What sign is December 26? People born on this day are Capricorns. They are born in the first decan of Capricorn.
These Capricorns are incredibly reliable people. You can always trust them to be there when you really need them.
Saturn rules Capricorn. The first decan has no subruler, so these Capricorns tend to express typical Capricorn traits.
Like many earth signs, December 26 Capricorns are highly grounded. They often enjoy activities that get them close to the earth, such as hiking.
These Capricorns are prone to stress and overworking, so these activities are extremely important for them.
Many of these Capricorns have good hearts and deeply love their friends and families, but they aren’t always outwardly emotional. They might seem distant but can form close, intimate bonds with others.
Date | December 26 |
Sign | Capricorn ♑︎ |
Symbol | Sea goat |
Element | Earth |
Quality | Cardinal |
Ruler | Saturn |
Strengths | Reliable, Supportive, Loyal |
Weaknesses | Stubborn, Stressed, Overwork |
Opposite sign | Cancer ♋︎ |
Best match | Cancer, Taurus, Virgo |
Worst match | Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius |
Birthstone | Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite |
Tarot birth cards | The High Priestess, Justice |
Angel number | 11 |
Spirit animals | Goat, Spider, Ox |
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The December 26 horoscope has some opposing characteristics. These Capricorns often seem overly logical and emotionally distant like others. They have a softer side, though. It just isn’t always outwardly expressed.
Like many Capricorns, these ones are prone to overworking themselves. They can become workaholics who take on far more than they can handle. This is often because they want to help others, not because they don’t think others are capable.
These Capricorns are incredibly reliable. If they make a promise, they will keep it. If they make plans, they will be there at the scheduled time (if not early).
Capricorns born on this day sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves in ways others can understand. Others may find them emotionally closed off even when they are trying to show love or support.
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A December 26 Capricorn’s purpose is to find more joy in their lives. They will be happier when they can form intimate connections with others and relax more!
These Capricorns sometimes seem overly rigid or severe, pushing others away. They need to get more comfortable expressing their soft side. They can also teach others not to judge a book by its cover.
Many of these Capricorns need to learn that overworking themselves isn’t helpful. They might think they can do everything themselves, but they can’t.
That’s okay! They will go further in life when they can ask for the same help and support they offer others.
Positive Traits
The December 26 personality is reliable, supportive, and loyal. These Capricorns have a lot of love to give and have good hearts underneath their serious exterior.
These Capricorns are great people to have on your team at work or school. They try their best never to let others down. If they say they will finish a task at a particular time, they will.
Capricorns born on this day are loyal to the people they love. If a friend needs them, they will be there to help them out in any way they can. Even if they are swamped, they always try to find time for their loved ones.
These Capricorns work well with others. They are polite and do their best to listen to everyone. Even if others disagree with them, they try to hear them out.
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Negative Traits
The Capricorn personality is known for being overly serious. These Capricorns aren’t always serious or rigid on the inside, but they have a hard time showing that to others.
These Capricorns want to show they care but don’t always know how. Their love language and how they express themselves might not be compatible with how others expect them to express themselves.
Many of these Capricorns have a stubborn side. Even if they are stressed out and overworked, they will insist that they are fine and continue working anyway.
The best match for Capricorns born on this day is Taurus. Taurus is a hard-working, grounded earth sign, but they also know how to relax and have fun!
Taurus is great at getting Capricorn to slow down and practice self-care. Capricorn sees that Taurus is also hard-working and has a logical side, so they are more likely to listen to them when Taurus says they need to take a break.
Virgo and Cancer are also excellent matches for Capricorn. Virgo is likely to understand Capricorn’s love language even when others don’t.
Cancer is patient and compassionate. They will also try to understand Capricorn and give them the support they need.
The worst match for Capricorn is Gemini, Sagittarius, or Aquarius. Gemini and Sagittarius are far too free-spirited and spontaneous for stable Capricorn.
Aquarius will likely take Capricorn’s emotional distance at face value and not look for their softer emotional side.
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Capricorn’s communication style is direct. These Capricorns tend to be polite but don’t go out of their way to speak much unless necessary.
Many Capricorns are well-spoken. They aren’t chatty. They can clearly convey their ideas, especially in the workplace. They are intelligent and have interesting views and opinions to offer others.
However, many of these Capricorns won’t say anything more than they feel they need to. They will state things in a clear, concise way that they think is understandable.
If you want clarification or want to learn more from them, you will need to ask and maybe pry a little.
These Capricorns often find themselves drawn to compassionate, emotionally open people. They value these traits in others because these are traits they don’t always know how to express.
Stability and responsibility are also important to these Capricorns. They might want a partner who expresses their soft side easily, but they don’t want someone irresponsible or overly childish.
It can sometimes be difficult for these Capricorns to act on their attraction to others. They like to be sure someone will be compatible with them before they approach them or try to initiate anything.
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These Capricorns don’t date around often. They are too busy most of the time! They have work and family commitments, and they also need to make time for their friends.
When these Capricorns date, they date with a purpose. They want to find a long-term partner, not just endlessly date around and have multiple flings or short-lived relationships.
These Capricorns like impressing their dates. They will dress up in their best clothes, take them to a fine restaurant, and treat them well. These Capricorns are the type to pull out their date’s chair for them or foot the bill.
Capricorn’s love language tends to be quality time. Hard-working, busy Capricorns will show they care by scheduling time with their loved ones. These Capricorns may also use acts of service.
These Capricorns aren’t always emotionally expressive, even when it comes to love. The way they show love for others isn’t grand, and it isn’t always noticeable.
A Capricorn born on this day might show they care by always making your coffee exactly how you like it. They may tidy up your space for you.
They may also do small things like wear gifts you’ve given them or a shirt you once complimented them on.
If a Capricorn goes out of their way to spend time with you, they care about you. Even if it’s just meeting up for coffee, they are saying they love you.
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A relationship with Capricorn might not be for everyone, but it can be gratifying and grounding. Capricorns are loyal, supportive partners who know that relationships take work.
These Capricorns will have successful relationships when they find partners who genuinely take the time to understand them and how they express love.
They don’t show their love with grand gestures, and that’s okay! The right person will understand that.
Many of these Capricorns find it challenging to put work aside and relax. If they feel stressed out, they might withdraw or work even more, especially if their relationship is the source of stress.
Most of the time, these Capricorns just need to learn how to ask for help. They will have happier relationships when they can open up to their partner more and seek the support they need.
Capricorns take marriage seriously. They are not the type to get married on a whim or propose to somebody after dating only a couple of months (or even a couple of years).
When these Capricorns get married, they want to be confident they are marrying the right person. If they have any doubts, they will not want to move forward in the relationship until those doubts are cleared up.
These Capricorns can be stubborn, which may sometimes work in their favor. Once they commit, they will stick to that commitment and make every effort to have a successful marriage.
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Capricorn’s sexuality isn’t always obvious. Many Capricorns enjoy sex. They just aren’t as open about it as other signs are.
It’s common for Capricorns to fall into a routine when they have sex. They aren’t that adventurous, though they might try new things if they think it will please their partner.
Above all else, Capricorns are safe during sex. They don’t usually like to engage in casual sex, and they don’t practice risky behavior. They want to ensure both they and their partners are safe.
People Born on December 26

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