Mars square Pluto has a potent power that can lead to intense transformation, but that typically only takes place after many conflicts and struggles.
Internal tension can manifest as external power struggles. Taking action to transform and discard limitations will require more self-awareness.
What does Mars square Pluto mean? This aspect creates tension between Mars’ assertiveness and Pluto’s death and rebirth cycles. It can be a harsh square, but the rewards will be abundant.
Individuals may be unable to manage their emotions or control their shadow. They might feel overwhelmed with internal conflict. Couples will likely have power struggles and may lack emotional awareness.
Emotional control and self-awareness will lead to growth and transformation. Addressing issues with power and aggression can resolve conflicts. This has the potential to be a passionate and driven aspect when it is channeled effectively.
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Mars Square Pluto Natal
Mars square Pluto in a chart can add some complicated elements to a person’s personality. They might fear losing control and becoming controlling because of that.
People with this aspect in their charts may constantly deal with power struggles. Most of the time, they unnecessarily create these issues.
You are likely ambitious if you’ve got Mars square Pluto in your Natal Chart. You may want to transform and become a better version of yourself, but your control issues and fears can prevent you from getting what you want.
You are often the source of your own destruction. In your efforts to maintain control, you can abuse your power. You might push others away who would be willing to support you in your endeavors.
How you assert yourself is likely unbalanced. You come on too strong, especially when working in collaboration with others. You may have trouble listening to other points of view and can become so stubborn it’s impossible to work with you.
The key to resolving this square’s tension is looking deep within yourself. What emotions are you repressing? What fears, insecurities, or toxic beliefs hold you back? What is the root cause of your control issues?
Once you acknowledge your flaws and understand why they exist, you can work on them. When you accept that you cannot control everything and everyone at all times, you can let go and learn how to collaborate and compromise.
You can learn how to fulfill your ambitions and assert yourself healthily. You don’t have to give up your inner power. You have to be willing to share power with others.
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Mars Square Pluto Transit
Mars square Pluto during a transit can bring up repressed emotions, particularly feelings of anger. You are more likely to have emotional outbursts and push back against others.
If Mars transits your natal Pluto, you might believe nobody is on your side. You might think others don’t support you or that they are actively trying to sabotage your goals. This paranoia can make you aggressive.
If Pluto transits your natal Mars, you will likely deal with power struggles during this time. You might fight harder to maintain control but will do so in ways that may push others away.
The Mars-Pluto square can put a strain on your relationships. Power struggles at work can alienate you from coworkers or change how authority figures see you. Control issues in a romantic relationship can destroy your bond with a partner.
Something or someone might make you feel threatened during this transit. You may feel someone is trying to take away your power. You may also notice power struggles on a larger scale since Pluto is a generational planet. These can create more tension for you.
The challenges you face during this time can help you transform if you overcome them. Examine why you feel powerless or believe you need to have more control. Do you genuinely need to stand up for yourself? Do you instead feel threatened when others assert their power?
Do not focus on controlling other people or external situations. Instead, focus on controlling yourself. Take responsibility for your goals and feelings. Learn to channel rage and other negative emotions constructively.
By the end of this transit, you can be more self-aware. You will know what you must do to feel like you’re in control of your life.
Mars Square Pluto Synastry
Mars square Pluto in synastry creates a dynamic tension between one partner’s drive and the other’s potential for transformation. This relationship can help both partners grow, but it will also have power struggles.
The Mars partner in this relationship may be drawn to the Pluto partner’s power. However, they can also be threatened by it. The same things they find attractive about the Pluto partner will also create conflict.
The Pluto partner in this relationship can appreciate the Mars partner’s passion, but they will push back if the Mars partner is too aggressive. They can sometimes be manipulative in this relationship, even if they aren’t typically like that.
These two can bring out the best and worst in each other. The power of this square can overwhelm them and lead to intense conflicts, which is one of the Mars square Pluto cons.
Each partner might feel they always have to be in control. Typically, this signifies that both partners may have felt powerless in other relationships. They fight against each other because they don’t want to feel that way again.
However, both partners must transform how they view control. The Pluto partner should not try manipulating the Mars partner into doing what they want. Instead, they should learn to ask for what they need.
Repressed emotions can come up in this relationship, particularly ones of rage. Working through those emotions will help this couple bond, though. One of the Mars square Pluto pros is the potential to let go of anger and old wounds.
This couple can grow when they resolve their power struggles. They can learn to take control of their own lives while working together. They can turn their attraction to one another into a genuine bond.
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Mars Square Pluto Composite
Mars square Pluto in a Composite Chart challenges a relationship in ways that will help both partners grow if they are willing to let go of some of their control.
These two may have frequent clashes. They may feel like they must constantly manipulate one another or assert their will. Where this aspect is in the chart can determine which area of their relationship this couple will struggle with the most.
For example, this couple might have disagreements over how to spend money and manage finances. One partner could be more impulsive than the other. Even if they are both good about saving and are financially responsible, they may have different priorities.
Instead of compromising, these two may push one another and try to get their way. One partner might spend shared money as they see fit, regardless of how the other feels about it.
If both partners refuse to compromise, they may constantly be angry at one another. One partner might feel they have to be sneaky or manipulative to get what they need. The other partner might believe they must get what they want by force.
These two must learn to address conflict healthily. Disagreements can be part of a functional relationship, but only if they are worked through with care and compassion. Both partners must listen to one another and solve their problems as a pair.
When these two stop trying to dominate one another and get their way, they can both grow. They can learn to see things in a new light. They can acknowledge their flaws and learn to do things in new ways.
Once these two let go of anger and resentment, they can bond. They can learn how to ensure both of their needs are met. They will stop stepping on one another to get what they want and can instead work together to reach their goals.
Mars Square Pluto Solar Return
Mars square Pluto during a solar return typically indicates that you might be stressed and overwhelmed by your power and ambition. You will likely go too far this year in pursuit of your goals and desires.
This square will highlight pre-existing issues with control and manipulation in the upcoming year. If you frequently get what you want through deceitful or sneaky means, you might experience negative consequences for doing so this year.
If you behave in a controlling manner toward someone, they might push back. Instead of immediately realizing that you are the problem in this situation, you might blame the other person. You may refuse to face your flaws.
If you are not typically a controlling person but are instead controlled by others, you may go too far in asserting yourself this year. Pent-up rage and other repressed emotions will explode, and you’re likely to take your feelings out on people who don’t deserve it.
Boundaries and respect are essential this year. If someone is pushing you too hard or trying to force you to do something you don’t want to do, speak up.
Be mindful of how you do so, though. Sometimes, you need to have a patient, compassionate discussion with a loved one who doesn’t realize how their actions come across. Not everything needs to be a fight.
Address all control issues this year. You should step back and allow others to have their autonomy. You may need to learn new ways to channel anger or uncover why you feel you must control everyone.
By the end of the year, you will have a better idea of how you need to grow. You can learn to use your power wisely without giving it up or abusing it.
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