Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune blends intellect and worldly success in harmonious, beneficial ways. Thoughts and ideas can be used to create fulfillment and achieve great things.
Mercury’s communication and perception will work well with the Part of Fortune’s luck, prosperity, and potential to create abundance.
What does Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune mean? This aspect creates a beautiful and effortless connection between communication skills, intellect, and the ability to create success and abundance.
Individuals may find success because of their ability to express themselves. They will create abundance through words, thoughts, and knowledge. Couples can uplift one another, share new ideas, and create success because of how they grow within their relationships.
Words and communication can have a lot of power because of this sextile. It comes with the power to manifest dreams and desires mentally.
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Mercury Sextile Part Of Fortune Natal
Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune in a chart allows someone to blend their communication skills with the luck and prosperity offered by the Part of Fortune. They are often well-spoken, persuasive, and able to create success because of how they interact with and connect to others.
People with this aspect in their charts typically have sharp minds and quick tongues. They process and analyze information quickly, which will be helpful when making fast-paced or risky decisions.
If Mercury sextiles the Part of Fortune in your Natal Chart, you know how to tap into your intuition and sense of reason and utilize these skills to your advantage. You can create abundance by networking with people and learning the right skills.
You know how to take risks because you can do so reasonably and logically. Your rational decisions will guide you toward success if you have a solid connection to the mind and intellect.
Because of the connection between communication, intellect, and success, you must hone your communication skills and learn as much as possible to create abundance. Simply having this sextile in your chart doesn’t guarantee anything.
A nervous, overly critical, or unemotional Mercury can create problems for you. Instead of connecting to your wisdom and utilizing it to create success, you might overthink and hold yourself back. If you express negative traits associated with Mercury, you must overcome those to be truly fulfilled.
Don’t entirely rely on luck or your mental capabilities, either. Quick thinking can become impulsive if you aren’t careful. Maintain balance, know when to step back, and always gain more information before proceeding.
As you learn more and connect to the positive traits of Mercury, you can become more successful. You can create abundance and fortune for yourself when you are disciplined and discerning.
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Mercury Sextile Part Of Fortune Transit
Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune during a transit creates the energy you will need to manifest luck and fortune for yourself. It can improve your thought processes and allow you to think about yourself and your potential for success more positively and productively.
If Mercury transits your natal Part of Fortune, you will have an easier time expressing your thoughts and discussing your goals. Communication and connections with others might be the key to your success during this time.
If the Part of Fortune transits your natal Mercury, you could get a boost of mental clarity. You might feel luckier, but your change in fortune may come about because of your ability to perceive opportunities more effectively.
The Mercury-Part of Fortune sextile can open your mind to experiences you might have missed before. You might meet new people and connect to them in ways that benefit you and help you reach your goals.
You might attend a networking event and meet a potential mentor or impress someone who can give you a leg up in your career. You could meet someone who inspires you to try a new path in life or gain new knowledge that helps you fulfill a goal.
Be willing to put yourself out there during this transit. You might feel more social and talkative, making this easier for you. Opportunities for growth and success are out there for you; you won’t get them sitting around and waiting for them, though.
Take advantage of this sextile’s energy. Focus on opening your mind and increasing your knowledge. Interact with as many people as possible, and do your best to perceive opportunities as they come to you.
Mercury Sextile Part Of Fortune Synastry
Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune in synastry creates a harmonious connection between one partner’s intellect and the other’s luck. When these two work together, they can create success and abundance for both of them.
The Mercury partner can offer insight to help the Part of Fortune partner succeed. They will naturally understand the Part of Fortune’s goals and encourage them.
The Part of Fortune partner can bring more luck into this relationship. They can help the Mercury partner have a more positive mindset, allowing them both to take advantage of opportunities that come their way.
This couple typically has clear, effective communication. They can understand each other’s thoughts and ideas, allowing them to collaborate successfully.
This sextile doesn’t guarantee success, of course. When this aspect is expressed negatively, the Part of Fortune partner might rely on luck too much. The Mercury partner may focus entirely on their intellectual connection and neglect their emotional one.
These two can sometimes focus too much on success or intellectual pursuits.
Prioritizing success over everything else can be one of the Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune cons because it prevents this couple from forming a genuine bond.
However, this couple can flourish when they constructively utilize the energy of this sextile. They can support one another in their endeavors, open their minds, and have a shared positive mindset. These are some of the Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune pros.
Communication will be an essential part of this couple’s success. These two can motivate one another, offer inspiration if either partner is feeling down, and collaborate on shared goals. They can both thrive when they work together and don’t neglect any aspect of their bond.
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Mercury Sextile Part Of Fortune Composite
Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune in a Composite Chart creates a fortuitous and intellectual connection between two people. Each partner can inspire the other and help them unlock the wisdom that will bring them more opportunities for success.
This couple can blend their knowledge and intellect. They are often wiser together and can utilize their intellectual bond to create abundance and success for themselves, as individuals and as a pair.
Communication will be a breeze for this couple. They will have no issue sharing their thoughts and ideas. They will typically have a positive outlook when they are together, so they can focus on their strengths rather than weaknesses.
These two should maintain balance and always leave room for growth, though. While seeing the best in each other is good, each partner should be willing to speak up if an idea is half-formed or if one is missing all the facts.
Both partners will improve when each partner is willing to offer constructive criticism and advice. They can explore new concepts and ideas without getting stuck on things that won’t work.
These two will likely have favorable outcomes when they work on shared projects and goals. One partner might have the knowledge or skills the other lacks, allowing them to get more done.
This couple will feel incredibly fortunate when they are together. They will bond over shared accomplishments and be happy for one another when they have individual success. They will respect and understand one another and can form a long-lasting bond.
Mercury Sextile Part Of Fortune Solar Return
Mercury sextile the Part of Fortune during a solar return typically indicates that you must be more open-minded and willing to learn new things in the upcoming year if you want to find luck and success.
Fortunately, the energy of this sextile can help you have a more positive mindset and an increased thirst for knowledge. It can also help you tap into your intuition and be more perceptive in the upcoming year.
While you might not necessarily have more opportunities than usual this year, you’ll be able to notice more of them. You may also not suddenly become more lucky or fortunate, but a newfound positive outlook will make you feel luckier.
Sometimes, you will have genuinely lucky encounters or be in the right place at the right time. Mercury’s social nature will allow for more opportunities to meet the right people or have the right experiences, though.
You should spend this year seeking new experiences and interacting with people more than you typically do. If you are usually shy or more of a homebody, put yourself out there. You need to go out in the world to find the opportunities that await you.
Opportunities might come to you, but you can fully take advantage of this sextile’s energy when you look for them. Follow your intuition and go wherever it guides you.
You can gain essential knowledge in the upcoming year. You can learn things and have experiences that will be the keys to your success. You can flourish when you make the most of this year and maintain a positive mindset.
You might end the year feeling more successful than ever. You might reach specific goals or get on the track to do so. You can grow, improve, and manifest more abundance for yourself.
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