When Mercury is quincunx Venus, it might feel like desires for love and romance are not aligned with rational thought.
It can feel like you can’t have it all when you have this quincunx. Reconciling values and the need for closeness with intellectual needs can seem impossible.
What does a Mercury-Venus quincunx mean? This quincunx typically creates a complete disconnect between the mind’s reasoning and the heart’s desires.
It’s not just that relationship needs and intellectual pursuits are opposites. They don’t seem to have anything in common at all. It can feel impossible to reach a compromise.
It can truly feel like there is no middle ground. A person might feel they must hold themselves back intellectually to be in a relationship. A relationship may suffer from either a lack of intellectual connection or a lack of romance.
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When Mercury is quincunx Venus in a Natal Chart, it can feel like a person is torn in two completely different directions. Your mind may want one thing, while your heart wants something that seems completely incompatible with that.
If Mercury inconjunct Venus is in your chart, you might be attracted to wildly different people. The people you are physically attracted to and who fulfill your romantic needs are not the same people you’re intellectually attracted to.
You might date someone for their brilliant mind, find a lack of spark, and then leave them for someone more romantic and exciting. You’ll find that relationship lacking, too, though.
It can feel impossible to reconcile all your different needs. Your intellectual mind and romantic heart do not communicate with one another at all, and they have entirely different agendas.
If you’ve got this quincunx in your chart, you may sometimes have a more intellectual view of love, leaving you dissatisfied because you’ll also want spark and magnetic attraction.
Someone with this quincunx might believe they have to tone down their intelligence to find a partner. It’s common for someone to “dumb themselves down” and pretend to be less intellectual than they are so that they can pursue someone.
The opposite is also true. A person with this aspect in their chart might completely ignore their romantic heart and their need for love, attraction, and connection in favor of pursuing academic interests or finding a partner with whom they have an intellectual connection.
It will feel like one side, or the other has to be put in a box and completely ignored to satisfy the needs of the other. This does not have to be the case, though!
It will take effort if you’ve got this quincunx, but you can find things and people to satisfy your needs.
You may have to get your intellectual needs met by your job or through education and find a person to satisfy the romantic ones. It doesn’t all have to be on one person.
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When Mercury is quincunx Venus during a transit, it will likely feel like some inconsistencies and incompatibilities in your relationships are suddenly brought to light.
This won’t just involve romantic relationships, either. You might hone in on some differences in values between you and your friends. You might also realize that certain people aren’t on the same intellectual level as you.
Even if everything is fine in your relationships, you may feel a block in communication during this time. This will create some problems even where there were none before. It will feel like your wires are crossed when experiencing a Mercury-Venus quincunx during a transit.
If Mercury is transiting your natal Venus, your attempts at romance might suddenly be clouded by too much logic and rationality so that they sound cold and stilted.
If Venus transits your natal Mercury, your ability to communicate and reason things out will be clouded by your desperate need for love and connection.
Others may misinterpret your signals or what you say to them. You may also misinterpret the words and actions of others. This won’t be a time to initiate a new romantic relationship or share your brilliant new ideas.
Instead, focus on yourself during this transit. You will likely feel confused and may not know what you want. You won’t be able to get your point across, even if you can figure that out.
Try journaling or getting your thoughts out in another way that doesn’t involve sharing them with the wrong people. A trusted friend can help you work through things without judging you.
If you want to flirt with someone new, wait until this transit ends. Hold off on new projects that require a lot of brain power if you can, too.
Mercury quincunx Venus in a Synastry Chart typically indicates a struggle communicating thoughts and feelings in this relationship.
How the Mercury and Venus partners think about love might be incredibly different. The things they each want from a relationship and their expectations for a partner might seem incompatible.
These two partners likely have different desires for a relationship. The Venus partner might want passion, romance, and a deep emotional connection. They want grand romantic gestures and a life-long love you usually only find in stories.
The Mercury partner wants an intellectual connection instead. They have a more rational approach to love and romance. They want communication and intelligent discussions from a partner, not a whirlwind romance.
The Venus partner may feel like the Mercury partner doesn’t love them sometimes because they aren’t focused on the romantic gestures the Venus partner desires.
The Mercury partner might feel bored if the Venus partner can’t get on their level intellectually. They may also find them irrational, especially if they get upset about the lack of romance.
This disconnect in what each person wants from a relationship is one of the Mercury quincunx Venus cons. Sometimes, this couple feels too different to make something work. Neither can get what they want if the other one does.
There are some Mercury quincunx Venus pros, but this couple will only discover them if they’re willing to try and understand one another.
Intellectual Mercury and romantic Venus don’t have to be incompatible. These two can achieve emotional and intellectual connections.
The Mercury partner can be a bit more passionate and give the Venus partner those gestures they desire. The Venus partner can initiate more conversations and be willing to learn from the Mercury partner.
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When Mercury is quincunx Venus in a Composite Chart, this can create intense feelings of insecurity in a relationship. There will likely be many miscommunications in this relationship, and jealousy will also be an issue.
This couple probably feels deeply attracted to one another, even if they don’t always understand each other. There may be some opposing views regarding what they want from the relationship and what they think is achievable within the relationship.
This is a relationship where both partners love each other but might not know how to express that. They may have issues communicating and showing affection in a way the other understands.
The Mercury-Venus quincunx in a Composite Chart can create a perceived disconnect in values, even if that’s not true. This couple may want all the same things from their relationship, but how they communicate their needs gets misconstrued.
This couple is likely compatible. They don’t always realize that. They might communicate the same thing but in different ways, leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Jealousy is common in this relationship. If there is a friend that one partner seems to connect and communicate with well, the other partner will become extremely jealous and assume the worst. They may even be jealous over nothing at all just because they can’t seem to connect.
To work through this quincunx, each partner has to take a step back and reevaluate their assumptions. When this couple stops and thinks about their “incompatibilities,” they might realize they don’t truly exist.
This couple needs to realize that they might not effectively communicate their needs and try to think of new ways to express themselves so that they understand each other.
Solar Return
Mercury quincunx Venus in a Solar Return Chart typically indicates that there will be some challenges when it comes to relationships and communication in the upcoming year.
When you are experiencing this quincunx during a solar return, you might find that what your heart and mind want are entirely out of alignment, and you won’t be able to see any way to balance those things.
For example, you might get accepted at an out-of-state university or receive a job offer in another city. This might require that you move away from your current partner and have a long-distance relationship.
Your logical mind will know that you could make things work and should take the education or career opportunity. However, your heart will tell you to stay with your partner and continue growing your relationship.
You may also realize that you and your partner are on different wavelengths, and the upcoming year will highlight that further. You might be more focused on developing the romantic and emotional side of the relationship, while they are more focused on intellectual connection, or vice versa.
There will likely be answers to your problems, but you won’t see it that way. To work through this quincunx, try discussing your options with an unbiased third party. Don’t make any hasty decisions this year that you might regret.
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