Eros opposite the South Node puts passion, desire, and sexuality at odds with comfort, unresolved karma, and the past.
Moving on from baggage and trauma and finding one’s full potential will involve intimate connections with others and the fulfillment of desires.
What does Eros opposite the South Node mean? This opposition creates tension between Eros’ intimate, passionate nature and the South Node’s ties to past karma, innate talents, and comfort zones.
Individuals may feel a magnetic pull away from their South Node and toward their North Node. Couples can move on from the past and discard baggage because of the intimate connection they form with one another.
The past might have involved a lack of expression or the inability to connect to desires. However, the future can be magnetic and passionate. Overcoming unresolved karma and trauma will involve forming connections.
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Eros Opposite South Node Natal
Eros opposite the South Node in a chart can give someone the energy they need to move on from the past and into the future. Their desires will align with their life path, making it easier for them to follow it.
However, people with this aspect in their charts still have to work to move on from the South Node and their past. They might feel a pull toward the future and be excited about it, but they have unresolved karma and baggage like everyone else.
If you have Eros opposite the South Node in your Natal Chart, there might be an element of destiny in your relationships and the people you feel attracted to. Your partners and other romantic pursuits can help lead you into the future.
You won’t always feel a strong tie to your desires, though. You might have felt a pull toward them from a young age, but you may not know how to pursue them. Your comfort zone may even lie in not going after them.
You will likely want to move out of that comfort zone, though. You might have been denied certain desires growing up, but you will develop healthier, positive views as you grow.
As you resolve negative karma and move on from the past, you will feel more connected to your desires. You can easily discern what you are attracted to and who you want to pursue.
Experimentation and intimate connections are part of your life path. You are meant to explore your desires, not deny them. When you truly tap into the energy of Eros, you can flourish and discard past baggage. You can move forward into the future just as you want.
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Eros Opposite South Node Transit
Eros opposite the South Node during a transit calls for you to move on from the past if you want to pursue your passions and fulfill your inner desires. This might be difficult, but it will be gratifying when you succeed.
If Eros transits your natal South Node, your desires may not align with your comfort zone. You will have to discard certain beliefs or baggage to move forward.
If the South Node transits your natal Eros, you might feel your past is at war with your current need to express yourself. There are unresolved issues you must work through during this time.
The Eros-South Node opposition highlights the tension between your past and the future as they relate to your passions, desires, and intimacy needs. This transit can be a challenging time, but it will also be exciting.
You have vital lessons you must learn about desire and sexuality. You can become more confident and self-assured when you are willing to move on from the past during this transit.
Connect to your sexuality, creative energy, and desires during this time. Even if you have baggage or trauma that has held you back, you can discard those things and become who you are meant to be.
Your intimate connections can help you during this time. If you feel magnetically pulled toward someone, allow yourself to be drawn to them. Pay attention to who and what you are attracted to.
You can explore your passions and desires during this time. You can unlock powerful chemistry with a current partner or a potential love interest. You could resolve negative karma, overcome trauma during this transit, and move forward into the future when it is over.
Eros Opposite South Node Synastry
Eros opposite the South Node in synastry creates tension between one partner’s desires and forms of intimate expression and the other partner’s unresolved karma, comfort zone, and past.
The Eros partner in this relationship may express themselves in unfamiliar yet exciting ways. This can be overwhelming, especially if the South Node partner is not ready to move on from certain baggage or past trauma.
The South Node partner in this relationship will feel a magnetic pull toward the Eros partner. These two may have been together in a past life, or the South Node partner might be meant to learn valuable lessons from the Eros partner.
While these two can be drawn to one another in certain ways, they can be repelled in others, which is one of the Eros opposite the South Node cons. They don’t always understand one another and may not feel they have compatible desires.
These two likely do have strong sexual chemistry, though. The Eros partner’s desires, passion, and ways of connecting might be exactly what the South Node partner needs, even if the South Node partner is afraid to express certain desires.
Both partners must learn to communicate their desires and set boundaries. The South Node partner must work through any baggage related to sexuality and intimacy. The Eros partner must be patient and compassionate.
These two can discover a bond beyond sexual chemistry if they work together. They can develop emotional intimacy as well and learn to trust one another. These are some of the Eros opposite the South Node pros.
This aspect can sometimes be intense and overwhelming, but both partners can work through that if they are willing to embrace and accept one another. They can each discover more about their sexuality and passions.
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Eros Opposite South Node Composite
Eros opposite the South Node in a Composite Chart can create a strong connection between desires and the future for a couple but some tension between their passions and the past.
There is a strong karmic bond between this pair. This aspect calls for them to grow and transform their views about sexuality, passion, and intimacy so they can move forward into the future.
One partner may have trouble expressing their desires because of past baggage. The other might feel connected to specific desires but won’t open up. Both partners will need to be vulnerable with one another if they want to connect.
Both partners need to deal with repressed desires. They will feel a magnetic attraction to one another, but that might be terrifying in some ways. Their potential bond will be unfamiliar, and they must leave their comfort zones.
Being willing to be uncomfortable temporarily will come with great rewards, though. These two can unlock passion and creativity in one another. They can discover they have shared desires and a strong potential to bond sexually and emotionally.
This couple may find acceptance in one another, even if they thought particular desires could never be fulfilled. These two can explore intimacy and sexuality together in ways they might not be able to with others.
This relationship can change how both partners see themselves and their sexualities. By working together and forming a bond, they can learn karmic lessons and discard past baggage and beliefs that hold them back.
This couple can get closer to reaching their destiny when they are together. They will likely have shared goals and shared life paths. No matter how long this relationship lasts, it will permanently impact how both partners express desires and connect to others.
Eros Opposite South Node Solar Return
Eros opposite the South Node during a solar return typically indicates that you will feel pulled into the future in the upcoming year. You will feel a magnetic call toward your destiny and full potential.
Answering that call will involve letting go of past baggage and moving on from trauma and unresolved karma. You can only express yourself and fulfill your desires if you move on from anything that holds you back.
You might feel a burst of creativity or passion in the upcoming year. You could meet someone you feel instant chemistry with or form a more intimate and pleasurable bond with a current partner.
Your relationships and connections with others can be crucial to achieving your full potential in the year following this solar return. Even if you find connecting to others or expressing your desires difficult, you must do so to move forward.
Eros will pull you toward success, but only if you allow it to. Your higher calling and life path could align with your inner desires, but you must unlock them and remove any blocks that keep you from fulfilling them.
Connect to your inner self and discover your desires. Examine your relationship with your sexuality and your views about intimacy. If you have any harmful or outdated beliefs, be willing to leave them behind and develop healthier ones.
You can discover a lot about yourself in the upcoming year. You can resolve the karma your soul has been holding onto and learn valuable lessons. You can find hidden desires and passions you never knew existed.
By the end of this year, you could be on the right path. You may finally feel that whatever was holding you back from expressing your desires is discarded.
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