ll feel like you’re just sitting around doing nothing instead of acting.
You might say the wrong thing when conversing with people, which will lead to arguments, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings. You’ll also be more likely to assume the worst when someone says something vague.
Instead of allowing yourself to get into arguments and make reckless decisions, you should spend this time meditating to calm your mind. If you feel restless, go for a run or do other physical activities that don’t involve competing with others.
If you must make a decision that can’t wait, ask someone else for advice. You won’t be able to trust your intuition during this time, so it’s best to get a second or third opinion before doing something you’ll regret.
Mercury square Mars in synastry typically means that there is the potential for this couple to teach each other a lot about effective communication and being more direct and assertive.
This couple may clash at first, though. The Mars partner might be more passionate, sexual, and spontaneous. The Mercury partner will be more eloquent, intellectual, and reasonable.
The Mercury partner might think the Mars partner is brash and rude in the way they communicate. The Mars partner might feel the Mercury partner spends too much time thinking things over before deciding.
The perception these two have of one another can be one of the Mercury square Mars cons. Both of these partners have their strengths and can pass them along to the other! They just have to realize that.
These two may have different views of sex, relationships as a whole, and what effective communication looks like. The Mercury partner carefully considers what they say, while the Mars partner likely says the first thing that comes to mind.
It’s common for the Mars partner to pick fights and start arguments, then try to make up with sex. That won’t work for the Mercury partner, though. They want to talk things through calmly and rationally and won’t want to have sex if they’re upset.
One of the Mercury square Mars pros is the potential to learn from one another. Sometimes, the Mercury partner needs to be more assertive like the Mars partner, and the Mars partner needs to be more patient and think before speaking or acting.
These two could have a relationship based on mutual trust. They can communicate effectively when they come together and are willing to learn from each other.
They can develop a dynamic that is assertive instead of aggressive. They can be spontaneous without getting in trouble. They can work through issues in a way that works for them both.
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Mercury square Mars in a Composite Chart typically creates a dynamic where both partners are stubborn and might struggle to listen to one another, especially when they have differing opinions on something.
There is a lot of passion in this relationship. This couple might have come together because they felt strongly attracted to one another. They might both be direct and honest and respect each other because of that.
These two are sometimes too honest. They say what is on their minds at all times. This will lead to arguments when one says the wrong thing to the other.
This is a couple that always wants to be correct. When this couple debates or shares their opinions, they aren’t typically looking to learn. They’re looking to argue and prove they’re right.
These two have the potential to learn from one another. When they stop focusing on being right and gaining the upper hand and instead focus on listening and expanding their views, they can have engaging conversations and keep each other stimulated.
When these two stop fighting, they can be passionate together instead of having separate passions. They can liven up their sex life, fight for causes they both care about and effectively communicate with one another.
These two will likely learn to think before speaking by being together, too. They will eventually realize that it sucks to have a partner who constantly says harsh things to you, regardless of how “true” they are.
This couple can learn to be gentler with one another while still maintaining the passion and fire in their relationship. They will learn to think before speaking when interacting with one another and eventually start doing that with everyone else in their lives.
Solar Return
Mercury square Mars in a Solar Return Chart typically means that you must be mindful of what you say and the decisions you make in the upcoming year.
Having this aspect in your solar return can bring more passion and determination into your life. You might feel more assertive. You might feel you can stand up for what you need and speak the truth to everyone around you.
You need to learn how to do that in moderation, though. If you’re usually passive or used to people ignoring you, it can be tempting to use the energy of this aspect to be loud and aggressive!
You want to be assertive, not aggressive. You should speak up for yourself, defend the causes you care about, and ensure your voice is heard. You shouldn’t do any of that by stepping on other people and being harsh to them.
You might find that you can speak up better at work or in class in the upcoming year. You’ll be able to share your ideas openly and will feel less shy about giving your opinion and engaging in discussions.
Do not let anger control and get in the way of how you communicate, though. Be honest, but don’t be hasty with your words. Remember to think things through before making significant decisions or saying something that could potentially be hurtful.
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