Mars opposite Pluto creates a harsh and intense energy in a chart. There will be a lot of conflict with this opposition, and it won’t be easy to work through.
Any person or relationship with this will be hard on themselves and will likely resort to self-destructive behaviors.
What does Mars opposite Pluto mean? This can be an incredibly challenging opposition to have in a chart. The violent and aggressive sides of both Mars and Pluto will come out with this aspect.
A person with this in their chart might create many problems but always see themselves as the victim. A relationship will have a lot of hostility, arguments, and an inability to compromise.
There is an ability to rise above all these difficulties, though. Harnessing Mars’ confidence and Pluto’s regenerative properties is vital to working through this opposition.
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Mars Opposite Pluto Natal
Mars opposite Pluto in a chart typically indicates a lot of internal conflict regarding goals, how to express emotions, and how to deal with setbacks and disappointment.
Someone with this aspect in their chart might have high expectations for themselves, leading to disappointment and feelings of failure when they can’t live up to them.
This person may also feel like others expect too much from them. Sometimes, this may be true. Other times, this person is being harsh when the people around them ask for the bare minimum.
Mars opposite Pluto in a Natal Chart can also indicate someone may have a victim complex. If you’ve got this aspect in your Natal Chart, you might always feel that the bad things in your life are someone else’s fault.
If a relationship ends, you might blame your ex for causing its destruction, even if you also played a part. You may blame people for leaving your life instead of self-reflecting.
If you get fired from a job, you may believe that your boss was just out to get you and that there was no legitimate reason behind your firing, even if you were doing something wrong.
Sometimes, things are genuinely out of your control. Someone might genuinely be toxic or have malicious intentions. There are times when you’re the one to blame for things going wrong in your life, and you need to accept that.
If you can find balance in this opposition, you can be incredibly magnetic and successful. You can attract people who will be good for you and keep them around by being patient, self-aware, and attentive to their needs.
You are likely independent, but don’t let that keep you from forming bonds. Socialize with other people. Learn to rely on them and let them depend on you as well. When you do this, you can transform yourself and become a better person.
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Mars Opposite Pluto Transit
Mars opposite Pluto during a transit can create an intense and passionate energy. You might feel more confident during this time, but you may also feel like you’re fighting some internal battle with yourself.
Depending on how you handle this transit, you might feel more aggressive and social or want to retreat into yourself. In some situations, being more assertive is best, but in others, you may genuinely need to regroup and think things over.
The Mars-Pluto opposition has a lot of power, so it can be overwhelming. It might create confidence but also a ruthless and combative nature.
You may feel like you need to stand up for yourself or be more competitive, but you’ll become aggressive and give in to your dark side if you don’t do those things healthily and constructively.
You might feel as if the world is against you during this time. You may encounter actual obstacles from individual people or forces beyond your control, but you may be at the root of some of the issues you face.
It is essential to focus on your goals during this time in a way that doesn’t harm you or the people around you. Allow your confidence and determination to transform you positively, but don’t burn yourself out.
Think things through before doing or saying anything. You don’t need to pick fights or become defensive of anything others say. Try to accept criticism and use it to transform yourself even more.
Try to rely on others during this time as well. You might feel powerful and strong, but asking for help is not weak. You may need assistance from others to reach certain goals and fight specific battles.
Mars Opposite Pluto Synastry
Mars opposite Pluto in a Synastry Chart can create a challenging and intense dynamic between two people. If they work through this, though, they have the potential to transform one another and become incredibly successful.
The Mars partner in this relationship might be highly competitive, but the Pluto partner can match that energy. They might not always want to compete but will fight back if the Mars partner pushes them.
Both partners can be assertive, though the Mars partner is more likely to be loud and aggressive, while the Pluto partner has a quieter, more subtle power.
This opposition can lead to a dynamic where the Mars partner thinks they are always getting their way, but the Pluto partner subtly manipulates them to get what they want instead.
Power struggles can be some of the Mars opposite Pluto cons. These partners don’t typically assert themselves or argue in the same way, but they can both be controlling and may try to exert their will on each other.
These two have to learn how to work together. They must figure out how to maintain independence and control of their lives without manipulating or controlling each other.
The potential for transformation is one of the Mars opposite Pluto pros. Together, these two can learn to support one another. They can find a balance in their relationship to meet both of their needs.
The Mars partner can help the Pluto partner be more direct and expressive. The Pluto partner can help the Mars partner tone down their aggression.
When this couple fights for what they want together, they can build a beneficial and healthy relationship. They have to stop trying to get their own way. They must understand that a relationship involves compromise.
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Mars Opposite Pluto Composite
Mars opposite Pluto in a Composite Chart creates a passionate yet dark dynamic in a relationship. This couple can potentially drag out hidden emotions in one another, which has pros and cons.
There will be a lot of intensity in this relationship. Each partner might think they know what they want from life and each other, but they may discover they didn’t know themselves as well as they thought once they’re together.
Being together can transform each person in this couple. Sometimes, this relationship will help them to be more direct and assertive. Other times, it will help them to confront their shadow side or tone down aggression.
Difficulties will arise in this relationship when this couple has opposing desires. They can sometimes be too individualistic and need to learn how to come together.
This relationship has a fierce sense of independence, which can be a good thing! However, this couple also needs to learn how to let their partner be independent. They each might struggle with feelings of possessiveness and jealousy.
Compromise is necessary to make this relationship functional. This couple needs to learn to find a balance between their individual desires.
If these two bring out uncomfortable or hidden feelings in each other, they should learn to confront those feelings and healthily deal with them. If they struggle with jealousy, they should think about why that is instead of lashing out or trying to hide it.
They could be a power couple when they work through their issues. They can feed one another’s ambition and channel the intense energy of this opposition into creating a relationship that benefits them both.
Mars Opposite Pluto Solar Return
Mars opposite Pluto in a Solar Return Chart typically indicates that there will be conflict in the upcoming year. You might feel like you’re battling with yourself over your desires. You may also have conflict with the people around you.
You may feel like everything and everyone is against you in the upcoming year. You might have difficulties at your job and feel like your coworkers are to blame. You might constantly fight with your partner and think they’re the problem.
You might have a lot of hostility within you during the upcoming year. The energy of this opposition will bring your anger to the surface, especially if you’ve been bottling it up for a while.
It’s essential to recognize that while some of that hostility is justified, not all of it is. There will be times in the upcoming year when you are the source of your own frustration. You will be the one holding yourself back or causing problems.
You should find healthy outlets for your anger and other dark emotions in the upcoming year. Physical activity or creative endeavors can both help you. Meditation, yoga, or therapy can help you work through negative feelings.
If you’re experiencing conflict with someone you love, be patient and talk to them. You’ll be tempted to argue or blame them for everything, but try to be rational. You likely need to take the blame for certain things as well.
Don’t let your frustrations and feelings of hostility get in your way. If you do that, you will ruin relationships and stall your progress toward your goals. Instead, be mindful. Be patient and compassionate toward yourself and others.
If you can successfully and healthily work through the conflicts that arise this year, you can move forward and achieve your goals.
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