Mercury quincunx Pluto can create a lack of sensitivity, stubbornness, and a harsh communication style.
The energy of this quincunx can be direct and honest, but it goes a bit too far. It creates conflict and tension within any person or relationship with this in their chart.
What does Mercury quincunx Pluto mean? This aspect often brings out the worst sides in both these planets. There will be a lot of conflict when there is a disconnect between the rational mind and the unconscious mind.
There is a lot of negativity in this aspect. Someone might think they’re telling the truth when they’re being cruel. A couple might behave insensitively toward one another and argue a lot.
There is a lot of willpower and determination in this quincunx, but also stubbornness and intolerance. It’s essential to keep an open mind to work through this aspect.
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Mercury quincunx Pluto in a chart can create an aggressive and harsh energy in a person.
Someone with this aspect in their chart might be manipulative, intolerant, stubborn, insensitive, and critical. The tension in this quincunx will typically result in a person expressing the most negative sides of Mercury and Pluto.
You are likely an opinionated person if you’ve got Mercury quincunx Pluto in your Natal Chart. You can be stubborn and sometimes get so caught up in your ideas and views that you become intolerant of others.
You probably come across as harsh to others, even though you’re typically not trying to be mean. You are just overly honest and speak your mind in a way that comes across as disrespectful and cruel.
You might be manipulative, though you typically consider yourself persuasive. You want things done your way and won’t listen to others.
This can be a challenging aspect because of how inflexible it is. If someone is offended by your insensitivity or how you say things, you’ll assume they are the problem and refuse to examine your behavior.
You must learn to be more flexible and sensitive to work through this quincunx. There are kinder ways to tell the truth. Sometimes, your opinion is just an opinion that isn’t factual or correct, no matter how much you think it is.
If you can be more sensitive to others, you’ll be able to form bonds more easily. If you can speak your mind without disrespect and cruelty, others will be more likely to listen to your opinions.
Stop and think before you speak. Learn how to listen to others as well. They can offer insight that you might lack and help you learn and grow.
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Mercury quincunx Pluto during a transit typically brings a lot of conflict. If you’re experiencing this transit, you’ll likely be more stubborn, obsessive, and stuck in your way of thinking.
If Pluto transits your natal Mercury, you will become inflexible. If someone disagrees with you or tries to challenge your beliefs, you will double down and refuse to listen to what they have to say.
If Mercury transits your natal Pluto, you may become obsessive and overly focused on things that don’t matter. You’ll get stuck on one topic or belief and won’t think about anything but that.
The Mercury-Pluto quincunx will be difficult to deal with because its energy may separate you from the people around you. You may become so caught up with something that you ignore everyone around you. You may also become critical and rude, which will push people away.
This transit might make you more prone to black-and-white thinking as well. If someone upsets you, you’ll think of them as a toxic person, even if they’re usually your best friend. You’ll throw out their entire argument if someone is wrong about a minor detail or misspeaks.
You may get into arguments during this time because of your poor behavior, inability to let things go, or ego. If someone has a different opinion, you won’t be able to let that go because you want to be right.
Instead of arguing and trying to convince everyone that you’re right and they’re wrong, stop and take a breath. If someone is expressing their opinion, listen to them. You don’t have to agree, but you shouldn’t talk over them either.
Avoid debates and serious discussions during this time. They will end in arguments and hurt feelings. You may need to reflect and figure out how to find harmony in your life.
Mercury quincunx Pluto in synastry can create a difficult dynamic between the Mercury and Pluto partners because they will likely both be insensitive in their own ways and end up hurting one another.
These two sometimes bring out the worst in each other. They might be together for a reason, but they will quickly forget that reason due to frequent arguments and a complete inability to understand one another.
The Pluto partner in this relationship might become manipulative, possessive, and deceptive. The Mercury partner may become stubborn, critical, and unemotional. Neither partner will react well to the negative traits of the other.
This potential to bring out the absolute worst in one another is one of the Mercury quincunx Pluto cons. Even if there are things this couple enjoys about each other, that will be overshadowed by all the ways they clash and push each other’s buttons.
They will likely argue a lot because they both believe they’re right. The Mercury partner might find the Pluto partner to be irrational. The Pluto partner thinks the Mercury partner is overly critical and too focused on their thoughts to listen.
This couple needs to learn how to communicate and deal with conflict without insulting each other, resorting to manipulation, or talking over one another to find the Mercury quincunx Pluto pros.
This couple typically argues so much because they both have feelings of intense hurt and distrust from past relationships. The Mercury partner might not listen because they feel like others don’t listen to them. The Pluto partner may become possessive because they fear abandonment.
These two can transform one another and work past this hurt, though. They must learn to work together instead of letting their insecurities and past wounds ruin their relationship.
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Mercury quincunx Pluto in a Composite Chart typically indicates some issues with control in this relationship. Both partners can be overly critical and nasty to each other, though they will think they are just being honest.
This couple quickly points the finger at each other when something goes wrong. Instead of working through obstacles together, they will pick at each other’s faults.
Both partners in this couple may always think they’re right. They might both be intelligent, but they let that intelligence go to their heads. They can both be egotistical, which makes it impossible for them to listen to one another.
Mercury inconjunct Pluto might create a dynamic where both partners constantly try to manipulate one another. Instead of trying to compromise or openly communicate their feelings, they will try to force the other to do things their way.
This couple has the potential to transform themselves through being together. They don’t need to change each other. They need to do some self-reflection and change themselves for the better.
Being together will force these two to confront their shadow sides. They will likely realize that while they feel right, that’s not always the case. They will figure out how to compromise to function as a couple.
These two will also learn that brutal honesty hurts and may behave more compassionately instead of just saying whatever is on their minds. Through being together, they’ll see their faults reflected back at them, and they won’t like what they see.
Solar Return
Mercury quincunx Pluto in a Solar Return Chart typically indicates that your ego will get you in trouble in the upcoming year if you aren’t careful. You may find yourself obsessed with a particular person, goal, or topic, which may lead you down the wrong path.
Your obsession will cloud your judgment, but you may also use your internal sense of logic to convince yourself or others that what you’re doing is perfectly fine. If you are working tirelessly toward a goal that isn’t feasible, you’ll believe that it will be worth it.
You won’t reach your goals by doing this, though. You will likely end up burning yourself out and pushing away everyone around you who tries to tell you that your actions are illogical.
This may be a year when you have to confront the negative aspects of your personality. If you are a possessive partner, that will come to a head, and you may lose your relationship.
The disjointed connection between Mercury and Pluto may make you feel like you’re entirely justified in any poor behavior you exhibit in the upcoming year, but that isn’t true at all.
Listen to the people around you in the year following this solar return. If someone tells you you’re being cruel or overly critical, tone things down. Adjust your goals and expectations if a trusted loved one says you’re overworking yourself over a goal you’ll never reach.
If you feel disappointed in everything you do, you’re likely being too hard on yourself. If you feel frustrated by every little thing the people around you do, you’re being too hard on them too.
Try to relax and take frequent breaks in the upcoming year. Meditate or have frequent conversations with a trusted friend. Calm down, work on yourself, and be more compassionate with yourself and others.
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