
Mercury Quincunx Part Of Fortune: Success & Intelligence

Updated August 23, 2024

Mercury quincunx the Part of Fortune creates issues with combining intellect with the things one needs to gain fulfillment in life.

There is sometimes too much focus on external validation and success with this quincunx. This leads to inner discontentment and unhappiness.

What does Mercury quincunx Part of Fortune mean? This aspect can create a focus on intelligence and communication as the path to success, but that won’t always lead to contentment or positive achievement.

Sometimes, what seems practical and what will create success and fulfillment are not aligned. The intellectual mind may be satisfied, but that will not create true contentment and happiness.

Couples and individuals will struggle with balancing intellectual pursuits and finding what truly makes them happy. A lot of self-reflection is needed to work through this quincunx and find true contentment.


Mercury quincunx the Part of Fortune in a chart typically indicates that a person has a strong desire to use their intelligence and mental capabilities to succeed.

They can accomplish a lot with their mind, but they might neglect emotional satisfaction or ignore the true path to fulfillment. It can be difficult for people with this aspect to align their intellectual desires with their inner sense of achievement.

If you’ve got Mercury quincunx the Part of Fortune in your Natal Chart, you may feel like you’re being torn in two directions. You may think you know what will bring you achievement, success, and happiness, but that might not align with your destiny.

You may gain most of your sense of achievement from external sources. You might feel like you’re not successful enough if you aren’t being praised by others or receiving other forms of acknowledgment.

You must learn to listen to your heart, not just your mind when seeking fulfillment. Gaining traditional forms of success with your education or career is only one part of your true path in life.

Look within yourself for validation and proof of your success. You’ll never feel truly happy if all your achievements come from others telling you you’ve achieved something. You have to figure out how to feel that achievement for yourself.

You don’t have to give up intellectual pursuits to find true happiness. They can be part of your path to fulfillment, but you must also find other ways to make yourself happy.

Connecting to others and further developing your communication skills can help. Just don’t get all your joy from others. A blend of inner achievement and healthy connections with others can create true joy.

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Mercury quincunx the Part of Fortune during a transit typically indicates that you will experience some disconnect between your intellectual needs and what you need to find true fulfillment in your life.

If Mercury transits your natal Part of Fortune, you might doubt your achievements. You may feel like others aren’t validating you how you’d like. This lack of validation will make you feel insecure and anxious.

If the Part of Fortune transits your natal Mercury, you may feel discontent during this time. You might become aware of some imbalance in your life, potentially with finances, which will cause you to feel like a failure.

The Mercury-Part of Fortune quincunx can mess with your mental state if you allow it to. It can create doubts, insecurities, and mental fog. It can also temporarily block your true path to success and fulfillment.

To work through this quincunx, you must find some positivity in your life. Daily affirmations can help to lift your mood. Journaling and listing your achievements can remind you of everything positive you’ve done up to this point.

If you feel mentally blocked, meditate or practice some self-care. If you believe you are not intellectually stimulated enough, start learning something new to keep your mind engaged.

If something is out of balance, ask yourself how to rebalance it. Even if you can’t fix all your problems during this time, you can at least get on the right track.

If your finances get in the way of your fulfillment because they create stress, try to budget better. If your work-life balance is off and you feel emotionally unfulfilled, see how you can make more time for the things you enjoy and the people you love.

Remind yourself that you can eventually find true fulfillment in life. Don’t give up just because things seem tough right now.


Mercury quincunx Part of Fortune in synastry creates an intense dynamic between two partners where they have the potential for growth and success as a couple. However, they must first work through differences in perspectives and communication styles.

The Mercury and Part of Fortune partners in this relationship might seem like they want different things. They will not have shared goals, making developing a connection and long-lasting relationship challenging.

The Part of Fortune partner may desire things the Mercury partner doesn’t find reasonable. The Mercury partner might focus more on traditional paths to success, and the Part of Fortune partner may want them to explore and express themselves more.

These two may not understand what the other wants in life, which is one of the Mercury quincunx Part of Fortune cons. They may have difficulty creating stability in their relationship and supporting one another’s achievements.

However, this couple has the potential to support one another’s goals and help each other get on the right path to success. If either is lacking, the other can give them what they need.

This ability to gain more fulfillment together is one of the Mercury quincunx Part of Fortune pros. This couple might not realize it at first, but they can be more successful together than apart if they make an effort.

The Part of Fortune partner can help the Mercury partner express themselves more and try new paths they weren’t open to before. The Mercury partner can offer insight when the Part of Fortune partner struggles on their path.

Overall, this can be a vibrant and transformative relationship. Both partners can meet their goals and find success. They have to be willing to work together.

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Mercury quincunx the Part of Fortune in a Composite Chart typically indicates that a couple holds themselves and one another back from their paths to success. They may do this out of insecurity or even resentment.

If one partner is more successful than the other, that can create doubts and conflict. Sometimes, one partner thinks the other is more successful and cannot see their own achievements.

Other times, one partner is more vocal about their achievements while ignoring the other’s. When this happens, this couple will disconnect from one another.

Each partner might also believe they can’t have what they desire in life and focus on their relationship. They may feel stuck, though that is typically a mental block they must work through.

This couple must acknowledge the ways they prevent themselves from finding fulfillment. They should communicate openly and honestly to avoid building resentment.

These two should try harder to encourage one another in their endeavors. They can each work toward their goals while connecting and creating a solid bond.

If these two hold one another back, they must learn how to motivate one another instead. They need to be happy for each other when they find success and trust that they will also get what they desire.

Solar Return

Mercury quincunx the Part of Fortune during a solar return typically indicates that you will need to learn some lessons about how you think of your potential to gain true fulfillment and success in life.

If you are someone who is constantly talking down to themselves, that will have to change in the upcoming year. If you believe you don’t deserve abundance or achievement, examine why you think that.

Mercury inconjunct the Part of Fortune can create a mental block surrounding your success. This inconjunction also contains the energy you need to break through that block if you’re willing to work.

You may discover that your inability to achieve your goals is in your head. You might be on the right path to fulfillment, but you can’t perceive it. With the right mental shift, you will see how successful you are.

You should focus on clearing your mental blocks in the upcoming year. Are you unable to see your achievements if others don’t acknowledge them? Are you unable to find emotional fulfillment in your success?

You should take some time in the upcoming year to focus on any negative self-talk or insecurities you feel. You should also focus on places in your life where you feel a disconnect between intellectual stimulation and true fulfillment.

Sometimes, the things that logically seem good for you aren’t. Just because a specific career might be prestigious, that doesn’t mean you’ll like it. A particular degree might give you more opportunities, but that won’t matter if you don’t enjoy what you’re studying.

This may be a year when you don’t make much progress toward your goals, but it will be beneficial anyway.

If you can shift your mindset, clear your mind, and rid yourself of things that don’t make you feel content, you can move forward and find true satisfaction.

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