Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node indicates an easy connection to your past. Creativity helps you express your deeper desires.
You are comfortable advocating for yourself and setting boundaries. You are open to unusual sexual interests.
Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node makes you eager to assert power and express your unique talents. You are comfortable expressing your Shadow side.
You may lash out over unresolved past wounds. Your Karmic lessons involve learning from the past and integrating your dark fantasies so you can move on.
You are stuck in the past, and remaining angry over old slights motivates you. Yet you can stay on autopilot and rehash your old grievances rather than heal.
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Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Natal Chart makes you creative and resilient. You are willful and insist on having your way. You are often stuck in the past and avoid moving on from hardships.
You may replay situations that make you angry rather than process your subconscious feelings and move on. You can work to overcome past slights by using your creative instincts.
You have a gift for channeling your deep rage and releasing anger unapologetically. You are true to yourself and define your identity by your past. You connect to past life wisdom, which fuels your grievances.
You may be angry about situations you can’t pinpoint. Your past life experiences and unhealed wounds can influence your experiences in this lifetime. You react to subconscious wounds by lashing out at people around you.
You clash with people who encourage you to change. You are dramatic and can be intense. You pursue your favorite passions, yet you don’t quickly adapt to new situations.
You may be comfortable with your sexual desires and inner feelings when you are with people who make you feel validated. Yet, you can be reserved when venturing into new territory.
You are motivated to express your inner desires. You can amplify your subconscious rage and unleash passion when in familiar territory. You need an anchor to your past to feel comfortable.
With effort, you become comfortable exploring your deep desires. You need encouragement to release your past anger and overcome rage. Your creative gifts align with your best attributes.
You are sexually expressive and fascinated by taboo topics. You seek excitement and feel comfortable with drama. You long to be in charge and need freedom to express your unique perspective.
Black Moon Lilith sextiles the South Node in the Natal Chart, making you expressive and bold. You are excitable and react to triggers without thinking. You get stuck easily and are set in your ways.
Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node pros include confidence and independence. You are true to yourself and inspire others. You are more determined to be heard and rebel against tradition.
The Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node cons include being stuck in the past. You are reluctant to deal with conflicts and move on. Past hardships influence you, and you cling to unhealed anger.
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Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Transit Chart leading you to unleash your deeper desires. You are more expressive and bolder now. You push boundaries and assert your desires.
You are assertive and express your unique perspective now. You push through obstacles and succeed, thanks to your dramatic nature. Your bold and sexual nature helps you feel secure.
You are comfortable with your dramatic and dark fantasies. You feel secure unleashing raw emotions when you are in familiar settings. You are strong and self-assured, yet you may be comfortable using anger to intimidate others.
You can be more open to sexual exploration and finding your higher mission. You are Karmically attuned to your past lives and find wisdom from your experience. You are not afraid to make waves and push buttons now.
Your dramatic instincts and pent-up rage rise to the surface. You are self-assured and confident in your taboo desires. You are comfortable showing off your unique perspective.
Your passions surface, and you may be more attuned to your Shadow side now. Unleash your raw power and express your latent power. You become comfortable with your taboo sexual desires now.
The Back Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Transit Chart makes you intense and dramatic. You find empowerment by being true to yourself and sticking to your past wisdom.
The Black Moon Lilith-South Node sextile makes you confident in yourself. You express your independent nature and desire for freedom. You are attuned to your inner wisdom which helps you succeed.
What does the Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node mean in a relationship? The Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Synastry Chart indicates the partners are attuned to each other’s destiny and passions.
The Black Moon Lilith partner is passionate and expressive. They are independent and seek freedom and autonomy. The Black Moon Lilith person is dramatic and brings excitement to the relationship.
The Black Moon Lilith person supports the South Node partner’s desires, encouraging them to explore their higher purpose. They encourage the South Node partner to pursue their higher vision.
The Black Moon Lilith person is determined to express their unique perspective. They have a gift for exploring their inner passions and encourage the South Node partner to express their subconscious needs.
The South Node partner is Karmically linked to the Black Moon Lilith partner. They see the best in their partner and can be encouraging. The South Node partner finds courage and confidence in their Black Moon Lilith partner.
The South Node partner is authentic and needs their connection to the past to feel secure. The Black Moon Lilith and South Node partner help each other overcome limitations.
They encourage each other to break from tradition and explore their best potential. The couple has an intense sexual connection and uses their deep, raw emotions to express their creative gifts.
The Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in a Synastry Chart is an ideal placement for rebelliousness and sensuality. The partners help each other find their destiny and release past wounds.
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Black moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Composite Chart indicates partners who encourage each other’s wild and rebellious nature. They are comfortable with drama and excite each other.
They bring out the best in each other and support each other’s growth and rebellious desires. The partners are attracted to their Shadow nature. Their dark desires make them clash.
The partners are intense and help each other confront buried truths. They bring out the best in each other and force each other to exert their willful desires.
The partners have a gift for helping each other overcome stagnation. They push each other beyond their comfort zone and encourage each other to live up to their higher mission.
The couple has sexual chemistry. They are attracted to each other because of their carefree nature. Their independent and autonomous personalities align well. The couple has a harmonious connection, yet they are never bored.
The partners are dramatic and have a labile relationship. The partners help each other find the strength to fulfill their taboo fantasies. Their sexual desires are uplifting and empowering.
The Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Composite Chart makes the partners influence each other to move on from past wounds. They help each other release pent-up anger.
Solar Return
The Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Solar Return Chart is an ideal placement for empowerment and authenticity in the year ahead. You are more open about your pent-up frustrations and desires.
You become more comfortable sticking to your boundaries and maintaining autonomy. In the months to come, you will be authentic and courageous. You have opportunities to heal past wounds and release anger from the past.
You indulge in vengeful fantasies and give in to your dark side. Your Shadow nature makes you more rebellious and determined to assert your desires. You are passionate about your dramatic desires and fantasies this year.
You are passionate about your desires and open about your sexual fantasies. You are more attracted to people who share your wild side and love of taboo topics. The year ahead makes you more open to exploring your rebellious nature.
You are passionate about your gifts and make the most of your unique desires this year. You are authentic and use your creative instincts to heal past resentments.
The Black Moon Lilith sextile the South Node in the Solar Return Chart makes you more carefree. You find your authentic nature and become comfortable indulging in your lusty desires.
When the Black Moon Lilith sextiles the South Node, you are uninhibited. You chase desires and can be more provocative than usual. You unleash anger and flaunt your passionate, unbridled desires.
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