Mercury opposite Mars can create a lot of aggression, especially when it comes to words. This is cerebral aggression instead of physical aggression.
Patience is required to work through this challenging aspect. That might not always be easy to come by, though.
When Mercury opposes Mars, everything might feel like a debate or competition. A person with this opposition in their chart might constantly pick fights. A relationship with this opposition can be verbally contentious.
Hostility is a common aspect of the Mercury-Mars opposition. Mars can cloud the typically reasonable Mercury, especially if Mars is in an exceptionally aggressive sign.
Learning how to work through disagreements with discussions rather than arguments is critical to overcoming the challenges of this opposition. Stopping and taking a breath is necessary so things don’t come to a head.
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Someone with Mercury opposite Mars in their Natal Chart will likely be sharp but aggressive. Mars can fuel Mercury and help this person to get their point across, but they won’t typically be very nice about it.
The Mercury-Mars opposition is difficult, but the person experiencing it might not see it that way. They might think of themselves as being assertive. They may also feel that they’re just right and that others are too sensitive or are afraid of the truth.
Listening can be an issue for someone with this opposition in their chart. If this person thinks their point of view is correct, they won’t listen to anything else. They might talk over others or double down even when wrong.
If you’ve got this opposition in your Natal Chart, you might get in frequent arguments. You might think that other people are the ones who are always picking fights, but if you can practice some self-reflection, you’ll realize you’re the one starting arguments.
There are positive sides to this opposition, of course. If you can keep your aggression under control, you can genuinely be an assertive and determined person. You may excel at debates if you can keep things friendly or professional.
Anger and aggression aren’t things you have to ignore, either. If you start to feel heated about a discussion, you can positively channel that anger. You don’t need to scream or lash out, but you don’t need to push the anger down either.
When you feel that anger rising, take a deep breath. You should practice yoga or meditate to help keep yourself under control.
You should also learn how to hone your intellect positively. Learn a new skill instead of getting into fights to prove you’re smarter than everyone else! Read or watch documentaries and grow your knowledge.
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When Mercury is opposite Mars during a transit, that will create tension. There will likely be arguments during this time, even if you’re not usually argumentative.
You might be more direct if Mars is transiting and opposing your natal Mercury. Mars will make your Mercury more straightforward. This won’t always be bad, especially if you’re usually more passive and don’t stand up for yourself.
If Mercury is transiting your natal Mars, you may find that you can better voice the things that make you angry. Again, this might not be a bad thing! If you usually express anger physically, you might start to express it verbally during this time.
That assertive and direct nature can quickly turn into aggression, though. If you’ve been ignoring bad behavior from others, or you’ve had a lot of things on your mind that you just haven’t voiced aloud, that might all explode out of you and cause you to lash out.
When Mercury is in opposition to Mars in a Transit Chart, this can also create feelings of defensiveness. You may start to sense hostility in others that isn’t actually there and react explosively when that happens.
One of the best ways to work through this transit is to write down the things you’re angry about. You might find that you can suddenly express yourself better regarding your frustrations.
You don’t want to lash out and yell at the people around you, though. This is not a time to discuss issues you have with other people. Write them down, reflect on them, and then discuss them when you feel calmer and more level-headed.
Try to be patient. Your feelings are valid, and you should express them. You need to be sure you’re doing so in a healthy way that you won’t regret later.
If Mercury is opposite Mars in a Synastry Chart, this could indicate that a couple has trouble communicating and sharing their thoughts without things becoming contentious.
This opposition typically means there is a disconnect between one partner’s communication style and the other’s.
The Mercury partner might be more cerebral. They may communicate rationally most of the time. The Mars partner will be more passionate and likely more aggressive when communicating.
This aggression and inability to communicate without turning discussions into arguments is a Mercury opposite Mars con. Even if the Mercury partner is usually more level-headed, the Mars partner will bring out the worst in them.
The main issue with communication between these two partners is that they both think they’re right. The Mercury partner will have all their opinions backed up by facts. The Mars partner will feel passionately about their views and become stubborn.
One of the Mercury opposite Mars pros is that conversations have the potential to be exciting and engaging. It might be interesting for each of these partners to hear each other’s points of view as long as they’re willing to listen with an open mind.
The Mercury and Mars partners must learn how to discuss without interrupting one another. The Mercury partner has to see that passion in a conversation can be a good thing! The Mars partner has to understand that logic and facts are not boring or pretentious.
Both partners have to stop thinking they know everything. Even with facts to support their arguments, the Mercury partner will still be wrong sometimes! The Mars partner can be passionate about their opinion all day and still be wrong.
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When Mercury is opposite Mars in a Composite Chart, this creates a relationship where both partners are direct and impulsive about how they express themselves.
While being honest in a relationship is a good thing, this relationship can quickly become toxic because everything will feel like a competition, and both partners will likely judge and criticize the other harshly.
There are many arguments in this relationship. Each partner is willing to voice their frustrations and bring up issues they have with each other. This is not a conflict-adverse couple at all.
There is a lot of impatience in this relationship, too. Each partner might be stubborn and stuck in their ways and become frustrated when others don’t see things their way.
This relationship is one where each partner competes with the other. They may both be intelligent and have perfectly valid points to offer in a discussion, but they aren’t looking to share information. They’re looking to be right.
This couple has to learn how to be truthful without being hurtful. They must realize that healthy disagreement is okay in a relationship but that constant arguments create a toxic environment for everyone involved.
If you have this opposition in your Composite Chart with your partner, remember that you can have differing opinions. You don’t need to force each other to see things your way, and you can disagree in a perfectly healthy way if you try to.
The point of having discussions is to share knowledge and try to learn from each other, not to always be right! If this couple learns to talk to each other instead of yelling at each other, they will have a much more harmonious relationship.
Solar Return
When Mercury is opposite Mars during a solar return, this indicates that you will start speaking up more for yourself or others in the upcoming year.
This opposition in a Solar Return Chart could mean that more arguments or frustrations are on the horizon for you, but it could also mean that you’ll finally get the courage to speak up about things you’ve been pushing down.
If you are a more soft-spoken person, or you hate rocking the boat, having this opposition during a solar return could help you finally speak up. The passionate nature of Mars can push Mercury and help you say the things you’ve been quiet about.
Many disagreements might be on the horizon, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. You might feel a little more aggressive, but you may also feel more assertive and confident.
You may feel more competitive, or more opportunities for competition might come up in your life. You might feel more outspoken and want to speak up in class or at work meetings more.
If you are having trouble with this opposition and it’s making you too aggressive or direct in a harsh way, try to relax. Think things over first instead of immediately picking a fight or bringing up an issue.
Work with this opposition, not against it. It can help you finally say the things you’ve been avoiding talking about. You may need to be mindful of the way you say them.
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