A Cancer woman’s negative traits can be challenging to deal with sometimes, especially if you aren’t aware of them.
Cancer women might have many positive traits, but they aren’t perfect. They can be moody, possessive, and even manipulative, just as easily as they can be compassionate and kind.
Some of a Cancer woman’s negative traits are the flipside of her positive ones. Her caring, nurturing nature can become clingy and possessive if she goes too far.
Her sensitivity can be good, but she can also become moody and overly emotional.
Cancer women are prone to overthinking and pessimism. They can be insecure and obsessive, and it isn’t easy to calm them down or get them to look on the bright side.
Cancer women sometimes have a manipulative side. Their ability to read people and put them at ease can be harmful when used for the wrong things.
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1. Moody
Being moody is one of a Cancer woman’s negative characteristics. This is often the most obvious one if you’ve spent a lot of time around Cancer women.
Cancer women aren’t moody all the time. They are great to be around when they are in a good mood! If a Cancer woman is upset, she’s usually terrible at hiding her bad attitude.
A Cancer woman can sometimes have wild mood swings. She’ll seem perfectly fine one minute, then become depressed or furious the next. It’s not always easy to tell what will set her off.
Cancer women sometimes try to hide their moodiness but usually can’t. It will be obvious even if a Cancer woman doesn’t want you to know she’s upset with you.
Her poor mood will be apparent to everyone around her whether she likes it or not.
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2. Possessive
Her possessive tendencies can be one of a Cancer woman’s red flags. Not all Cancer women are possessive, but this is something many of them struggle with.
Cancer women aren’t always trying to be possessive. They enjoy spending quality time with their loved ones. Being around the people they care about most makes them feel good.
Cancer women also worry about their loved ones when they aren’t around. That concern can quickly become too much, though!
A possessive Cancer woman might constantly check in with you to see what you’re doing and who you’re with. She will become upset if you don’t reply to her messages and will call and text until she gets a response.
A possessive Cancer woman might also act jealous. She might not like it when her partner talks to other women, especially when she’s not around.
3. Pessimistic
One of a Cancer woman’s bad qualities is her tendency to become pessimistic when feeling sad or upset. She’s not always able to look on the bright side!
Some Cancer women are great at cheering others up and getting them to think optimistically. They aren’t always good at finding silver linings for themselves, though.
A Cancer woman will sometimes worry about everything that could go wrong. Some Cancer women won’t take any risks or try new things because they are too worried that something terrible will happen.
It’s easy for a Cancer woman’s pessimistic mood to spread to others, too. If she’s anxious, she won’t always be able to hide that. She can definitely bring down the mood by bringing up everything that could go wrong.
A pessimistic Cancer woman can learn to overcome this. She usually needs a lot of reassurance and help from others, though!
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4. Clingy
A Cancer woman’s personality is often attentive, affectionate, and caring. There are downsides to that, though! Many Cancer women can become clingy toward the people they love.
Some of her negative traits result from a Cancer woman’s positive traits going too far. Sometimes, it’s nice when a Cancer woman wants to spend time with you and take care of you. If she doesn’t give you space, it can become a problem.
Some Cancer women are more clingy than others. Some are only clingy if they feel insecure. If a Cancer woman thinks her partner is pulling away, she will often cling harder instead of giving them space.
A Cancer woman might not always realize she’s being clingy, especially if you don’t say anything about it. If she cares about you, she can listen and learn to give you space, but you must talk to her.
5. Manipulative
Being manipulative is one of a Cancer woman’s toxic traits. Not all Cancer women are manipulative. They can overcome this trait even if they are. It’s easy for Cancer women to become manipulative, though.
Cancer women are generally very in-tune with the emotions of those around them. They are highly attentive. Many people feel comfortable around Cancer women and will freely open up to them, too.
A manipulative Cancer woman will use her ability to make people feel comfortable to control others and get what she wants. It’s easy for her to get secrets from people and then use those secrets against them.
Some Cancer women also use their emotional natures to manipulate others. They might cry to get what they want or lash out when things aren’t going their way.
They may also hold it against you when they do you a favor until you do something for them.
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6. Obsessive
Being obsessive is one of a Cancer woman’s characteristics that can sometimes appear in her relationships. It’s easy for her to become too into the people she dates.
Cancer women sometimes fall in love a little too quickly. They come on too strong or end up too attached to the people they date.
A Cancer woman who is used to being taken advantage of or who has had some bad relationships in the past might become obsessed with someone who shows her a bit of kindness or validation.
You’ll know a Cancer woman is obsessed because she will act like you’re in a relationship after one or two dates. She’ll call and message you constantly. She’ll become upset if you don’t return her feelings or want what she wants.
7. Insecure
The dark side of a Cancer woman usually comes out when she feels insecure. Insecurity is often the source of her possessive, obsessive, or clingy behavior.
Everyone gets insecure sometimes, but Cancer women don’t always seek support or deal with their insecurities in healthy or productive ways.
A Cancer woman sometimes lets her insecurities get the best of her. She might feel like nobody can genuinely love or understand her and turn people away because of that, even if they do care about her.
A Cancer woman might act out because of her insecurities. If she’s insecure about her relationship, she might become clingy. She may do things she regrets because she’s worried about her partner leaving or betraying her somehow.
Cancer women often need a lot of reassurance. They don’t always ask for it, though. That is what makes their insecurities get the best of them.
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8. Overthinking
Overthinking is one of a Cancer woman’s weaknesses. She can’t help but worry too much and sometimes overthinks so much that she creates problems that genuinely don’t exist.
This often goes along with a Cancer woman’s pessimism or her insecurities. She sometimes gets in her head and starts thinking about all the possible ways things could go wrong for her.
A Cancer woman’s overthinking doesn’t just affect her. If she is constantly overthinking and worrying about your relationship, that can start to wear on you both.
You will likely have to reassure or convince her that she’s just making things up to worry about.
It can take a long time for a Cancer woman to learn how to stop overthinking everything. It’s difficult for her to stop once she starts, especially if she won’t ask for help.
9. Holds Grudges
One thing Cancer women share in common with their fellow water sign, Scorpio, is their ability to hold grudges. Cancer women can be forgiving, but they often don’t forget about it when someone hurts them.
If you hurt a Cancer woman’s feelings, she won’t always say something about it. She might not even ask for an apology. She will remember it, though, and she might hold it against you later.
Cancer women sometimes have a difficult time letting go of things. If someone they love says something insensitive, they might remember it years later, even if they’ve already said they forgave them for it.
You won’t always know a Cancer woman is holding a grudge against you until she throws it in your face during an argument. She can hold onto things for years, only to suddenly bring them up seemingly out of the blue.
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10. Overly Emotional
What is a Cancer woman’s biggest flaw? She sometimes lets her emotions take control of her. Being emotional isn’t always bad, but Cancer women can become overly emotional.
Cancer women usually follow their hearts. This can be a good thing sometimes, but it can also get them in trouble.
An overly emotional Cancer woman won’t always listen to reason. If she’s upset during an argument, you likely won’t be able to have a discussion with her. You’ll have to wait for her to calm down first.
If a Cancer woman is entirely led by her emotions, she won’t always act in logical ways. She might ignore red flags because she loves someone.
If something feels good, she might ignore potential danger instead of being cautious like usual.
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