Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith creates tension between Jupiter’s optimistic, trusting side and the inner darkness of Black Moon Lilith.
This aspect may cause difficulties with freedom and independence. There may also be difficulties expressing sexuality and one’s shadow side.
What does Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith mean? This aspect can make connecting to one’s darker side difficult, but Jupiter’s lighter, more cheerful side can also be blocked because of that.
It can be challenging to grow and improve. A couple may struggle with freedom and unhealthy power dynamics. Individuals may not know how to assert themselves and their beliefs.
Leaning into one side of this quincunx or the other can create fluctuations between optimism and pessimism. There may be denial of the darker inner self, but someone could also be controlled by it.
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Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith in a chart can disconnect the more primal inner self from the higher mind. This quincunx sometimes leads to unhealthy views of sexuality, inner power, and self-confidence.
People with this quincunx may feel temptations get in the way of their self-improvement and growth. Sometimes, that may be true, but they may also deny their urges unnecessarily.
If Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith is in your Natal Chart, you may feel the tension between the wild nature of Black Moon Lilith and Jupiter’s faith and belief-focused side.
You may have grown up being told certain things about sexual desire or urges that cause you to see those as bad things. You may fear the darker desires lurking within you and ignore even the most mundane urges.
If you lean into the energy of Black Moon Lilith, you might do so in a destructive way. You may feel ashamed or scared of your dark side, so you’ll try to cover it up, then become frustrated when it explodes out of you anyway.
You may sometimes feel optimistic, then quickly turn the other way and become pessimistic when you can’t grow and improve how you’d like.
You may feel your desires are limiting your growth, but it is often your refusal to acknowledge them that is doing so.
To work through this quincunx, you must accept all sides of yourself. You cannot improve, learn, or connect to your higher mind if you constantly repress and deny parts of your inner self.
Work with your shadow side and inner power. Connect to the energy of Black Moon Lilith positively. Stop hiding who you are or feeling ashamed of your desires. When you can accept yourself, you can improve and become better.
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Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith during a transit can create a shift in beliefs or tension between your inner, more primal self and your higher mind.
If Jupiter transits your natal Black Moon Lilith, you might feel more rebellious during this time. You might want to assert your independence and express your desires. At the same time, you may feel doing so will impede your growth.
If Black Moon Lilith transits your natal Jupiter, you may feel disconnected from your beliefs. You might feel they are restricting you and holding you back. You’ll want to change them and become a more authentic version of yourself.
The Jupiter-Black Moon Lilith quincunx can bring beneficial change during a transit, but it may also be difficult to accept or create change for yourself. This transit can bring great rewards, but only if you do the work.
It may be difficult to assert your freedom and independence if there are forces in your life holding you back. Societal pressure, family, or a partner might prevent you from expressing your true power.
Your own beliefs may also be holding you back. If you have some restrictive or unhealthy views about desires and your darker side, it will be difficult for you to express yourself authentically, even if you want to.
To work through this quincunx and use the energy of this transit positively, you must be willing to be uncomfortable. Asserting yourself and expressing yourself more authentically might be difficult initially, but it will be worth it.
Question your beliefs without fear. Fight against outside influences that prevent you from growing and improving as you’d like. Connect to your desires and find a way to express them that leaves you feeling fulfilled.
Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith in synastry can create a disconnect between the belief system of the Jupiter partner and the Black Moon Lilith partner’s inner shadow and darker side.
The way the Black Moon Lilith partner expresses their power and sexuality might not align with the Jupiter partner’s beliefs about freedom, sex, and desire.
Sometimes, the Jupiter partner is the one with more restrictive beliefs about sexuality. The Black Moon Lilith partner might be too wild for them.
Other times, the Black Moon Lilith partner is the one who is repressed in some way. The Jupiter partner may instead have an expansive, open-minded view of sex and desire.
Either way, these two will clash over their worldviews. They may also have opposing perspectives, with the Jupiter partner being more optimistic and the Black Moon Lilith partner taking a darker view of things.
These two may be unable to express their true desires to one another for reasons they might not even understand. This lack of authentic expression is one of the Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith cons. It can be difficult for this couple to connect and form a bond.
Each partner may have a desire to explore, though. They might explore in different ways or have different focuses. They should lean into this exploration and learn to gain new experiences together to work through this quincunx.
These two can have a powerful relationship where they are free to grow and be themselves. These are some of the Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith pros.
If the Jupiter partner’s beliefs get in the way of the Black Moon Lilith partner’s expression, they should re-evaluate those beliefs. If they’re harmful, they should work to rise above them.
If the Black Moon Lilith partner is too restricted to experience the growth the Jupiter partner desires, these two should work together. They can free the Black Moon Lilith partner’s true desires and release their inhibitions.
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Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith in a Composite Chart indicates a couple may struggle with growth, freedom, independence, and desires within their relationship.
Each partner might have trouble expressing their true self to the other. They may also want to assert their freedom and power but believe being in a relationship in the first place is holding them back from doing so.
They might not express their desires if these two believe they have incompatible ones. They may refuse to open up and communicate, but that will block them from growing as a couple.
Harmful views around sexuality or primal urges can prevent this couple from bonding. They might fail to communicate their desires out of shame. However, they can also grow and rise above that shame together.
Sometimes, it will feel like this relationship is blocking each person’s growth. That likely isn’t the case, though. Neither partner wants to control the other or stop them from doing anything.
This couple can learn how to work with the energy of this quincunx positively. They can experience growth as individuals and as a couple. They can express their power without impeding the other’s power.
This relationship has the potential to release both partners from harmful views, shame, and inauthentic expression. They can learn how to express themselves to one another without fear of judgment.
Even if this couple has different desires, they can learn to embrace them. They can compromise and explore together. They can respect their differences while connecting over their similarities.
Together, this couple can grow. They can become who they truly want to be and have the relationship they each desire. It will take some time to get there, but they can form a strong bond if they’re willing to work.
Solar Return
Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith during a solar return can indicate that the upcoming year will be transformative and eye-opening in some way, but only if you’re willing to work with the energy of this quincunx and allow yourself to grow.
The year following this solar return may be tense, uncomfortable, or challenging to deal with at first. You may feel like your sense of positivity and optimism is out of alignment with your darker shadow side.
That discomfort can bring growth if you let it, though. You might feel angry about restrictions in your life or resentful if you can’t reach your goals or express yourself how you’d like to.
Jupiter inconjunct Black Moon Lilith can help you open up and expand your world. It can give you the confidence to express your true self and connect to all parts of yourself.
You can spend this year examining your shadow self and learning from it. Being open-minded and willing to acknowledge your darker desires can help you grow and become a better person.
You can use the energy of this quincunx to shed beliefs that no longer serve you. If certain beliefs or ideas make you feel ashamed, move past them. Allow yourself to be more authentic and connect to beliefs that leave you feeling content and fulfilled.
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